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Everything posted by DoubleOhStephan

  1. Prehaps. But this is a known issue so not going to come as any surprise. As long as you're expecting it, you can plan for it.
  2. And you're right not to, any prediction of the future is always highly caveated by the fact that sadly, no one is able to predict the future. The point remains, the EU economy is on the verge going into recession, the US economy has rarely looked stronger, India is exploding and we don't even know what the effect the coronavirus will have on the Chinese economy but it has the potential to seriously arrest their development. That's where the opportunity is, and the UK has first access to it before of all our nearest competitors.
  3. The EU is going to collapse, just look at the state of their economies. Without the UK, Germany and France can't afford to run it, so their economies will tank, which in turn tanks the remaining EU countries left in the bloc. End of EU. Meanwhile, the UK will have already set up trading agreements with the three biggest economies on the planet. Scotland won't leave because they'll have nowhere to go, but also there is no way they would they give up access to these markets.
  4. Seems like a short term problem to me. The bloc will have largely collapsed within ten years rendering EU visas redundant.
  5. Ahh sorry, KioGon is BC member. His looms are somewhat legendary in these parts 😁
  6. You could always buy a standard US jazz and pop a KioGon stacked knob Loom in it. I've put one in a MiM Jazz and it sounds ace (although, I should say it's been modded with a Precision pup, so isn't a traditional jazz)
  7. Does anyone set up and share a Spotify or YouTube play list for version control?
  8. Great tip. Our drummer is an ex pro, toured for 15 years etc so had a good ideo of what works live, hadn't thought of covering a live version though.
  9. This is the problem I've encountered in the past and it ultimately broke the band up. Keen to try to avoid that again
  10. @Christine was that agreed from the outset or did it evolve naturally?
  11. So much truth! 😬 So who in the band makes the decision and how?
  12. Interested in hearing how everyone chooses their set list. Is it a general consensus thing? Do you vote? Do you have a BL who had final say? What if someone really hates a particular song? Edit: I should say, I'm in the process of setting up a band so am looking for options. Cheers
  13. That's just taken me back to my early teens and first hearing Metallica - Garage Days Revisited. Absolute monster EP with 5 covers of early metal & punk and their first release with Newstead after Cliff died.
  14. This looks really good - "A Tuba to Cuba follows New Orleans' famed Preservation Hall Jazz Band as they retrace their musical roots from the storied city of jazz to the shores of Cuba and in turn discover a connection that runs much deeper than could have been imagined."
  15. Very nice and bonus points for the thread title 😁
  16. Black will look great with the maple board, nice choice 👍🏻
  17. You've just taken me right back to our first ever gig at the local pub, where the local hardman stood right at the front of the (very modest) crowd, just staring at us. Things got a bit heated when our guitarist (from a nearby town) was headbutted and had his nose broken during the mid-set break for not being a local boy. Ironically, the hardman was really whizzed off with the lad who nutted our guitarist as he was really enjoying the gig and took him outside for a "chat". Things settled down after that and we carried on with the 2nd half. Fair play to our guitarist, he just stuck some tissue up his nose and got on with it. Fun times in a small Welsh town.
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