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Everything posted by deaver

  1. [quote name='Bassassin' post='482640' date='May 8 2009, 01:24 AM']Excellent - lots of hi-res pics in the Porn section please! And if it's not for you I'll happily take it off your hands. Unless it's got a neck like a corkscrew! :ph34r: J.[/quote] Picked it up this afternoon. Pictures and whatever sort of report I can muster coming your way next weekend. Lovely shape to the front face of the body, thanks again for the tip-off.
  2. [quote name='Bassassin' post='481560' date='May 7 2009, 01:19 AM']Somebody down south [b]just buy this[/b], don't argue - it's buttons for something this unique & stunning: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=170329151446"]El Maya through-neck original - £175 BIN[/url] If he'd post it, I'd pull the trigger without a second thought. J.[/quote] Your wish is my command. I'll let you know how I get on with it. PS: If I don't like it - I have no qualms about posting it
  3. Can't stand it any longer PM on its way
  4. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='471956' date='Apr 25 2009, 12:21 AM']You name your strings???[/quote] Obviously. The fat one's, the 'serious' one, the next one's the 'talented' one, the next one's the 'funny' one and the thin one's the 'quiet' one.
  5. [quote name='OldGit' post='471944' date='Apr 24 2009, 11:41 PM']There certainly were hardly any Alembics in the UK in the 70's but was that the first active basses?[/quote] First 'active from the ground up' according to the book.
  6. The Bass Player book lists 'The Great Basses' in this (chronological) order: 1951 Fender Precision 1959 Fender Precision 1960 Fender Jazz 1964 Hofner 500/1 1967 Rickenbacker 4001S 1971 Alembic 1979 Music Man Stingray Who am I to disagree
  7. Probably a good job you didn't bring this over to Salisbury last Friday. Tempting but I think I'll let BBC sweat a while.
  8. deaver


    Came down from Banbury with Mrs Skank through the wretched Salisbury traffic to pick up my Ashdown combo. Had the pleasure of listening to him play the (now departed) Telecaster and my Jap Precision. Plenty of chat, not long enough though, and a cuppa. Deal with full confidence
  9. [b]What [/b]made you the bassist you are today? Not playing between the ages of 22 - 44 [b]Who [/b]do you think had the biggest influences on how you play now? The Bass Player book, bought it secondhand and it sort of got me started again [b]Where [/b]do you think you want to go from here? More gigs, bigger gigs [b]Why [/b]do you think you want to go there? Didn't do enough first time round [b]Do you believe[/b] you have a "personality" on the bass? Clumsy and rheumatic [b]Specialist question:[/b] [i][b]What [/b]is it you love about that 1971 P-Bass?[/i] It makes me look as if I've been playing all the time
  10. Sold to a very nice Slovakian called Peter. Very good player he was too.
  11. OK Part II (smaller picture sizes this time, thankfully) Just about finished the sanding. Down to the bare wood in parts, so I need to have a think about sanding sealers, finishes etc. Front and back [attachment=23569:Build02_002.jpg] [attachment=23570:Build02_003.jpg] [attachment=23571:Build02_006.jpg] I'd like to end up with something that looks a little like this finish wise. A mixture of stains, waxes and/or staining waxes will have to be mulled over first: [attachment=23575:kaibuild.jpg] A word of caution, leaving your workbench outside for a couple winters leads to extreme relicing: [attachment=23574:Build02_012.jpg] Coming up in Part III, soldering and waxing
  12. [quote name='deaver' post='458154' date='Apr 9 2009, 10:18 AM']I'm pretty sure I bought and then traded mine for around the £350 mark last year. No case involved, though.[/quote] I've just checked this and it was actually £300 + p&p
  13. Can anyone help me out with this one?
  14. I've always thought he was a sound bloke, he pointed me in the right direction when I first joined the forum about £1500 ago. Completed a deal for his Zoot cab this week which just confirmed what a thoroughly decent dude he is. Expertly packaged and a super smooth deal. Great stuff.
  15. I can add my recommendation for Lee along with everyone else. He held on to the Eden head while I waited for another deal to conclude. Well packaged, great communications. Top deal with a top bloke. Just one of the many good things about this place.
  16. I was just thinking it had been a bit quiet in the South East...have a bump on me Chris. I'd love this but I'm spent out on Beedster basses.
  17. I'm pretty sure I bought and then traded mine for around the £350 mark last year. No case involved, though.
  18. I've ordered off them three times and ended up cancelling every order.
  19. If it's one like this, I'll do it for you [attachment=23421:TeleBod.jpg]
  20. deaver

    Crap Venue Notice

    No problem. I forgot to put this [url="http://www.salisburyfestival.co.uk/cms/site/news/salisbury-live-better-that-ever.aspx"]Salisbury Live 22nd - 24th May[/url] in the previous post. Not a bad idea if you want to check a few places out. We'll be at the Winchester Gate (drummerless) one night, supporting Pyeshoppe (again).
  21. deaver

    Crap Venue Notice

    Resurrection time, only just spotted this again Some possible venues for you: Five Bells, I've seen a couple of covers bands there and it is seems like a fairly normal pub gig, the band area is slightly raised from the main room which is good but your slightly cut off from the bar area, not so good. Old Ale House, usually a long waiting list to play here. Decent venue, effectively Salisbury's premier pub venue. We played bottom of the bill of three bands, the only real problem was the sound man who sat quite happily texting his mates whilst we ploughed on through wailing feedback. The Chough, only seen smaller bands and solo artists here. They do put on 4/5 piece bands so they might be worth a punt. Weekends seem to attract big haired, younger women so Mrs Deaver likes me to steer well clear. The Cloisters, used to have a regular Thursday night band spot. Seen a couple of bands go down a storm here but don't know if they still have them on. British Legion, classic Legion function room. Even if you don't go down so well the beer is dirt cheap New Inn, have started putting small bands on. The crowd looks like they'd enjoy a covers band and the 3 piece (2 guitars, 1 bass) I saw went down well. George and Dragon, they put bands on but space is a bit tight and I'm not really sure the punters enjoy it Avon Brewery, should be a good venue. Bands are being put on in the new extension to the rear. haven't seen anyone yet so can't really be sure A couple of other possibles are the Conservative Club on St Anns St (also known as St Anns Social Club to avoid the tainted brand association), The Railway/Dusthole (allegedly the only pub in Britain with two names), the Arts Centre does a Live Lunch on a Saturday afternoon and the City Hall are sometimes on the look out for support bands for the bigger boys. Porton Hotel's another possible, they have a purpose built function room out the back.
  22. Just bought this off Amazon. My copy seems a bit shoddy, I wasn't expecting that much for £8 but there are a lot of blank pages and the middle 8 pages or so are just reproductions of Bass Player covers. At least one of the exercises is missing as well. Has anyone else got a copy I could compare it with so I can decide whether or not to return it.
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