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Everything posted by dave_bass5

  1. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='889055' date='Jul 7 2010, 10:35 PM']its cool dave,,,,,i was noodling all night(oh er). only thing is im now fighting the urge to stick flats on it. Can anyone shed some light if thats a good idea????????[/quote] Its nice to get a bass that you feel you cant put down. Ive had a few recently that i didnt want to pick up. I know loads of people use flats on Rays but i think they sound better with rounds. Ive had EB flats on my Ray34 and didn't really like them. Ive just today put some Chromes on my CV Jazz and love them. Ive used flats a few times before but always go back to rounds. Flats sound good for some things but i always miss the overtones and so tend to swap them around ever so many months.
  2. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='889005' date='Jul 7 2010, 09:56 PM']rehearsal was cancelled tonight. owell time to stick the bass back in its hummer styled case.[/quote] Nooooo, you should get some playing in anyway. This bass deserves to be played not stored away :-)
  3. That's good news about the wizards. They will be a good upgrade, even if you weren't having issues. Look forward to the outcome.
  4. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='888351' date='Jul 7 2010, 01:03 PM']The weak G's on the stingrays is a common grumble from owners (of which I am proud to be included) - I don't understand why the pickup pole is so much lower than the A and D string ones, if indeed that is the cause. Anyway, gone o/t a bit. Give it a try with some Wizards, I've heard only great things about their Jazz puppies.[/quote] Its really nothing to do with the pup IME. i have a Nordy 4.2 in my Ray34 and its only marginally better (at most). Its all about freq IMHO. too much low end and the G just gets lost. Thats why i mentioned EQ above, it could just be the G sting is getting swamped by the fuller other three strings (im probably talking rubbish though) As mentioned above, i got some Wizards put in my CV jazz and they sound fantastic. I can almost get a P tone from the neck pup now. Very thick sounding. I did order some 84's but found them too dark so Andy sent me some custom 74's and these are just perfect. If i ever sell the bass im going to keep the pups, assuming i get another Jazz.
  5. Have you tried a heavier G string? I must admit i dot have a clue what im talking about but i suffered from a weak G string on my Ray34 (still do to an extent) but getting a heavier G string and messing with the EQ did help a lot. Could it be that you use a low of low end boost and so the G sting (not having a lot of low end feq) is getting a bit lost? Just a thought. I have a set of Squier pups that came out of my CV Jazz (replaced with some Wizards) that your welcome to borrow to test out weather it might be those old pups or not.
  6. You would probably have to use a different strap to the one you have the Schallers on. I must admit im not really clued up on the different types of strap locks, ive only ever used Schaller and Dunlops. Why dont you want to change the buttons? Dunlop do buttons that work with their locking system or can be used with a normal strap. These look pretty close to a normal button but have the special locking hole in the middle. Probably not what your looking for but you can get straps with locking devices that fit normal buttons. [url="http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/6434-planet_waves_50mm_polypropylene_planet_lock_guitar_strap_black_"]Strap with locks[/url] some people also use Grolsch bottle tops on their straps although ive not tried this.
  7. [quote name='Musicman20' post='887858' date='Jul 6 2010, 10:21 PM']I'm going to shelve the idea for a while. The RW is a nice bass, but I've confirmed with Fender UK and USA that it's exactly the same as the MIM 60s bass, except the appearance. The extra cash is for the relic/paint. All parts are Mexican including the pickups. That's not knocking em, but I'm going to think about it a little more.[/quote] I still think the HW-ones are better value if you dont want MIM. And the pups are (i think) USA vintage. Heres a thought Gareth. If you do like the RW look send me one of your new SR4s when you get them and ill customize it for you and give it that RW look lol.
  8. [quote name='Conan' post='888149' date='Jul 7 2010, 10:11 AM']Go to "enhancements" and select "play speed".[/quote] Yeah, like i said in my post above yours, its been there for ages
  9. Just got a set of Chromes off Nick. No problems, as expected. It like having Thomanns on your doorstep with Nick lol. Cheers mate.
