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Everything posted by LewisK1975

  1. Tried a few different sets on my Sandberg VM5 and EXL165-5's are the ones I've settled on. 45-65-85-105 and a stunning non-tapered 135 for the Low B. Great strings!
  2. Bump for an excellent pre-amp - just recently bought the Para Driver pedal which is essentially the pedal version of the RPM. Cant imagine playing without it now!
  3. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1436360650' post='2817477'] no need to use speaker cables into active speakers, surely? [/quote] Correct - going from a passive mixer to powered/active speakers, you use instrument / mic cable..
  4. For adding a bit of dirt to your sound, I really like the EBS Billy Sheehan pedal. It splits your signal into 2 after the input and you have separate volumes for the clean and overdrive sounds so it's easy to dial in as much or as little overdirve as you want. Then also has a compressor switch with 3 settings (off, medium, high). Worth a look for you I think. It also has effects loops for the clean and overdrive via insert or 'Y' cables. I also have a sansamp paradriver (similar to the bass driver but also has a midrange control), useful for adding a bit of grit and sound shaping before the amp.. Same as everything tho, you won't know til you try them unfortunately. Nothing like your own ears to judge your sound! We are all usually our own worst critics!
  5. [quote name='Byo' timestamp='1436309668' post='2817042'] Check [url="http://www.ovnilab.com/"]http://www.ovnilab.com/[/url] for reviews of many of the comps on the market and all done by a bass player. [/quote] +1 - one of the best online resources for everything you need to know about compression. Start by reading the FAQ section right at the top of the page..
  6. Yep - just a normal XLR-XLR cable, same as a standard mic cable. Used them for years with my ABM evo ii without any issues whatsoever...
  7. I had a set of Seymour duncan QP's in an MIM Jazz 5, straight swap fit, great sound! I'd imagine the Squiers are built to the same pickup rout dimensions...
  8. All Sandberg basses have Zero Frets. That must count for something?
  9. Got the Para driver yesterday - basically the pedal version of the RPM rackmount unit. Put at the end of my chain after TU3 - EBS Billy sheehan - MXR M87 comp. Put together at home last night and very happy with the results. Set the sansamp with treble at 3pm, mid frequency at about 2.5khz, mid level at about 1:30pm, bass 12:00, drive at 11:00, blend set fully to the pedal (full CW), overall level to match volume without pedal engaged. Really brought out the top end like I'd hoped. Worth noting that it when switched on, it dramatically changes the sound of the EBS sheehan distortion channel. Had to tweak that a little! Looking forward to gig volume on the weekend now!
  10. Got the above yesterday - basically the pedal version of the RPM rackmount unit. Put at the end of my chain after TU3 - EBS Billy sheehan - MXR M87 comp. Wanted a good preamp pedal after suffering with a lack of top end from a PUMA 500 into Barefaced super compacts. Basically the EQ frequencies on the PUMA aren't well suited to the BF SC's which, lacking tweeters, top out at 4khz. Tried a Behringer BDI-21 which I had lying around and got pleasing results, but being a brand snob when it comes to gear, I wanted a sansamp - did some research (on here mainly, and youtube) and decided on the Para driver as opposed to the standard bass drived to get some more control over the mids (the para has a frequency selectable mid control). Put together at home last night and very happy with the results. Set the sansamp with treble at 3pm, mid frequency at about 2.5khz, mid level at about 1:30pm, bass 12:00, drive at 11:00, blend set fully to the pedal (full CW), overall level to match volume without pedal engaged. Really brought out the top end like I'd hoped. Worth noting that it when switched on, it dramatically changes the sound of the EBS sheehan distortion channel. Had to tweak that a little! Looking forward to gig volume on the weekend now!
  11. I've got 2 Barefaced super compacts, a Tecamp PUMA 500 and a TC BH250. All nice and lightweight and could work really well with one set for deep bottom end and the other set for top end / overdrive. Billy Sheehan has been doing it for ever so it cant be that bad an idea?!?!?
