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Everything posted by xilddx

  1. Here's another of those, "what are my rights" threads I bought a Fender Precision '62 RI scratchplate from Absolute Guitars in Bristol. It has a couple of issues. My email and the response explains all. What are my rights here please? Indeed, do I have any? ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hi guys, Thanks for sending me the Fender '62 RI Precision dark tort pickguard so quickly. Much appreciated. However, there are some issues with it. Firstly, when I came to remove the protective film, the adhesive on most of the film had melted onto the pickguard. I have bought numerous new Fender pickguards and this is the first time I have come across this. This adhesive was extremely difficult to remove, necessitating an acetone-free solvent which removed it eventually after about 20 minutes of effort. I then had to use an automotive polishing compound to get the PG shiny again. As if this wasn't enough, when I came to install it, the PG does not properly fit my 1996 Fender Japan '62 RI Precision. Although the 13 holes line up almost perfectly, the electronics cavity near the output jack socket is not fully covered by the pickguard, leaving a gap of about 4mm x 15mm along the iside edge. I can supply a photo if needs be. I have all the original packaging and I would like to know if you have come across these issues before, and if you are prepared to exchange it or refund my costs if I send the pickguard back to you. My thanks and best wishes, Nigel [b][u]THE RESPONSE[/u][/b] Hi Nigel My apologies but we can’t refund or exchange this as the film has been removed and you have attempted to repair the fault. We are always happy to accept returns on damages but we can not accept them after they have been repaired (or attempted to be repaired) as we can not then return them to Fender as the warranty is then voided. We are also always happy to accept returns that don’t fit or are the wrong colour etc. but this must be in the original packaging with the film left on (as stated in our policy). Apologies we can’t help but we would be unable to either resell it or return it to Fender for a replacement. Regards Chris Absolute Guitars [url="http://www.absolute-guitars.co.uk/"]http://www.absolute-guitars.co.uk/[/url]
  2. [quote name='Sean' post='630323' date='Oct 19 2009, 01:17 PM']Stewart Copeland's drumming gives me goosebumps.[/quote] Me too, he is my favourite drummer by quite a distance.
  3. Absolute work of art, you owe her a VERY BIG DRINK!
  4. Well, I'm with the Dragon, I couldn't even get to two minutes. A very boring "piece" of music with a bunch of solos on it. It's like a jam night on steroids. I got no emotional reaction to it, it's just a video of experts being experts. My plasterer did an amazing job of our bathroom, I greatly admire his skill and attention to detail and the years of practice it took, but I didn't get a hard on watching him do it or anything.
  5. Gorgeous fingerboard, massive fret wire though.
  6. [quote name='The Funk' post='629220' date='Oct 18 2009, 01:10 AM']Anything by Bernard Purdie [/quote] That is ACE man! Thank you
  7. I've always loved this one. The part at 2:14 is legendary Bear in mind he was 19 years old at the time, I believe
  8. S'all good, but this is what you really want to see ..
  9. Blimey! Compared to my Warwicks this is like going back in time to a Penny Farthing! In a nice way. It's a lovely bass, looks gorgeous now I have replaced the weird Jap liver sausage tort PG with a Fender USA 62 RI dark tort, except the Japs routed too big so there's a little gap near the jack socket, which is also intermittent in operation. That will be my fault no doubt so I've ordered a Switchcraft jack for it. I stripped the bass, gave it a fret level and dress, deeply lemon oiled the board which is lovely and dark and silky now. Thoroughly cleaned and set up it plays really nicely. I find the action quite high but I'm used to Warwick's 3mm at the 24th. Lovely bass, really nice to meet you and your charming lady, and Clarky and his nipper of course. Hope you're enjoying Clarky's USA P! Cheers mate! Nigel
  10. [quote name='alexharvay' post='627871' date='Oct 16 2009, 01:43 PM']What was Johnny Depp doing there? [/quote] You are far too kind mate, I usually get told I look like this ..
  11. [quote name='Schnozzalee' post='627734' date='Oct 16 2009, 12:07 PM']Hmm, only thing holding me back from that is that im including postage and the 3.4% deduction from Paypal [/quote] Bank transfer is the way to go.
  12. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='627275' date='Oct 15 2009, 07:58 PM']Self plus stupid looking drummer at gig last saturday. Got me new Fender 70`s Jazz and Eden rs210. Sweet! [attachment=34520:DSC01232.JPG] Jez[/quote] Which one's the drummer?
