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Al Krow

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Everything posted by Al Krow

  1. Cos a bass buddy had an immediate need for it, and I'm fine with the couple of cabs I still have. You know me well enough to know that it can be a while before I put my bass gear to best use, although I aim to get there in the end So I don't mind waiting a few months for a replacement, either used or new.
  2. @dave_bass5 you're very welcome mate, it's always a pleasure to help a fellow BC buddy out; besides I got a free diagnostic of my Stomp when you popped over, which is now speaking to my PC again! The Fearless F112 is the best 112 cab I've ever had the pleasure of playing through. Frankly it holds its own not just against other 112s, but 210s as well. It has a clarity, articulation and punch to rival even a Berg CN212, which for me is high praise indeed! (Although as an 8ohm 112 it won't be as loud as a quality 4 ohm 212). And unless you decide to return this one (and I have first dibs if you do), I'm sure this won't be the only Fearless F112 I end up owning!
  3. Now all we need is to get the camera to focus (I had the same issue with my gig video on Saturday night!) 😁
  4. That will be a really nice combination - and you'll also have something very secure to post the bass in, should you need to!
  5. I've just taken legal advice in relation to the OP and I've been informed that nowhere does it stipulate a restriction to 3 items**. Take your time, and give the rest of us an opportunity to feel better about ourselves... 😁 ** although I can't guarantee this won't be overturned in the Supreme Court πŸ˜‚
  6. Guys - you seen this? Looks very good value to me and if I didn't have a couple of them already I'd be snapping this up!
  7. Interesting one. Is it fair to say that with, certain notable exceptions - Wal, Ken Smith and Rics come to mind, basses seem to fall further from RRP to their eventual used resale value than pretty much any other bit of gear? Or is that too broad a generalisation?
  8. ...oooh 5 string Spectors. You've just touched on my latest crush. I find with 5 strings that it's good to actually play the low B string rather than just use it as thumb rest, but maybe that's just me πŸ˜‰ 😁
  9. Sounds to me you could make your relocation money back (and then some) by flogging your missus to the highest bidder on basschat! πŸ˜‚
  10. Al Krow

    Boss SY-1

    Fair - you've got plenty on with v3.0! Maybe @GisserD can step into the breach with some C4 samples for krispn as I know he's already up to speed and quite a dab hand at Ableton (unlike me who will be using it for the first time week after next!)?
  11. Even when you buy used?! So the best you can come up with is "I didn't lose a thing?" 😁 I've recently been offered a 4003 in a trade for one of my herd. Have you just saved me a whole bunch of heartache? Some bed time reading... 😊
  12. Al Krow

    Boss SY-1

    Great - that gives me a bit of focus. Won't have time this week, but will try to get around to it the following week. @Quatschmacher could maybe be persuaded to provide some C4 samples in similar fashion.
  13. Al Krow

    Boss SY-1

    Well there are 500+ possible sounds on this thing! So do you want to narrow it down? Check out the 11 main settings on the right hand dial and select a couple and then maybe some particular song tracks and let's see how close I can get on the pedal? The SY-1 configurator on the Boss website gives an intro to some of the possible sounds also. It'll give me an excuse to get up to speed on Ableton Lite
  14. (1) I did, but I can't find anything that weighs 21lbs that can put out up to 600W at 8 ohms and is actually not too shabby (at all!). It comes in at #6 of my fav cabs of all time, in terms of sheer sound quality, but it wins out on portability! Come on then - 'fess up as to what you really thought about it and why it fell short of what other BC'ers had been saying about it? (2) There's no right answer here (or to most things gear related). Little story from last night's gig, I accidentally kicked on the drive early in the second set and left it on for 4 numbers three of which weren't in need of drive. Did I or anyone else notice? Like heck they did! So much for tone quest eh? 😁 (3) ** **[Deliberately left blank 😁]
  15. Al Krow

    Boss SY-1

    Yeah know what you mean - my expression pedal is definitely staying off board and being connected via a decent length TRS cable, so as not to take up valuable PB space. Having seen how much fun the budget Valeton EP is, I suspect I'll be upgrading that to more capable expression pedal in the near future - I've been recommended to look into the Mission EPs, so my Valeton could be heading to the FS fairly soon!
  16. 1. Am I the lucky beneficiary of (1)? 2. We can help you with that, what sound are you trying to get to? [Where are @dannyboy and @Dosi Y'Anarchy when you need them?] 3. ** **[Deliberately left blank 😁]
  17. Al Krow

    Boss SY-1

    Had young master @dave_bass5 round this afternoon collecting gear and fixing Stomps with great aplomb! He had to put up with me eulogising about the SY-1 to him and making him listen to 5 different sounds on just one of the 121 settings as I tweaked the two filters, and also hearing it track down to a low B without glitching. But he took it in his stride and to quote the dear chap... He even said that it sounded like you'd expect a synth to. Nuff said @krispn ?! Just go get one. If you don't like it you won't have any difficulty whatsoever shifting it - damn, having seen @GisserD with two Mastotrons on his boards, I'm even thinking about getting a second one of these 'little Boss synth pedals' 😁
  18. Aww - that would have been totally gutting!
  19. But they do! They do! No really they do!! 😁
  20. The Dancing Queen has recently been sighted playing her Ace of Spades. 😁
  21. Stomp back in action - cheers Dave! The usual PC I've been using, connected to Dave's Stomp no problem. Mine was still coming up blank => a hardware issue on my Stomp. Dave had the bright idea of checking the USB socket on both Stomps and turns out his is slightly different to mine (I'm guessing his is a more recent model?). Mine has 4 exposed pins. So we worked out a 'bodge' of just pushing the pins apart a bit and hey presto, my Stomp is back on line Slightly regretting doing that factory reset now...😁
  22. Particularly if you're in a covers band... Therapy? πŸ˜„
  23. Anti ABBA?!! - are you a fan of Motorhead by any chance? 😁
  24. Awww, I just feel that some of his material Will remain Evergreen 😁
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