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Everything posted by dave_bass5

  1. I giged my new CV Jass last night. Very impressed with it. It was a boomy stage but I got a nice off stage tone. I'll be getting some wizards for it this week but only becuase I want a slightly punchier tone, I could live with these pups if I had to.
  2. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='865164' date='Jun 12 2010, 01:18 PM']I'm down with the foil too, although I use sheets rather than tape so there are less joins. I think you can be more sure that you have 100% coverage with foil + you can just solder each cavity to earth it.[/quote] you lost me at that last point lol. Thanks all, it seems like as i have the tape i might as well give it a go first, and if not ill try some of this foil. I know the type you guys mean and there is an art shop nearby. Im pretty lazy so i might start off with just the cavity, and do the control plate later. I plan on upgrading the pups soon anyway so ill see how this first stage goes. It might even be the pups that are more the issue. Im off to Wales for a gig soon and wont be back until this time tomorrow so ill not have any internet. I do plan on doing a good search for any guides etc (even though i know its pretty straight forward) but if any of you do have a favourite link it will be much appreciated. Have a good weekend all.
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  4. I want to try and shield my CV Jazz a bit. Its earthed fine but a bit noisier when i back one of the pups off than my other Jazz basses that ive owned. Its not a big deal but i thought i'd try and give shielding a go for the first time. So, i figured pain might be easier than tape but i dont really know what to look for. Maplins is just down the road so i was hoping i could pick something up from them. I had thought about copper tape (and i do have a roll) but not sure if it will stick to the walls of the cavity. Anything i need to watch out for etc? Cheers.
  5. [quote name='renniks' post='853134' date='May 31 2010, 11:55 PM']Lets hope I can come to this stage sooner rather than later, from the consensus it would seem the logical route is to find my favourite fender, buy a few more, realise the fender was what I wanted, and use it.[/quote] Yep, ive done the USA Fenders, Laklands (4) and now back to a Squier and couldn't be happier (for now). Could have saved myself a good few £1000 over the past few years.
  6. [quote name='philbillbass' post='864315' date='Jun 11 2010, 01:36 PM']how did i miss that off! i hav the hammers[/quote] Cheers. They sound good.
  7. [quote name='philbillbass' post='864308' date='Jun 11 2010, 01:29 PM']Wel i have some wizards in my mex jazz and did some samples so you can here them, they are very rough samples as i just plugged my bass into my laptop and recorded them but its better than nothing! In my opinion they are plenty bright enough for the rock band i'm in! I have some labella flats on it just so you know. [attachment=51883:fender_labella.wma] [attachment=51884:fender__...a_random.wma][/quote] Cheers for posting those. what model do you have?
  8. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='858246' date='Jun 5 2010, 03:24 PM']I've never understood what "Dark sounding" actually means [/quote] Ive never been sure but i think i understand it. I've always assumed its voiced a bit lower. Could be wrong though. Timely thread as im after some Wizards for my new CV Jazz. The 84's sound like they might be more what im looking for other than i dont want too much dark and not really dirty. Ive emailed Andy to explain (or try to) what im after but i expect ill go with the 64's, hopefully next week.
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  10. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='863744' date='Jun 10 2010, 09:38 PM']If you're definitely happy with the rest and you're going to change the tuners anyway at some point then I'd just accept it as it is.[/quote] Yeah, i think i will. If its all fixed it would be hard for me to prove i had the problem anyway. Right, its a keeper, thanks for all the help guys. Im now off to (re) learn 3 lions for our gig on sat ;-)
  11. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='863740' date='Jun 10 2010, 09:34 PM']If as you say there wasn't much movement in the first place, the superglue should hold for a fair old while. Woohoo! [/quote] Yeah, its going to be fine, thanks again for the Super Glue idea. I will still get them changed though, they feel a bit hit or miss.
  12. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='863722' date='Jun 10 2010, 09:16 PM']The beauty of superglue though is that having a lower viscosity, the capillary action draws it into whatever you are trying to glue.[/quote] Spot on. Ive put some glue on and its worked a treat. Hmmm, do i call the shop or not? I still intend to change the tuners so maybe ill just live with this for now.
  13. Cheers guys. I'll give the super glue a go first. There is no real movement to speak off, its not like its twisting or anything. It just needs something to put slight pressure on it to stop it buzzing. In fact there isnt a gap under the join that i can see. Ill call the shop tomorrow and explain whats happened, hopefully they can send me a replacement out at some point. It will be better for them if they can. Right, so other than the single coil hum im very happy with the bass. Spending this much means im happy to upgrade it when i can (but not to be forced to). I will replace the pups with some Wizard 64's soon but im happy to gig this at the weekend.
