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Everything posted by funkyjimbob

  1. [quote name='GisserD' timestamp='1462983113' post='3047575'] I got a comfort strapp from Bass Direct. Never gonna look for another strap ever again! If this one wears out or is lost, ill just buy another one. It distributes the weight very well, and it has a little give in it which gives he bass the illusion of being lighter [/quote] I've used a Comfort Strapp for years but it just doesn't seem to be doing the job anymore. This new strap is a wider so hoping this will really help. Haven't gigged it yet but when I've tried it at home I don't even know the bass is on my shoulders! Got a jam night tonight so will give it a whirl then.
  2. The strap turned up yesterday but haven't had a chance to give it a whirl and I haven't got a gig in a few weeks now. Will update as soon as I have.
  3. Yeah I saw that. Unfortunately for almost a £1000 more though..
  4. I've tried several times and no response unfortunately.
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  6. The strap still hasn't arrived yet so can't give any first impressions. I ordered it from the US 2 weeks ago so hopefully any day now.
  7. Indeed! I've got GAS for something big time at the moment. I had one of these a few years back and wish I'd never sold it. Long shot but thought it was worth a try considering it was never marked as sold. You never know.
  8. Bump. Not sure how long I'm going to keep this one for sale for as leaning towards keeping it now.
  9. One of my buckeye custom shops with matching headstock.
  10. Well I needed it pretty quickly so went on a whim and glad I did. Cable is here 24 hours after I ordered it and is a quality product. Was a great price too. Winner!
  11. Price drop to £950 including delivery. Looking to trade for a fretless mainly but Warwick basses may be of interest too (fretted or unfretted, any number of strings) so hit me up if you have something I may be interested in!
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  13. Hello! I am attempting to buy a replacement cable for my Line 6 X2 XDT-1 wireless system. The cable I need is a 3.5mm to 1/4" mono cable which connects the bass itself to the wireless unit. Now, I know there is a lot of sh*te available on-line and not being really clued up on this type oif thing I don't really know where is reputable for good cabling. Can someone recommend me or point me in the direction of a quality lead that will not break after a few weeks? Thanks!
  14. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1461334203' post='3033807'] For me its the gruvgear duo strap. [/quote] Yeah I looked at that one but will try this one first. If it doesn't help I'll move it on in the marketplace and try the duo.
  15. Someone buy my Jazz so I can buy this please!!!!!! Have a bump on me.
  16. Just to update. I went on the advice of a friend who is a professional session bass player and went with the Gruv Gear Solostrap Neo 4. His description was: 'It's like angels holding your bass whilst you play' so hoping it's worth it!!
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