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Everything posted by Geek99

  1. We are the human version of a hive mind.
  2. This p bass, flats, roll the tone off a bit
  3. I also ALMOST bought the classic 50s when I tried one in PMT Leeds. Partner said “just buy it” but like a total fool I said “it’s nice but I don’t need it” DOH !
  4. Could you use “hangover lines” like sting did ? Luminlay tape over the top of the next on the fret lines and a short way across the fretboard? That’s virtually free
  5. Same thing over again ? an Ibanez srx595 5 string had I done my homework I’d have known X meant “xtra wide” not suitable for my average sized hands
  6. You are correct, and I agree that they have very good pups @Lozz196 I very, very nearly bought a classic 50s
  7. Try @NewtoneGB he makes them right in my old back yard https://newtonestrings.com/?v=79cba1185463 he does short and medium scale also
  8. I’ve lost interest in listening to music except in the car. I have my own headspace there. I am starting to tire of the music I have there. don’t really talk to people about music, though I will talk about instruments strangely. Partner is very musical but has no interest in playing it as she was forced to do so as a child; she understands my wish to play it, but doesn’t get the rapture that happens
  9. You can buy those as fakes, possibly why he was persuaded to buy it himself
  10. How much is a limelight these days ? Your generic relic jazz bass build
  11. Not one piece, not highly grained, not book matched, not similarly coloured - unlikely to look great stained I didn’t mean to suggest that they would be ply.
  12. I wouldn’t strip one. Historically lower quality bodies are used for solid colours
  13. Get some luminlay dots https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1276800248/phosphorescent-stickers-for-guitar?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_uk_en_gb_c-books_movies_and_music-music-musical_instruments-stringed_instruments-guitars&utm_custom1=_k_EAIaIQobChMI_Znm7dnCgQMVluPtCh1ZMgE9EAQYCCABEgIwf_D_BwE_k_&utm_content=go_12577594983_126404565784_507694270229_pla-316238738805_m__1276800248engb_102858184&utm_custom2=12577594983&gbraid=0AAAAADutTMeN7KRXe_hgVsvZ8G1WubYl0&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_Znm7dnCgQMVluPtCh1ZMgE9EAQYCCABEgIwf_D_BwE
  14. Well, you’ve arrived … GAS biting you like a mosquito in Bangkok
  15. Next time, just refer the ad to the hive mind for consideration and we’ll see you right
  16. I know there’s a paint difference between “highway one” and “highway 1”. There were two separate series. I don’t recall the details but it’s been discussed on BC before IIRC one series had RW stamped on front under the plate
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