  14. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='863648' date='Jun 10 2010, 07:55 PM']Yeah I got that. Have you tried putting the Vaseline under here... .. to fill the gap between the post and it's cowling. I've had this happen to me before but I just can't remember what I did to alleviate it. I'm sure it was just a bit of squeezing and twisting and it just stopped. If you took the tuner off and bent it just the tiniest bit at the points indicated above I'm sure it would catch it.[/quote] Thanks for taking the time to do that diagram but its definitely not that. Its at the part where the post connects to the cloverleaf plate at the top of the tuning peg. Its like its not connected properly. As i said, ive got tape on the join and the buzzing has completely gone. Here's a pic of my "fix". [attachment=51841:IMG_1948.JPG]
  15. [quote name='Clarky' post='863633' date='Jun 10 2010, 07:34 PM']Exactly. Send it back. Tell you what, I could do you a favour and lend you Sid for the gig if you wanted. Slim necked punchy Precision with flats on? If thats of interest I will bring it to my office near Liverpool Street tomorrow and I could hand over at lunch-time? Just a thought[/quote] Thanks very much for that kid offer Clarky. much appreciated but really no need. Its not that i need a bass, i have the Ray34 that i can take, it more i was looking forward to playing a Jazz again. Ive just put some electrical tape over it and its fine now. Of course it looks silly (its blue) but its much better now. Its certainly something i can live with for a few days and i can refine it now i know it works. I did try putting some solder on it but that just fell off. The only other "faults" are its quite noisy with either of the pups backed off. I know this is normal in some places but its not normal for me at home. Again, i do plan on getting some Wizards so again, i can live with it for now. And the screws holding the back pup in are sitting at an angle, again, something i can live with for now. These are all things im happy to put up with at this price point though. and to be expected in a way. The bass feels really nice, the neck seems to be good (although i will shim it if i keep it) and the action is how like it. Ive checked the finish and thats good and the neck pocket is fine. Im now thinking should i risk getting another one that might not be as nice to play. Ill call the shop again tomorow and see if they can sort me out a machine head. It will cost them less ot do this than to take the bass back. Cheers again.
  16. [quote name='Clarky' post='863608' date='Jun 10 2010, 06:56 PM']Sorry to hear this Dave. Really disappointing as these basses get rave reviews. I'm afraid I'm no good with tuners so can't offer any help. You should not have to buy a set of hipshots. That's not right. Have you spoken to the retailer and asked about their returns policy? Its possible they will send you a replacement and pick up the faulty bass on the same run.[/quote] Cheers Clarky. Sending it back isn't a problem. I did speak to them and they said fill in the on line form and they will get it picked up. I guess i could ask them to send a replacement out at the same time but not sure if they will, or even have any more in stock. Maybe ill call them again tomorrow. I was really looking forward to using it this weekend so thats why im considering keeping it. By all accounts a lot of people change the tuners anyway so im willing to do it, as long as the bass is playable as it is first. The problem is once i start messing around with it then i might have trouble returning it.
  17. Right, the noise isnt coming through the speakers so i think ill bit the bullet and keep it. I'll get some Hipsohts ordered tomorrow. The G seems to take a lot of turns before it does anything so it will definitely have to be changed.
  18. [quote name='noelk27' post='863559' date='Jun 10 2010, 06:22 PM']And, of course, there's absolutely no doubt it's a manufacturing defect/quality control issue at Squier and there's absolutely no possibility the instrument has taken a knock in transit - from the manufacturer to the distributor; from the distributor to the reseller; from the reseller to you, the customer.[/quote] Well it was in a sealed box, with no dents. And the way its packed there is nothing actually touching the machine heads, nor could there be inside the box. And b Sorry if i read your post the wrong way but if your up on a high horse about someone not being happy with a bass that costs a week wages then please calm down. This bass it unplayable acousticly and no matter how much it costs this isnt right.
  19. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='863512' date='Jun 10 2010, 05:38 PM']Does tightening the big screw help? Or putting more of a bend in the wee thin plate under the cog? Maybe a bit of Vaseline on the threaded part will stop it rattling so much.[/quote] Thanks for the reply Rich. No, none of that will help. I "think" its the actual cloverleaf part thats vibrating. Holding the post makes no difference but holding the cloverleaf stops it. Im sure it wont come through the speaker and im in two mind weather to let it go or not. Maybe i should just put up with it over the weekend and then get some hipshots next week, or at least one. The action seems very high but if i can get it playable maybe ill keep it.
  20. Ive just received my new Squier CV Jazz and while im impressed with it the G tuner is rattling really loudly. It makes playing it unplugged out of the question. Its the bit that you turn, not the bit you wind the string around. there is slight movement in the shaft. I know i can buy some new ones but i dont feel i should have to. Any ideas what i can do to fix it? If i dont get it sorted by tomorrow i expect ill send it back. so much for these basses rivalling MIM. Cheers.
  21. wow, Vic and Ken. your in good company there. Good luck with it and keep us posted. I just hope i dont get amp GAS now.
  22. [quote name='xgsjx' post='863140' date='Jun 10 2010, 12:07 PM']I haven't tried the Peterson one but I have the TC one & also Guitar Toolkit (which cost £5.99) & prefer the GT.[/quote] The reason i prefer the Peterson is the display is really big. Its very easy to see the indicators moving from a distance as the display uses almost all the screen. Then again, i only tune up once per gig so its not something i really use a lot
  23. I downloaded the TC app last night and it seems very nice but i prefer the Peterson one. It seem sot be easier to see at a distance.
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