  12. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1435788203' post='2812555'] Personally, I can't stand the stock strings, and I've changed them pretty quickly on both of the brand new Sandbergs I've had. I much prefer either d'addario prosteels or Dunlop Super Brights (which is what I'm currently using). I'm using 040"-.120" gauge, but obviously that's entirely personal. As far as the setup goes, I wouldn't worry too much, because you'd probably have to tweak it within the next 6 months or so even if you kept the same strings on! Gorgeous bass btw! [/quote] Yeah I know you're right, just trying to minimize any pain, like I said, the setup of the bass was absolutely perfect, easily the best setup bass I've ever played by a country mile. I've done my own setups forever and this one was better than anything I've ever managed to do with any other bass I've owned. The B, E and A have gone a bit duff for my liking now though.. I'm pretty confident doing setups so I guess I'll just swap them over and see what happens! It's supplied with 40-60-80-100-128 and I'm gonna be putting on 45-65-85-105-135 so I wont be surprised if the neck shifts a little. I've got the right tools for the job (this is the key, plus some knowledge and patience!) so should be OK to correct for the gauge change..
  13. Here's my VM5 which I got from Bass direct in May (the picture is from their website too) I'd been playing a mex Jazz V up to that point and the difference is startling! What Strings are people generally using for replacing the supplied Sandberg ones? I'd like to keep the same gauge if possible as the setup was flawless and I dont want to mess it up!! [attachment=195460:VM5Front590.jpg] [attachment=195461:VM5Top590.jpg] [attachment=195462:VM5Head.jpg] [attachment=195463:VM5Rear590.jpg]
  14. SH1T bad luck fella - Gutting. I'll keep my eyes peeled but I doubt it'll turn up anywhere near me in South Wales but you never know...
  15. Just noticed that some of the major stores are now showing these in stock - anybody got one yet?
  16. Well the Behringer BDI21 certainly was a surprise! Did the trick regarding the top end definition beautifully! Would heartily recommend anyone wanting a Sansamp bass driver trying one of these first, they do an admirable job and you can pick em up for pennies! Having said that I am (by my own admission), a total brand snob when it comes to gear, so now I know that a preamp pedal will do the trick for me, I have invested in a sansamp para driver, should turn up this week!
  17. If you set the 2 cabs to 8 ohms and connect them in parallel with normal speaker cable, that will present a load of 4 ohms to the amp, which will be fine. Didn't know the hydrive cabs had switchable impedance though, that really is useful!
  18. [quote name='Kevin Dean' timestamp='1435230691' post='2806702'] I've just seen a great review on a couple of Barefaced cabs by Dan Veall . Dan used several styles. & had the cabs mic'd up .Why don't other manufactures do this instead just relying on crap you tube clips done on someones phone or some guy just showing of & not demonstrating the range of sound ? [/quote] Amen brother! Proper reviews please!!
  19. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1435322531' post='2807682'] Correct! Although you can do this in theory it's a bad idea in practice with non-identical cabs because they'll interact in strange ways due to their differing impedance curves - imagine getting a 12 band graphic EQ and pushing the sliders about randomly and hoping it'll sound good. That kind of bad idea! [/quote] Thanks Alex for chipping in with proper technical advice on this!
  20. Most cabs which appear to ONLY have speakon connectors actually have the combi connectors, where the centre 'hole' of the speakon connector is where you'd stick a normal jack lead. You can tell which are combi connectors by the colour - the green ones are combi connectors. Hope this helps.
  21. If you link an 8 ohm cab and a 4 ohm cab in parallel (the normal way) you'll get an impedance of 2.66666 ohms. That'll be ok for the DB750 as it can work down to 2 ohms. The TH500 only works with a min impedance of 4 ohms, so you couldn't use it with that mix of cabs.. You could get them to work together by linking the cabs with series cable which will add the impedance together and give you a 12 ohm impedance at the amp. But by doing this you'll find you need to turn the amp up further than normal to achieve your usual volume. Hope this helps.
  22. Bass Direct have one in store to demo if anyone really wants to try one - or at least they did when I went there in May...
  23. [quote name='bassmachine2112' timestamp='1434877548' post='2803439'] Oh come on my bewtocks are getting cramp sitting here wondering if a BDI21 has done the trick [/quote] Lol sorry fella, gig load-in and setup was a bit of a rushed affair on Saturday so didn't get chance to put the BDI21 in. Got 3 gigs this coming weekend though and it'll be in the pedal board ready to go..will report back!!
  24. I've actually got one of those behringer bdi units. I'll give it a go!!
  25. Thanks Lozz / Alex. Alex I know you were surprised when I told you I'd gone for the Puma after using an ABM for so long. Although that was more from a fundamental tone difference in the 2 rather than a difference in the EQ section. Out of interest, what Amp would you have recommended? I did actually consider just getting the new ABM evo iv but as you know I wanted to go lightweight..
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