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Everything posted by LayDownThaFunk

  1. They might be the old Rotosound Spacer strings which are not made anymore.
  2. Do a search? Otherwise, Sansamp/MXR/DHA/Darkglass/Aguilar.
  3. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1436823710' post='2821223'] But as soon as you drive out of the fitting bay they are part worn....... What is the crossover point between new and worn tyres / cheap or expensive strings... [/quote] How are your blue stripe strings?
  4. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1436781632' post='2820591'] I seem to have gone against the general consensus. After years of trying various manufacturers (rotos, elixirs, ernie ball, elite, fender own brand, others I can't even recall) I came to the conclusion that one 45-105 roundwound stainless sounds much like another, there were other parts of the process that were having far bigger influences on 'my tone' than the string. So I just looked around for a cheap reliable string of the type I wanted and ended up with these; [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Coban-Guitar-Strings-Deluxe-DCG3/dp/B00A3HGGP8"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Coban-Guitar-Strings-Deluxe-DCG3/dp/B00A3HGGP8[/url] No issues so far. [/quote] Putting cheap strings on a bass is like putting part worn tyres on a sports car.
  5. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1436780693' post='2820581'] I saw The Libertines on iplayer and they were terrible. In fact the sound was terrible too! [/quote] Just one of those bands I will never 'get'. Their Glasto set was terrible. Though I do like their new song... very Clash.
  6. I think I would rather play in my own band than the Stones. Rage - easy.
  7. '79 Jazz for me, awesome tone. What strings did you use btw?
  8. Looks like we've been here before: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/252686-delays-in-receiving-items-shipped-from-thoman/ OP reminds me of that thread a few months ago. "Buyer didn't get back to me in 3 hours so I put his on hold item back up for sale".
  9. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1436471617' post='2818497'] I suppose it depends on your musical taste. I find JJB quite tiresome to be honest. The mid heavy sound is what makes the bass heard rather than consigned to an inaudible background hum and whine. My worry these days is who in pop music (other than players from 25 yrs ago with a few exceptions from 10-15 yrs ago) is going to inspire a new generation of bass players. Pop music seems to be populated these days often by barely audible bass with a sound focus on subs rather than mids, often played in a plodding style - in other words, unlike rock and roll, rock, 70s R and B or 80s pop, the bass appears to not have any importance. Part of this is caused by the appalling mixing which occurs often - the pinnacle of this for me was listening to a big band play Glenn Miller stuff on BBC recently and for the first time ever I could hear a rythmn guitar (it was electric) - more prominent than the bass mind - on a par with the horns. The bass drum was as loud as the bass - the cymbals were also loud - totally inaccurate and just about sums up how much music these days for me is ruined by daft mixing. I heard Mark Ronson's latest single - an 80s throwback with synth bass - the bass is ok in the mix but an analogy would be with the toned down reggae served up in this country in the 60s on the basis our ears couldn't take the bass levels in the authentic stuff - of course that changed over the years but it seems to be where we are in pop these days. I admire these guys with great technique - if it's linked to great feel and musical skill in terms of note choice and groove it can enhance music significantly - basically what many players have done over the years. Including JJB in my view. I'm afraid I don't share the current love for indistinct thin plodding bass parts - such as much of the stuff served up at Glsstonbury. It just suggests to me the players don't have much skill as musicians and little say in the crappy mixing which occurs - or maybe they're using the wrong instruments. Back to my original point - how will kids be inspired to take up the bass with the current state of affairs? [/quote] Tell me Royal Blood isn't helping newbies pick up the bass for the first time,
  10. But it's so boring! What is this obsession with the honky bridge sound? Give me a bass player who looks cool, has an aggressive sound and isn't obsessed with doing a thousand licks per song. JJ Burnell and Duff McKagan spring to mind...
  11. Oh, I was replying to discreet's post! Sunbeams are warm I agree but they really bring out the mids. XLs to me are a bit too trebly and have that scoop/clang I hate in new strings, even when they dull down.
  12. Sunbeams might be right up your street. A hair less tension than Rotos but very smooth. Smoothest NPS strings out there IMO. Customer service not as good as Roto mind...
  13. If the string is dead, give Rotosound a message. I had a dead A out of my RB set one time so sent them an email. 5 days later, a brand new A string and a fresh RB set.
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1436439675' post='2818123'] The bearded one speaks the truth. D'Addario EXL are good strings. So are the XL, in my opinion. I was a long-term Roto user as well, but a year or two ago found the quality not as good as it has perhaps should have been. This was with RS66. I'm currently using the Roto RB45s on one of my basses and I like them a lot. [/quote] If you were using RS66 Nickels, the Roto RBs are the exact same string without silk. Lo Riders to me are a touch smoother than XLs and are pretty similar in tension. DRs last for a long time.
  15. Are cover bands about having fun or being serious?
  16. Awesome gig. Vintage Trouble were decent too.
  17. Bring a bass. Bring an amp. Tune up. Don't tense up. Don't look at the floor/neck too much. Enjoy!
  18. As usual, those moaning are the one's that didn't go. A week on though and everyone is still talking about Kanye's set...
  19. A couple of bottles of Grolsch does the trick for me.
  20. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1435601450' post='2810481'] Hang on, Kanye West, along with other hip-hop giants like Jay-Z, Snoop, Fiddy and Pitbull ARE this generations rock stars. They sell out arenas, have sex with supermodels, crash super cars and drink bottles of champagne worth $1,000 each. Are we also assuming they're all male? Rihanna and Beyoncé have also had their fair share of scandal and are probably as popular as the aforementioned male artists. You guys should read the gossip mags, they really get up to no good! [/quote] Yeah but to be a rock star you have to play guitar and have a Marshall stack behind you! That's why ye olde generation will never understand all of this stuff coming more up to date. I get it.
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