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Everything posted by LewisK1975

  1. [quote name='Huge Hands' timestamp='1441973656' post='2863394'] I personally feel like I have found my holy grail of rigs now [/quote] Righto . I think its fairly safe to say as both Bass players, and men, we are never truly happy LOL!
  2. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1441964837' post='2863264'] I would be looking at the basses for sale forum here. [/quote] This too!
  3. Anybody else done this? Thinking about changing my Tecamp PUMA for something like the TC RH750 so I can lose my tuner pedal, compressor pedal and possibly others too, I use a sansamp para driver at the end of the board for tone shaping and a bit of grit. My PUMA is set totally flat, so only really functioning as a power amp and DI - I've heard the RH750 has a more 'rock n roll' tone signature anyway and it also has the 'tube tone' feature so could possibly fill the gap left by the sansamp..
  4. NICE! Lovely as it is tho, with a Delano MM pickup between the reverse P and the Bridge, you'd seriously have something special there!!
  5. Yep with £500 ish budget just get a Fender. Not sure where you are but if you're near any of the larger guitar stores like a PMT, Guitar Guitar etc, try a few and find one you like. No two basses are 100% the same!
  6. Friend of mine had one of the 60's CV squiers, like this one: - [attachment=200442:Capture.JPG] Got to say it was excellent. And I have a very nice '78 P, and a sunburst Roadworn.
  7. LewisK1975


    +1 for Tecamp PUMA - definitely the most transparent sounding amp I've played through - I use it set flat through Barefaced supercompacts and it's perfect for receiving a pedal board. It's been said that the EQ on the PUMAs is better suited for room correction rather than sound shaping, and I'd tend to agree with that. I understand you have a very set idea about what you want, but when you are asking for recommendations, personally I think you need to be open minded about people's responses, as we are all only able to recommend based on our own experience of what WE consider may be suitable for you.
  8. [quote name='Ed_S' timestamp='1441663186' post='2860783'] The Beyerdynamic Opus 89 was a good female lead mic. Sadly it's discontinued, but the Beyerdynamic TG V71d seems to be their current take on the same idea so might be worth a look. [/quote] Our lead singer (female) uses an older Beyerdynamic, not sure of the exact model, but I can confirm, as I run the desk for us, that it is a 'Hot' mic. Trim/gain level a good bit below the other 2 vocal mics we use (SM58 and AKG D5)..
  9. Lot of love on here for the GK mb fusion amps - they do both vintage tones and modern tones. Don't have one myself - just going from what I read on here... Although maybe you are looking more upmarket than that..
  10. [quote name='Tech21NYC' timestamp='1441807231' post='2861934'] Because our SansAmp products are emulating a vintage tube amp in its entirety they tend to work best in front of an amp that is set for a more flat response. You can also use the Blend control to give you more of your amp's inherent tone if desired. [/quote] This is about right for me - my Tecamp PUMA & Barefaced super compact(s) setup yields a very flat response and I run the Para driver into the front of the amp and set all amp controls at 12 o'clock - great sound to my ears!!
  11. Just another thing to consider - have you tried the Sansamp Para Driver? It's like the Bass driver but has a semi parametric mid control, which I find awesome - I use it at the end of my board into the regular input but the amp (Tecamp PUMA 500, very transparent) is set totally flat, so kind of just functioning as a power amp.. Picked mine up for around £100 s/h - def worth a look I'd say. I do also own the BDI21 and def missed the ability to control the mids.
  12. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1441576687' post='2860051'] There's a pretty high chance that your OBC410 contains 8 ohm speakers wired series/parallel, in which case changing the wiring to parallel/parallel will make it a 2 ohm cab, and so SVT friendly. Very simple change, easily reversible. [/quote] A few years ago, I did exactly that to an Ashdown 4x10 to run it with an Ampeg B5-r head which could go down to 2ohms.
  13. The blue stripe around the outside of the body looks amazing! I personally just can't get used to seeing a scratchplate on a Warwick. But hey, I'm old!
  14. Saw youtube rig rundown video recently of Doug Wimbish singing the praises of the DOD FX25 unit - would be cheap as chips if you could find one (and like the sound!).........
  15. I had a similar issue when I got my Tecamp PUMA and paired it up with my BF super compacts. Treble control on the amp was out of the range for the cab (no tweeter) so I was lacking top end. Ended up with the Sansamp Para Driver (similar to the bass driver, but also has a semi-parametric mid control) at the end of my effects chain immediately before the amp. Brought out the top end at just the right point for the cabs.
  16. Certainly does seem to be better stuff around these days at the lower price end of the market - not like the Marlins that were around when I started..
  17. Thanks for the opinons Gents!
  18. I went lightweight (PUMA500) and I've had to put a sansamp in front of it and run the amp flat. Do miss my ABM though. When I say miss, it started crackling mid-set (happened more than once), and I figured that since I'd had it since 2006, I'd just get something new anyway (plus it was heavier than my new Barefaced cabs, which seemed a bit silly).. Need to get it serviced and see how I feel....
  19. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1438896312' post='2838579'] An ABM through a Super Twin is going to be epic - until recently I gigged an EVO II 500W head through one or two Super Compacts and it was utterly, utterly glorious. [/quote] Same here, sort of, until I got my PUMA head, I'd been using an ABM evoii 300 through 2 gen3 super compacts and that sounded great with the 5 string jazz I was using at the time. The Ashdown evoii's eq really suit the super compacts, which dont have tweeters (top 'quoted' frequency response of 4khz), just a bit of boost on the 2 right hand sliders and 3pm on the treble knob had me swooning... Other options are the 'big' cabs, big baby or big twin, which have tweeters and respond up to 18-20khz, and will work well with any amp..
  20. Lots of great lightweight 12in cabs around at the moment, Bergantino, TKS, Barefaced, aguilar etc. Any of those will certainly be a jump up from Ashdowns cabs. Personally I've got two Barefaced supercompacts, so gig size dependent I use either one or both. I find them excellent. Certainly the best cabs I've ever owned. As you can see above, Barefaced divide opinion on here, usually the division is between those who own Barefaced cabs and those who don't!
  21. Noticed on a youtube vid yesterday that Geddy Lee's stage setup now does not include any cabs - his Orange AD200 amps go into the Rivera Rockcrusher load box and speaker emulator, I didn't even know such a thing existed! http://www.rivera.com/product/attenuators-cab-sims/rockcrusher-recording/
  22. Yep agree with all of the above - Love my two Gen 3 super compacts! I'm always saying to other musos who happen to be at our gigs, 'see those?, 600watt, and 10kilos' not many believe me!
  23. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1438764699' post='2836952'] I had a boss GT-6B for a while. When it was in "pedal mode" it was cool, but in "patch mode" it seemed to have a delay when switching patches, like the really old zooms did. Instant patch switching is essential [/quote] I had the ME50b for a while and it did the same thing. That little drop in sound when switching patches was a nuisance. OK in pedal mode though. My favourite sound on there happened when you ran the 'hi-band drive' simultaneously with the octaver set to +1. Using those together only applied distortion to the octaved up signal, very cool!
  24. Sansamp? I use the Para Driver and find that very nice for adding a bit of juicy grit.
  25. Nice one these have been a long time coming!
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