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Al Krow

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Everything posted by Al Krow

  1. Bear in mind they will dock you a small % for the privelege of using Invapay. Which definitely annoyed some of my bandmates.
  2. Hey Paul - saw on another thread that you still have a DG head and BF rig? (Which is exactly what I'm also using for my gigging rig). Out of interest did you let your AO go and replace with another DG unit? And if so, what was it about the AO head that didn't hit the spot for you?
  3. Yeah fair! My Q on preserving low end stands, though, particularly with lack of clean blend.
  4. Had just over 100 responses in from bands both here and in the US. Results took me by surprise: about 70% of bands said that they used a sub as part of their PA and another approx 10% that they were thinking of getting one. Perhaps a skewed sample in that bands who don't use maybe simply haven't registered, but for some reason I thought the proportion of bands using would be lower maybe 50:50 or less. But based on your feedback (for which many thanks!) clearly subs are both popular with gigging bands and obviously seem to work in practice. Looks like I need to start making the case to my covers bands!
  5. Like the concept and could be a neat successor to the DHA valve preamps. But seems to be geared at 6 string guitars - any idea how it will perform with bass; in particular preserving low end? Couldn't see a clean blend on it.
  6. And then you'll be gassing for one, when it's gone! But fair enough, it needs all of us to keep the wheels of the FS section turning and I'm about to have a week off 😂
  7. Haha - you've already got an outstanding purely passive PJ bass!
  8. That's kinda interesting and actually says a lot about the "immediacy/accessibility" of the C4 (and FI) vs a non programmable / dial accessed pedal like the SY1. Both @Woodinblack and myself were onto the arpeggiator on the SY1 straight away - and both came to the conclusion that it really is very good and one of the best features on the SY1.
  9. Yup, and this has midi capability as well as PC editing. (But mono rather than poly). Don't have a view on the C4 arpeggiator yourself D?
  10. Yes it does. And its arpeggiator is superb. It is not programmable nor midi enabled but the arpeggiator speed is very easily adjusted both via its dials and also by using an expression pedal. It also tracks like a deer hunter polyphonically, which can leave other synth pedals in the shade. The strength of the SY-1 is its simplicity of use. If you don't want to spend a lot of time PC editing then that's where it comes into its own. So you could either go down the wonderful but complex, expensive and real estate consuming approach as illustrated so well in the diagram above to get your arpeggiator needs sorted. Or just get one Boss pedal.
  11. ...So my M900 v1 got snapped up by a fellow London bassist who popped round this evening to collect. He's recently also got himself a BF SC and, given that's my gigging cab too, he was able to hear his exact rig in action which was a very handy coincidence. Hooked up to my Yanmmy BB 1025 frankly the rig sold itself! All I needed to do was to tweak a few dials to show the versatility of the amp from punchy clean to "touch of dirt", which added in some tasty complex harmonics, to full-blooded drive. All underpinned by a ridiculous amount of muscle under the bonnet. Can't believe it's taken me this long to really take in just how tasty the clean sounded with the VMT drive set at 2/10, probably because I've been too focused on using the B3K drive in rehearsals and gigs. Ah well, too late now! My M900 has found its way to another pairing with a BF SC and the grin on the buyer's face was completely undisguised as he left!
  12. I'd love to know a bit more about this pedal, not least given the reference to square and sine waves (is this also a synth?) but intel on the net seems to be decidedly sparse - to the extent there's nothing on the Orange website itself!
  13. Just reminded myself of what we covered and when your earlier thread was: Previously you mentioned that the Panda FI was a bit too spendy for you. Worth mentioning that it's about to get a facelift with the v3 software release, which our very own @Quatschmacher has been closely involved with. They do come up used from time to time, but even then you're usually looking at around £280 to £295 posted. So if this is still over budget, since your previous thread two classy synth pedals have been released: The Source Audio C4 - £249 new And the Boss SY1 - £175 new (which I may or may not be a big fan of - young master Gisser D, who has both the FI and C4, is still making his mind up on which side of the fence I'm coming down on 😁)
  14. Yeah definitely go with Lozz on this one, given that he's actually using the RM500 live with his punk band and finding it does the job well. That's about as good a volume road test as anyone is going to be able to provide!
  15. So how hard would it be to start playing basses left hand then? You guys seem to get all the best deals! 😁
  16. Should be fine in terms using the two together. The amp delivers 500 watts into a 4 ohm cab, so if you're using an 8 ohm BF SC you'll get around 250W to 300W. If you add another 8 ohm cab down the line in 'parallel', the combined 'load' of the two amps will be 4 ohms and you'll get the full 500W from two 12" speakers (rather than 250W from one 12" speaker), which will be considerably louder. But I suspect that's an issue for another day! Only point I'd raise is that 250W to 300W may not leave you much headroom if you're part of a full rock band playing at volume - if you are maybe worth considering the RM800 instead?
  17. Cheers buddy, got it on YT right now (with mandatory headphones for that low end)... When are you guys next gigging in Landern?
  18. Surely, by definition, they're the best sort?! 😄
  19. I know, I know, all true Paul. But...I'm still stuck in my caveman view that a watt is a watt is a watt. Unless the output is being measured wrong. I also totally get that the complex harmonics of a tube pre-amp will cut through more than a clean tone. But I like to have have 350W+ (at 8 ohms) on tap simply so that I don't have to drive my amp hard, which I think folk agree results in greater wear & tear on the amp circuitry. Guess I've been a little spoiled with my DG M900 / AO900 heads on that score.
  20. Oooh, now you're talking! Line 6 (aka Yamaha) - you heard it here first! 😁
  21. You and me both! 😁 Is this the one that Jay had up for sale? I didn't manage to persuade him to trade me it for a bass that I've now managed to sell. Timing eh!
  22. Yup indeed, but according to their website: "The Terror bass is a Class D amp with 500 watts of power into 4 Ohms and 250 Watts into 8 Ohms, the limiter switch on the back prevents the output stage from being pushed too hard into 4 ohms." And as the SC is an 8 ohm cab, I can imagine plenty of scenarios where 250W won't be enough. And certainly the best 112 cabs I've played through (e.g. the Fearless F112) will thrive on more.
  23. Loving this thread. Ok you Reggae experts - for the inexperienced numpty like me who loves the genre but has never persuaded his covers bands to do anything much in it (maybe that will change when we get a decent sub woofer 😁), who do you rate as your favourite reggae bassist(s) I should be checking out for inspiration?
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