  13. [quote name='jakesbass' post='626540' date='Oct 14 2009, 11:14 PM']Ok I've just done a little version of the piece, [attachment=34477:Output_1_2.mp3] I tried it at the dreaded 138 bpm and after a few takes got it down with only one tiny edit for the very last phrase so it's a bit warts and all and deviates ever so slightly from the written for the odd rhythm or note. It really is just a bit of fun so I'd welcome some comments. I've added a couple of harmony figures from the high register of the bass just to add a bit of colour but they're panned wide enough to not get in the way. Enjoy. Jake[/quote] Bloody hell, fast! Obviously my perception is coloured somewhat, but I'd say that sounds like you, it's your personality in the sound.
  14. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='627566' date='Oct 16 2009, 08:54 AM']Putting new strings on and a good polish is part of the bonding process with a new bass for me.[/quote] Me too! I shall be doing this very thing tomorrow with a Jap P. New scratchplate, new strings, set up, possibly a light fret dress, a good polish, then play all day! I love doing that Part of the pleasure of getting a new bass.
  15. [quote name='bottomfeed' post='626861' date='Oct 15 2009, 12:55 PM']Well I reckon Josh is defo the winner!.... every time I see that pic, I LOL [/quote] I could not agree more, it's the funniest picture of anything I can remember seeing! [quote name='bottomfeed' post='626861' date='Oct 15 2009, 12:55 PM']But here's my offerings anyway.... [i]Mr Pouty![/i] [/quote] A very Sacha Baron Cohen look, that.
  16. Mods fighting eachother? Whatever next? EDIT: No Rockers jokes please.
  17. These guys are awesome. Not exactly DB, but three-string Russian bass. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terem_Quartet"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terem_Quartet[/url]
  18. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='626834' date='Oct 15 2009, 12:28 PM']That's an interesting definition of Communism. You wouldn't favour capitalism, would you? Maybe? [/quote] I think it's a definition of Stevenage.
  19. [quote name='Doctor J' post='626816' date='Oct 15 2009, 12:06 PM']Didn't they try that whole thing where everyone just makes do with what's there and no-one aspires to anything different? What was it called again? Oh yeah, Communism.[/quote] Think you may have posted this in the wrong thread?
  20. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='626804' date='Oct 15 2009, 11:52 AM']Actually, if you want the truth, I think that most people (myself included) operate on a multitude of levels and do many of the things they do for reasons that are different from what they THINK they do them for. Its called 'justification' - not a literal meaning of the word but a psychological phenomenon that allows people to apparently rationally talk themselves into doing things they want to do or into not doing things they don't want to do. At its most extreme, it allows people to kill each other but it also allows people to, for instance, talk themselves out of doing things that have value (e.g. 'I don't have to learn to read music', 'I can get by without learning any theory' - all the arguments are rational but what are the motivations? That's another debate, obviously). My approach to things is to keep questioning them over and over again in an effort to find out what motivates but also what hinders my progress as a musician and as a human being - i.e. recognising my own justifications and deviant behaviours. Like most people, I get GAS. I look at the magazines and the pictures here and see all these lovely instruments and covet them, same as others do. I can justify anything, even £16K on an Alembic but, when I keep asking myself why do I want this? why do I want that? and when I keep digging and digging into what motivates that desire, I eventually realise that what I really want is nothing more than to be a better musician not to have a better bass/amp. So, instead of spending money and time on the tools, I spend it on acquiring the skills, knoiwledge and experience I need to excel. My mischievious thread is not, therefore, an attempt to be critical of those that do what they do to get these fantastic instruments built but to give others the opportunity to process the thoughts, feelings and emotions that drive people to want them. If someone has a genuinely objective reason for doing some of these things (ergonomics is one), who am I to censure them? But I genuinely believe that at least some of the people who go down this route are trying to buy themselves out of problems that are only solved by long term study and investment in their PLAYING not their gear. The fact that as many of these bespoke instruments get resold as get commisssioned has to be confirmation of the fact. PS Anthony Jackson rocks, whatever bass he plays.[/quote] It's a perfectly put point Bilbo. I won't say which bass, but there is a bass for sale here that I absolutely went mad for, I could not stop thinking about it for days, thinking of letting go treasured possessions to finance a purchase. I contacted the seller and I was disappointed with their lack of clarity and lack of answers to questions and the way the sale was being handled. It put me right off and I totally lost my GAS and my justifications for the purchase. The treasured guitar I considered selling is still for sale because this event changed my justifications for treasuring it. My so called treasured possessions became objectified and I see things differently now.
