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Everything posted by Jonesy

  1. Really is criminal this is still here. Lovely necks, massive sounding pickups and they look cool as.
  2. I think the problem is more to do with the marketplace induced GAS rather than being weak willed........ That's what I tell myself anyway. Its not my fault and there's nothing I can do about it 😏
  3. All the time! I was listening to loads of The Jesus Lizard earlier in the year and then bought a Jazz. Every time I listen to Fugazi, I want a Stingray and I want an aluminium necked Electrical Guitar Company every time I listen to Shellac. Maybe it'd be safer for all of our wallets if we just made a list of bass players that use the gear we already have πŸ˜‚
  4. It's so difficult trying to decide what to do, especially without being able to nip out and try something. At the minute I think it's between the DHA VT2, 2 notes le bass or a combo of the Sansamp VTDI and the SFT........... And now the SFX Beta and YYZ πŸ˜‚ I just wish there was a shop that had all of them in stock!!!
  5. Good to hear - thanks very much for the update.
  6. Heya, Thanks very much Booga, valvey drive is exactly what I'm after. I was hoping to get out to a few shops after Christmas so I can try a few things out, but tier 4 has scuppered that plan for now. In the mean time, have you got any idea on what the noiseyness in the DHA might be?
  7. Sounds like playing around with valves and working out how each one sounds is another world of geekiness to get into!
  8. Ah, my mistake. I've just rewatched the review and their gripe is around the cab sim. Apparently they think it's not needed for the clean channel but needed for dirt, so it can't be used as instantly changeable between sections of a song, to their ears anyway. Back on the list it goes. Hopefully tier 4 doesn't go on for too long and I get to try some of these out.
  9. Thanks a lot for that. Lovely playing and lovely tones, sounds like it's just what I'm after. I like that that the 2 channels have separate EQ's too, it's a shame the SH1 doesn't as the range of tones you can get from it sounds pretty impressive. Did you find your VT2 to be particularly noisey? Can't say it sounds it in the recordings. So far it seems as if it's between the DHA VT2 Sansamp VT Deluxe and the machinist. The 2 notes looks like it has a separate EQ for each channel, but one of the reviews I watched said it didn't. Does anyone know what the score is there? I like sansamp gear and have the MK1 BDDI, but think it's a bit too clank for what I'm after so don't think the Deluxe version will be right for me.
  10. Ahh, good stuff. I've heard good things about DHA pedals so will check it out. I'm kicking myself for not picking up your VT pedal, was umming and arring about it for ages and then went to see if it was still available and it had gone πŸ˜’
  11. So many options, cheers guys! Just working my way through YT clips to try and get a general idea of things. The SH1 sounds good and is a lot smaller than I thought it was. Just not sure I could have something knowing that it's West Ham colours! πŸ˜‚ The Helix, while I'm sure is great, might be a bit too much and I never get on too well with multi fx. It's completely me and my lack of ability to play around with them.
  12. Nice, thanks!!! I've seen a couple of YT vids online and thought the 2 notes might be a bit too polite, but I'll have another route around to see what i can find. I hadn't thought about the bigger units like the SH1 (and it was something that was sort of holding me back about the VT Deluxe), but by the time you consider it has a tuner in it as well then it's about the same size as a pedaltrain metro and would save me picking those up. I wasn't sure if the machinist could do tube and then tubey break up, thought it was more fuzz for the 3rd channel?
  13. So, I'm thinking about putting a board together for a blues band and was wondering if I could pick your brains. Basically I'm after 2 tones for the band. One that's fairly clean and just adds a nice thumpy tube warmth and then another that breaks up and is a bit more aggy, maybe like a Jack Bruce live kinda tone. At the minute I'm thinking a Sansamp VT Deluxe would be just the ticket, but does it sound any different to the VT DI? Or are there any other dual channel overdrives that people would suggest? Or would people suggest going down the separate pedals route? Maybe a VT pedal and something like a Catalinbread SFT? Thanks
  14. I thought your profile had been hacked and an imposter had been posting for you. It's tough when it comes time to sell though. I've got a couple of basses that I might try to shift in the new year, just to thin the heard as they're not getting played that much. I really like them though and know I'll find it hard to list them if I pick em up.
  15. It's a lovely line. Not so busy that it gets in the way, but busy enough that it's interesting to listen to and supports the rest of the song nicely. I didn't know you could make an EB bass sound like that!
  16. So, you move to a jazz in 2020 and look what happens. Good to hear that normality has resumed and you're shifting back to a precision, there's hope for 2021 yet! πŸ˜‚
  17. I'm surprised you can hear anything over the roar of the Porsche😁 Have to admit that I haven't heard much of their stuff (or anything of him) before, but I'll check them out - his lines sit really well in that tune. His tone is a lot rounder than I'd have you pegged as a fan of though!!
  18. Blue. I like PB anyway, but it's prob a limited colour and will be harder to pick up if you really wanted one, whereas they're standard in gold so would be easier to get your hands on if you wanted one down the line.
  19. Jonesy

    Barefaced Machinist

    My size 12 feet mean I wear trainers instead of boots when playing just so I don't stamp the wrong pedal on 😊
  20. The Easter bunny is normally fairly quiet this time of year too so I'm sure he could hop into action for you......
  21. Amazing, I'll keep me eyes peeled 😊
  22. Will that email go out to everyone on the forum, or do we have to let you know we're keen? Colour me interested if we need to let you know 😊
  23. Mine has that same wobble so I'd be keen to know how you fix it. I was just going to wrap some thread seal tape around it, but I'd imagine thats the way to bodge it!!
  24. Jeeze, hurry up!!!! πŸ˜‚ Looking forward to seeing them on it, reckon they'll be a great addition.
  25. Would anyone get offended if their band mates said it to their guitarist? The people working for any music shop are likely in a band and will take the mick out of each other so I think the spirit of it is very much in jest
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