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Everything posted by three

  1. There may be no need for a fretboard removal, though, of course, it depends on how the LEDs were fitted in the first place. The Gallery were able to repair a couple of failed side LEDs for me at a very reasonable price a few years ago. If you’re anywhere near London, I’d have a word with Martin or Jon.
  2. Good question - I'll be back soon... and, 1.5” nut - string spacing (c-c) at the nut is 10mm, and 19mm at the bridge. Any further questions, please just ask
  3. Quick update - thanks for the interest in this and apologies it’s a UK only sale (rosewood - lots of it). Given commitments, if there’s no further interest, I’ll need to withdraw on Sunday evening (12th June) and send this off on consignment. Please just drop me a note if you’d like to own a pretty unique electro-acoustic and we’ll see what can be arranged over the weekend. I always try to avoid hyperbole in ads - you'll probably know what this and will have seen/read the plaudits. Apologies for the images, absence of light in Manchester isn't unusual but it's a particularly grey and dank afternoon for taking photographs (and this is exacerbated by minimal skills). Please note this is of necessity a UK only sale - there’s a lot of rosewood in the bass and I can’t verify species or source for any CITES declaration. Absolutely rock-bottom price. I got this on a great deal I'm passing it on. This Gillett model retailed for £2200 when the basses were in production. This is the J pickup only version. The wood working is just extraordinary. I showed the bass to a carpenter mate and he really couldn't work out how some of the jointing and carving had been achieved. A lot of hand-carving by the look of it. Closest sound to an upright I've heard, especially when played close to or over the board. It's a bit spooky. Details are here in a pretty stellar BGM review (Gillett also won best bass in show at NAMM 2019 apparently): https://www.gillettguitars.co.uk/content/large/documents/slimline-review.gillett.pdf In short, 31.75" scale Fretless, Rosewood Board Rosewood facings Gillett designed preamp (really impressive in my opinion) Bareknuckle J pickup 1.5" nut C profile neck - fairly substantial Condition is excellent, though there are a few headstock scrapes and three very minor impressions as shown: two on the bottom of the lower bout and one on the headstock end. The images make any cosmetic marks look rather more dramatic than they are (cosmetic condition really is very good indeed). Hardware is phenomenal (it's very light though I've no idea of the materials) and a lot of it bespoke to the bass as far as I know. Playability is very good too: I had the bass fully set-up to my taste on receipt. Comes with original Rotosound strings tapewound strings and a truly lovely snakeskin (effect) hard case with a very plush white interior. Collection in Manchester. Shipping is probably a nightmare, though I may have a box of sufficient size. If shipping is necessary (and I'd really rather avoid it), this is to be arranged by the buyer and at the buyer's risk. Shipping is also unlikely to be less than £50 - big case, big box. I'm advertising for a short time just in case - the bass should be off on consignment by the close of the week if there's no/little interest. Any questions, please just ask.
  4. Lovely - Viv seems to be using taller post (Kluson-like?) tuners for some builds at present - love this. I'm sufficiently fortunate to own a Mullarkey but with modern Schallers - a mod may be the way (apologies for any thread derail!)
  5. Absolutely love that lilac Mullarkey - I didn't know JS had it (maybe there are a few around?) Fabulous colour and I think it's the work of Bow Finishers - utterly superb. I think Jimmy sold a 751 on here recently. Good to see that he's still a user!
  6. Dave’s work is absolutely superb! One of the very best
  7. I’ve only used a Rumble in a rehearsal studio - 300w 15” combo(?) - but I was genuinely impressed. Solid tone with versatile eq and surprisingly light (though apparently well-built). Seems like a good choice and I’d certainly gig one
  8. Beautiful top on a beautiful Fodera - lovely to see you're using the Hellborg rig live. Not the lightest (!) but if you can carry it, the tone is simply breathtaking
  9. I’m not usually the biggest fan of the Orion body shape but it works extremely well on a 6 (IMO). Absolutely lovely
  10. The Bass Gallery in Camden could certainly sort you out with a new nut quickly and fairly cheaply - work is of the highest standard. Two very nice basses - I particularly like the P - lovely aesthetic
  11. Wow, thanks - I haven’t played a graphite Alembic but would definitely love to - thanks for posting, stunning!
  12. What What a thing to happen to a gorgeous Alembic though it seems to be a common situation
  13. Could be a lovely guy on a really tight budget. However, alarm bells all over the place here and as uncharitable as this sounds, I'm with mr4stringz above and absolutely not. What happens if there's any damage? I treat my own gear very carefully and other people's even more so, though I'm aware that not everybody is the same. If it was a cheap beater bass, then maybe, but not an expensive instrument. To be honest, I'm a little surprised you've been asked.
  14. That looks like a vermillion facing and in superb condition - really beautiful!
  15. No problem and I see what you mean about maple and chrome. The replacement process implies complete removal of the original heat-bonded gold logo and some flatting of the pickup cover. I've replaced a few logos where the original has almost vanished (to be honest, it makes the process a little easier). I'm pretty sure I've seen the Clown's Vomit covers - a really interesting addition!
  16. Beautiful - if you're looking to re-fin the pickups and add new gold logos, drop me a PM - I had some logos made by a very high-end model shop (horrendously expensive but an unbelievably good job). I've also been through the process of applying them to several pickups and refinishing the surface of the latter. A painstaking process but the results are very good (IMO). I was going to offer the transfers on the Alembic site (with Mica's permission, of course) but she didn't get back.
  17. Little to report other than I'm considering having my fretless fretted - that way it would get much more use. It's just sat in a mate's studio at present. I still play fretless but could get by with something a bit less elaborate. This all might be a bit nuts and I've certainly not convinced myself yet. A look at that lovely unmarked board certainly makes me think twice
  18. Legendary basses and for good reason - finest ergonomics of any Fender type I've owned - lovely
  19. Depends on the bass really. For a Fender-type, Gotoh FB30s (lollipops - the '66 J with dots and bound board with lollipop tuners makes me weak at the knees). For anything more 'modern', preferably an Alembic, it would be Schaller M90s - the 40% reduction in weight would be welcome.
  20. The finest tuner I've used - perfect for set-ups, especially intonation. It's accurate!
  21. Without doubt, the same for me
  22. Thanks - I despise locking jacks (and actually find them potentially dangerous) - I have loads on basses and preamps. I'm about to make the mod.
  23. three

    Mesa TT 800

    Have a look for BC member Steve Browning's excellent posts on the TT800 - I think Steve has a couple and is a long-time Mesa user. The downside with Mesa is the wait and it's possible that the TT800 won't make it to UK shores (and time soon anyway) - just a few units were shipped to the UK prior to the onset of various crises and getting hold of any Mesa gear new in UK/Europe has become highly problematic. Getting hold of a TT800 is particularly problematic. I was on the waiting list but abandoned the wait - not a bad thing as after hearing a TT800 up close, I realise that it wouldn't suit me at all and would have been going back. Still, if it's your kind of thing, then a great choice. Edit: found the link to Steve's review:
  24. My favourite Fender basses! I’ve had a few of these and rare to find them with the original thumb rest. What’s the weight on this? They’re often ridiculously heavy (though a mate of mine has a real featherweight)? Love the transformed colour on this one
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