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Al Krow

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Everything posted by Al Krow

  1. PS in terms of terminology, in case anyone's confused: low cut (i.e. cutting the low frequencies) is delivered by a HPF (i.e. a high pass filter which allows the high frequencies to pass) high cut = LPF
  2. An HPF does two key things: i) tightens up the low end. General view seems to be that anything below around 50Hz adds more to boominess than to a meaty low end, and that the focus should be on the first harmonics and above (for low B that is 62Hz+, for the low E string that's 82Hz+); although IMO there's an argument for leaving in the fundamental frequencies of the low B string (31Hz) and your very own low E string (41Hz) avatar! ii) used to entirely cut the subsonic crud (<20 Hz) so that your speakers are not wasting energy on very low frequency but high energy waves that no one can actually hear; and can work more efficiently to deliver the frequencies you can hear. i) impacts the bass sound; ii) should not. Here's the SFX Thumpinator in action, which is set to cut everything below 28Hz i.e. delivering ii) and showing how much less cab displacement there is with an HPF engaged. Virtually zero difference in tone.
  3. +1 ^^ Markbass head plus any of BF / VK / Berg cabs would all be great IMO. I personally would go for one of the more recent MB heads as they have fixed the EQ gaps present on their previous LM2 and 3 ranges.
  4. Yup, it sounds awesome. But is it really as good as it sounds on paper?! Just wondering how full a low end it's capable of delivering?
  5. Exactly! And actually likely to be considerably less of a difference than even that, if its only a "bit of bass" going through the PA which is what has been recommended. And IMO quite different to a bass cab alone delivering the bass, which was the starting point for me on this thread.
  6. Understand. I recently received a bass from Germany from a retailer, which was significantly less well packaged than I would do with the basses I've sold, but it still arrived in A-1 condition, so I'm feeling a bit more confident about European shipments. I would of course get everything insured, just in case!
  7. You seen Paul's white BB1100S in the FS? Dunno if that would fit the bill of what you're looking for? If it had an extra thumb rest string I've have bitten his hand off...I do like a white Yammy
  8. In case anyone has a 734A going spare...I'm guessing that @thisisswanbon is not going to be letting his go any time soon!
  9. Well if the price you sold me a BB 425 for is anything to go by then, yup, you did lose your marbles a couple of years back! 😁 Particularly when a chunk of the discount related to you mislaying a piece of hardware which you then subsequently found and kindly posted at your own cost...
  10. Love it when I find out that one of my BC heroes started playing the bass at an age I'm very shortly about to reach!
  11. I'm guessing the preloaded ones will already include a DG 410 cab, which as you say covers the basics. I think you can indeed go a hunting for this stuff. But I suspect that, in practice, the difference between one cab sim and another for a "bit of bass" going through a 10" speaker PA mix is going to be fairly marginal.
  12. As a fyi - the preloaded cab sims are pretty limited on the DG AO 900 suite: One where the HX Stomp wins hand down!
  13. I've not come across these before Mick and I'm intrigued. Able to handle 400W RMS is just the ticket. And a 13lb cab. Amazing. Is there a separate thread on these that I've missed? If not, please start one - I'd love to hear a bit more about them and how they stack up against the competition.
  14. The more appropriate question is whether you should be banned or not. For asking if 42 is too old. 😂
  15. Great track and Gwen is a complete heart throb!
  16. Delighted to have the privilege of starting a feedback thread for Keith (aka @BlueMoon). Really straightforward transaction and actually one of the smoothest I've done because, despite being in Belgium, Keith organised a courier collection for the HX Stomp he bought from me, in the shape of his son who is based in London (and has just started learning bass, himself). Great comms, speedy transaction and payment - thank you! Enjoy the pedal. Bas
  17. Yeah, but instead of getting distortion, phaser, compressor, delay and looper you just bought one pedal to rule them all.
  18. That's one awesome rig to go with a very tasty bass! Welcome aboard the Yammy club! Did you buy new or manage to pick one up used? But with reactions like yours to the BB range, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised that we've just snuck passed 3,000 posts on this thread (and can't be more than 2,500 of those down to me and Andy T 😂). I think I'm correct in saying that's the first ever bass focussed thread to pass that particular milestone in BC's history. Here's a glass raised to Yammys
  19. If you want a value for money synthy octave then check out the Valeton OC-10 (review posted in the reviews section), one of the best and certainly best value Boss OC2 clones on the market. Combine with dirt or fuzz to taste.
  20. And sold Just make sure that BlueMoon Jr doesn't become too much of an expert on it before you manage to get your hands on it
  21. I'm pretty sure mine was the v2 of the T65 ie not requiring the Y cable for the loop.
  22. Guess you've already seen this?
  23. Getting back on topic...referring to the HG 310 and 312s: Hi - we will have these in stock in January. Kind regards Mark Stickley Bass Direct Ltd
  24. I have a cunning plan 😎 Besides there might be a Stomp coming up FS in the near future if someone works out how to use their Helix FX as a headphone amp.
  25. They've only really complained about the bass tone ever once and it was down to room acoustics rather than the bass as I was using a Yammy PJ, so not an aggressive Ibby or Spector. Sound check absent any audience in a large high ceiling function room and they felt the bass was sitting above the mix rather than below the mix and it was a volume issue. I don't think a couple of them have worked out what a difference bodies make! In terms of mids I'm kinda hearing from the great and the good on this forum that where the action is is at 250 Hz and a slight push there plus maybe a slight cut at 500 Hz to sweeten the pot is the way to go.
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