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Everything posted by Geek99

  1. What ohm ratings are they Where are you located? Thabks
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  3. My practice amp is 30 watt with ext spr @ 4 ohms so I realise it won't be very loud at al and I'll need a louder amp to get best out of this cabl. Where do you live ? Reply via pm if you want.
  4. might be interested - my amp wont connect to anything less than 4ohms - will it work with this cabinet ? apparently this cab does 300w at 8 ohms.
  5. [quote name='voxpop' post='602535' date='Sep 18 2009, 08:50 PM']Ive got a very good Hartke Hydrive 115 combo for sale. Its 250 watts of power with a great compressor and value simulation settings that add extra harmonics to the sound. It is load enough for pug gigs and rehearsals. Prices on the net go from £600 to £500. Im asking £300 and its almost new with no marks, dents or wear.[/quote] thanks but am just researching at moment
  6. stuart clayton also wrote '100 tips for bass guitar' which is a superb starter for ten
  7. alternative is to buy lots of books and work through them - choosing the same topic in each. eg book 1 explains modes badly, read same chapter in book 2, book 3 etc until it gels with one particular explanation.. Then pick a fun chapter. works for me
  8. i've seen various power/pa amps for sale in my son's dj magazines mostly rackmount - is there any reason i shouldnt use use one for bass? can i just add a 4 x 10 cab? maplin also does one. i have a zoom so i'm not too worried about graphic eq, valves sound etc
  9. on the tuition front, he is on "beginning blues bass" also.
  10. excuse my ignorance on this one. If an amp/combo doesnt have a headphone socket, is there some way to add one? Either by wiring one in, or by using a "fake speaker" box which the headphoens would then plug into? I can understand that raw speaker-level output from a big amp might blow up headphones (which just seem to be mini speakers really), but is there some way to "step it down" to work with headphones?** thanks ** have small baby but would like larger amp
  11. Can someone suggest a decent combo or head/cab as I want to step up from a laney 30 watt combo. Large enough for a pub gig / rehearsal. I have a zoom b2 so not too bothered about onboard effects and modelling. Not too fussed about brand as long as people rate it. Would rather get quality than cheap but i'm not spending a fortune either. Its only a hobby! Thanks
  12. thanks for that tip - I did wonder why the PLAY button, which seems to act as a [b]save[/b] function in most other places seemed a bit wierd. I think the problem is that manual is so good in some places and so bad in others that I start to wonder if I'm being stupid when referring to it and failing to find answers. The answers appear to be [b]yes [/b]and [b]no[/b] respectively.
  13. hi - i read the manual several times and these questions are not answered. Could someone enlighten me? 1) If i want to program a song where pattern 1A and pattern 1B are used like this: START 1A (one bar long) repeats [b]four [/b]times 1B (one bar long) repeats [b]ten [/b]times END Do I really need to program [b]fourteen[/b] song steps in total? Is there a better way of getting the patterns to repeat X times? I know that I could make pattern 1A four bars long, by programming the same thing for four bars but thats getting a bit painful, especially for longer patterns that repeat like 1B a lot of times. I suppose I could copy the pattern to itself several times to lengthen it but that makes a later small tweak to the pattern painful. 2) Is there someway to set a specific drum set for each song? (in the way you set tempo for each)? thanks
  14. thanks, I have since measured mine and they are longer/wider (91mm v 94mm) - I just measured the covers. I wasnt sure if it was true of all jazz basses, and thus not necessarily true of all replacement pups. Anyone else got any tone/noise comments to offer? I'm looking at the vintage ones. I'm guesiiing that as they are singlecoil they're going to be at least a bit noisy compared to a humbucker.
  15. thanks - how noisy are they? i know theyre rwrp wound but i mean when at differing volumes? also are the wizards slightly different sizes? Kent mentions this and gives dimensions thanks
  16. In the midnight hour - there is a transcription on www.davemarks.com
  17. has anyone tried Kent Armstrong Jazz Bass Open Ceramic Bridge or Kent Armstrong HOT VINTAGE JAZZ PICKUP (see <url>http://www.guitarthings.co.uk/kent-armstrong-hot-vintage-jazz-pickup-front-1082-p.asp</url>) in a jazz bass ? I tried his strat pickuips before. How good/realistic is the tone and how noisy are they? thanks
  18. With regard to the first test, I can hear the reverbation though the amp (using headphones as the baby is asleep), they are also the raise polepiece design (its a 94 vintage) How much does it cost to get them repotted? I know Fender do noiseless jazz pickups and I would prefer something that looked the part.
  19. will try both tests and report back, thanks
  20. I didn't know they could actually go microphonic I was trying to describe it. Action is okay, prosebass said it could go lower.
  21. i have a cij 62 ri jazz, which is mostly stock but has copper foil in the cavities. It has some pickup noise still I can hear every single noise of fret on string, or handling noise - its really clanky, like the pickups are a microphone - does anyone have any ideas?
  22. anyone else noted that the italia bass is both bolt-on and glued in? overall thought its getting much better.
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