  21. [quote name='Prosebass' post='626797' date='Oct 15 2009, 11:43 AM']Ask a boy racer with his Nova what is the best thing to do to his car to enable him to go faster ? He will probably reply, 'induction kit' , 'performance exhaust' , 'low profile tyres' when in reality the first performance mod to make any car go faster is in fact uprated brakes.......food for thought ![/quote] And suspension. Kids can't corner, kids can only think in straight lines As far as this custom thing goes, for me it's a red herring. There are SO many variables that if you wanted the perfect bass for your preferences it would have to be based on an istrument you've already played and loved - so why didn't you buy that one in the first place? I had a bash on a custom Shuker last weekend, the owner adores it, I didn't like it at all, it felt all wrong for me although it was a superbly built bass. I also had a go on an old £75 Kay NT, it actually felt better for me than the Shuker. I agree with Bilbo, it's mainly aesthetic reasons, and the personal approach. Cool. I'll stick with my Warwicks, still the best basses I've ever played, in all respects. Apart from the Just-a-Nut II on my $$ which is the worst designed nut I have ever come across, complete crap.
  22. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='625875' date='Oct 14 2009, 12:01 PM']Hi Graeme, I've just checked the picture again and yes it's me. I've just come out of hospital after an operation for prostrate cancer and I'm feeling not too bad - hope to gig on Saturday but may have to play sitting down. Howard.[/quote] Hope you get well soon Doctor.
  23. Sort of a bump, You bought this from me not Sibob, it is gorgeous, I built it Good luck Alex.
  24. [quote name='bassaussie' post='626076' date='Oct 14 2009, 03:07 PM']I don't know if this info will help, but I'll add it anyway. The Bantam line was introduced in Australia around 1984 or so. Thing is, I can remember a guy buying a regular one (single neck) either in 1984 or 85, and I can still remember the price, which was AU $800. Reason I remember the price is that I was absolutely mesmerised by the original Steinberger bass around that time, and that was selling for $2400 in Australia. When the Bantam came along, and also the Riverhead version, they were both priced around the same area, $800 or so (the Riverhead was a bit more expensive, say $900) and I was stunned that they could give the same features for 1/3 of the price (I didn't know a lot about basses back then!! ) . I can also remember the price for a Hondo Alien, another attempt at a headless design, and that was around $450. So, I checked on the Reserve Bank of Australia website, and for 1984/5, the Aussie dollar to GBP fluctated between 70p down to 50p. Which gives a range for the bass of £400-£550. This is probably not a bad guestimate for the UK value, as UK would've reflected similar import duties and taxes as the Aussie price. Since Bassassin's RRP from the US indicates that the double neck was around 50% more, that would suggest a price range of around £600-£800. Now, how any of that will impact the current value, I don't know (and to be quite honest, I don't really think it has any bearing at all), but I think it might help in guessing what the original value might've been. I've seen a few of the single neck basses sell in the US over the last few years, and they don't come along all that often. Thing is, even though they're rare and people are always interested in them, they don't command huge "vintage value" prices. Here's a few from Talkbass, they were easy enough to find by doing a search. [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=549491&highlight=bantam"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.p...ighlight=bantam[/url] [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=348656&highlight=bantam"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.p...ighlight=bantam[/url] An actual double neck. Started at $1250, down to $1000. [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=290444&highlight=bantam"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.p...ighlight=bantam[/url] I hope this helps. If this post in any way contravenes forum rules, I'kk happily remove it.[/quote] That is fantastically helpful, mate! I think if I were to start the bidding () on this I'd kick off at about £300 as a fair offer.
  25. [quote name='Bassassin' post='626043' date='Oct 14 2009, 02:31 PM']I thought I'd already posted these but clearly I was hallucinating again: [url="http://www.matsumoku.org/models/washburn/catalogs/bantam.html"]Washburn Bantam dealer slick[/url] No double-neck but hardware & spec will be identical. [url="http://www.matsumoku.org/models/washburn/catalogs/84_pl/84_pl_pg3_web.jpg.html"]US 1984 price list, including double neck[/url] This might clarify the 1984 rrp controversy if anyone knows the exchange rate from 25 years ago, can guess the Ripoff Britain markup, and thinks a new price from a quarter of a century ago has any bearing whatsoever on current secondhand value. Personally I think there's every likelihood that if Washburn's UK importer had sold 6 of these at a £1100 rrp, there's a very strong possibility that they'd have ordered in a few more. Jon.[/quote] Great info, and excellent points, thanks Jon.
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