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Doctor J

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Everything posted by Doctor J

  1. They're certainly the same pics in both auctions.
  2. Between them, Bloodstock and Wacken they have enough great archive footage to keep us going for a long time 🙂
  3. You make me look rational and, for that, I thank you 😁
  4. Of course it's possible, but try to understand why you feel the need to justify it to yourself one way or the other.
  5. Because it wasn’t a 5 string Stingray? I had to sell a load of gear to cover legal costs after separating with the missus a few years ago. Everything I had sold previously was by choice but, with these, I needed to raise cash fast and would have preferred to keep them. I particularly miss: 1980 L1000 Late 90’s battered Stingray, it had been used to smash open a safe but such a nice player Bacchus Woodline P, I think someone here has it now PRS EB, such a very nice bass
  6. “PLAY HAMMER SMASHED FAAAAAACE!!!” Yeah, don’t miss that at all 😂
  7. Yeah. They should have spent a bit more time where the scratchplate meets the neck pickup. That just doesn’t work. It looks poor.
  8. For sure. I suspect there are also those who have no idea what they actually want from an instrument, but just feel the need to buy something, as we frequently see so many bizarre and different pairings in the “What should I get?” threads. I’d say a lot of these get moved on too.
  9. He's a great player with more interesting basslines to his credit than most. I saw them quite a few times in the 90's and they were always great fun live.
  10. I believe ABBA also frequently double tracked drums, particularly for choruses.
  11. The cuts into the waist are deeper too.
  12. It looks quite subtle but there is a lot of wood not there. You definitely feel it on a strap when standing, not just the weight but the size against your belly 😁
  13. I am done. After an interesting quest to find rare Japanese tuner buttons and bridges, I reassembled this last week. The headstock crack has been stabilised, glued and is now solid as a rock. The bridge abomination has been cast into the murky past with the arrival of a replacement part sourced from Deviser. The pearloid tuner button required a custom order from Gotoh via an agent in Canada. I stripped and stained the body, more in sympathy with the blocks and binding, I feel - though the sooner the whiteness akin to a contemporary twentysomething’s bleached teeth has faded, the better. i also added series/parallel switching which I am quite delighted with. The bass was originally hardwired in serial and I am enjoying the flexibility, much preferring the parallel sound with the set of Chromes I strung it with. I also added a Hipshot string tree which adds a level of consistency to the break angle across all four strings. Overall, I am delighted. It sounds and plays wonderfully, so very playable. Perfect.
  14. My gripe is the "Whaaaaaat?" caption, it reeks of the tantalising "You just won't believe what this bass did on holiday!" kind of crap which I am just oh so weary of. As I age, I appreciate the simple approach of Dragnet - Just the facts. I don't need any sensationalised tabloid type nonsense approach to pull me in. Tell me about the bass. Play it. Let me hear it. Then I'll clik, I promise. I don't care for the other guff and the guy is probably selling his video short by adopting this approach based on the other comments here, but I'm still not gonna click that picture 😂 Drax's post has made me even more interested in the Berlin model. Hmmm, need to find a cheap one somewhere.
  15. So you pay for the flats, too 😉
  16. A lot of the price you pay goes to covering Fender’s quite extravagant marketing budget. You hardly think that “P bass ‘n’ flats ‘n’ Leo got it right first time!!!” wave came about by chance, surely?
  17. I’d really like to have some time with one of the Jeff Berlin models, as Cort make some really fine instruments when they want to, but that clickbait image for the video is enough to make me not want to click 😁
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