  10. [quote name='Conan' post='888118' date='Jul 7 2010, 09:40 AM']You can do the same thing using Windows Media Player... very useful! [/quote] Ive not heard about that before ;-)
  11. You can do this in windows Media player as well IIR. For quite a few years now. I tend to use these sort of things to change keys of songs without shifting the tempo as well.
  12. Very strange as i set up my mates 55-01 with mine last night and had no issues with it. Did lots of tuning (intonation as well) as we were adjusting the neck and action and it picked up all strings correctly.
  13. [quote name='Paul S' post='887455' date='Jul 6 2010, 04:03 PM']If you listen here it is quite clear, around 30 secs in, it goes up to Db then down an octave - it does this whenever this chord change comes along in the verses. But I am not sure what his tuning is to do that. I guess it isn't important.[/quote] Ah, that could well be happening BUT thats a Db and not D. It would make sense that he is sliding a tone up if its in Bb i guess. come to think of it im sure somebody told me (no, really thats not an intended pun) that they down tune anyway. Maybe this is the answer. It looks like the bass player is fretting a A at the start of the chorus (1:10) so i guess they are downtuned. Bloody awful version though.
  14. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='887424' date='Jul 6 2010, 03:37 PM']As long as it's OK on frets 1-5 I'll be fine.[/quote] 1-5? Flash showboating bugger ;-)
  15. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='887239' date='Jul 6 2010, 01:06 PM']I can't bear them when they're not clanky [/quote] I bloody hate the Clanky's (especially the short one ;-)
  16. We play it in Bb and ive not noticed a low D. then again, maybe im not playing it exact. Lowest i go is a F.
  17. Yeah, one of the best looking basses in the Lakland catalogue IMO. I never really liked Jazz basses back then but i got mine because i love the look of the blocks and inlay and the matching headstock. They are coming out with a replacement though, but of course it wont be called a DJ.
  18. Good luck selling this. My DJ5 was the best looking and playing bass ive ever owned but i could never warm to its tone. Even when i changed it to a PJ.
  19. I wonder if the poll should have been based on gigging basses. That would maybe give a better indication of how much playing time a set of strings get.
  20. I started a thread around christmas time on here as i didnt know anything about MM basses either. If you can track it down there is loads of good info in it. Im also not a lover of P necks and thats really the only reason i dont own a SR4. My Ray34 has a P sized neck and while i can play it im struggling and dont play it much now. They do a version called a SLO special that has a Sterling (jazz) sized neck. That what i would kill for. Could the NR stand for Natural/rosewood by any chance? EDIT: Probably not i guess as all the Natural ones ive seen have maple fretboards.
  21. Ive given out quite a few sets of strings on here, some almost new. I change mine about every 6 weeks if im gigging every weekend. While i dont like the strings too zingy i dont like thme when they go dull. Saying that im going back to Chromes for a while as i like how they sound and they last forever so i should save a bit of money.
  22. [quote name='4-string-thing' post='886566' date='Jul 5 2010, 06:51 PM']Ah, I should have said 300w 8ohms each....[/quote] Yeah, i was going to ask, seeing as you already have been using them both together. I would say that this sort of cab wouldn't be ideal for punching through a band mix, probably not enough mids. I think the new cabs would be a good idea.
  23. Two wedding with my other band this weekend. Could well be the last time i play with them as they are splitting up at the end of the year. On sat we were playing at Nottingham Uni. Lovely venue and great crowd. I used my BD21 (Sansamp clone) for the first time with my CVJ and god did it sound meaty. Very pleased. last night we were in Bath (yeah yeah) at Priston mill. Another nice barn type venue. Although we were knackard from the night before (and got to the venue 4 hours too early so had to sit in the cars and watch the rain) we had a great gig, probably better than the night before. The Groom was an Aussie so we did a lot of our more rocky covers, plus of course some ACDC and it was more like a proper rock gig than a wedding. Great way to end the weekend. Now im back and work, trying to catch up on some sleep.
  24. If your cabs are 4 ohms then you can only use one cab connected to a MAG head. Dont connect both to the MAG.
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