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Al Krow

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Everything posted by Al Krow

  1. Out of interest why doesn't it default to A = 440Hz post v3 upgrade? You'd have thought that would be a pretty obvious thing to do.
  2. Aha! That makes sense. Do you have to go online to reset it? I guess we should really be having this discussion on the FI thread... apologies to the OP! Lol, just checked, you're the OP! ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  3. Appreciate that this is a bit of thread derail, although it's hopefully in the spirit of what we're sharing, but if any of you also posted on last year's thread, it would be really interesting to hear whether you kept your nominations from 12 month's ago? Given the churn in kit I've had over the past couple of years, I must admit I was really chuffed to read my OP from last year and see that my fav purchase then and the two runners up (all basses) have sailed through 2019 and look set to remain for a while yet. I guess there's hope for me yet Now if I had to decide whether my fav from this year matches my fav from last year, that's gonna be a really tricky one and I'll probably need to "do a @Merton" and sleep on it. Probably for about six months in my case ๐Ÿ˜
  4. When you're using the tuner, you'll see three dash levels to the side of a particular note: high dash, mid (in tune), and low. I'm referring to the difference in these dashes as a "notch". And when I'm playing a single note (particularly a low B) the level ducks and dives like a pro boxer. Much more stable on my Zoom B1-4. You not getting any of this on yours?
  5. Of course ๐Ÿ˜‰ PS is that what your disguise is for, so that no one works out it's you? Smart move.
  6. In your case, are you sure you're in the right band? In my case, believe me, it's not being the bass player that stops me getting laid... ...oh and @Merton that bass of yours (or at least the bit you've so far revealed) is a real looker. Is this the BC equivalent of strip-tease?
  7. It's not this one by Squier with a new balck bridge and a black painted fretboard but with inlays, by any chance? I've been reliably informed by (many many) BC'ers that you can do anything with a Squier ๐Ÿ˜
  8. But without a pic she is only words... ๐Ÿ˜ (and I haven't forgotten about you either @Merton ๐Ÿ˜‚)
  9. These Valeton boys do make some ridiculously good value pedals and, based on our collective experience to date, reliable gear. I know very little about these guys. I think the only (and large) clue is that the website offers alternatives of English and Simplified Chinese, and China is where I believe their design and production both take place. But, hey, if it's manufactured in the same country that they make Apple iPhones (and my Washburn HB-35) that's good enough for me!
  10. Hah! You having a second bite at the apple already Dave?! I guess that first pic completely entitles you to...
  11. Hey Peter, given that you are finding the FI to work well as a tuner, I've investigated this in a bit more depth to make sure I'm not speaking out of turn! This is what I found: My Zoom B1-4 was consistent with the tuning on this YouTube tuner which I selected at random, and the strings were also then internally consistent (i.e. 5th fret E = A etc) - although I appreciate such consistency is dependent on the bass being set up properly in the first place. Applying the same test to the FI tuner, I found that the FI tuned things a notch flat on the G, D, A, E strings and two notches flat on the B string i.e. an in-tune B string using the YouTube tuner and my B1-4 is showing as a one notch flat C note on the FI i.e.the FI is registering something that is in-tune as being #, and something in-tune on the FI would therefore show up as flat on my Zoom B1-4 (and by extension this YouTube tuner).
  12. Aww that's a shame - looks like a cool outfit. You guys got any material uploaded on YouTube?
  13. I'm guessing if these both work then the Valeton EP-2 should also work, and it has a very small footprint. @AxelF I have a vgc EP2 I'm going to be moving on at some point, as I'm thinking of getting a bigger footprint / more high end pedal (something like one of the Mission Engineering ones). If you might like to nab mine before I put it on the FS, please PM me.
  14. Wow, I'm intrigued as to what it is about the ACG (which looks lush btw!) that has resulted in your Wal being put out to pasture? What's the spec on it in terms of pups and preamp?
  15. That is amazingly good footage for a mobile phone! I'm guessing that the stage was pretty well lit? Mobile phones usually struggle big time with low lighting.
  16. It didn't give a stable or useful reading when I tried it out. Nowhere near as accurate with tuning pitch as e.g. my Zoom B1-4 or Stomp when I A/B'd them. I've now abandoned using the FI for tuning purposes.
  17. Glad to see my first Stomp is being put to such productive use - never in doubt it would find a better home in your hands than mine! Same likely to also be true for my second attempt at Stomp mastery which is now in the hands of @BlueMoon or at least BlueMoon Jr to be precise ๐Ÿ˜. And for a pedal to beat a bass in your affections is going some! Seems to me that this very capable HX pedal is already stomping (yeah ok that's bad, but it's early, right?) its way to the front of the best purchase queue in 2019.
  18. @gjones - that was very decent video footage - what did you guys record that on? All about the guitar on that one, though - need more footage of the bass player! ๐Ÿ˜ Shredding on an Epiphone Les Paul - they clearly do they job don't they. Just been thinking about getting one for myself in black - no real point in forking out 4 times as much for an actual Gibson IMO?
  19. Just had a v enjoyable 20 mins catching up on folks' posts, not sure how I missed a couple of the earlier ones... Really like your grunge-rock take on these classic covers. Yup defo need to see you guys in action - looking forward to the GoPro8 uploads in due course. Loved the bass line on this... ...and on @HazBeen's uploads today. @ballstomonty what an awesome stage sound! Very PF!
  20. I've not found the FI tuner to be that good / accurate thus far. So won't be replacing my other tuners unfortunately - would have been very handy if it could have done.
  21. Ok, now you're just being unnecessarily cruel ๐Ÿ˜‚
  22. I suspect this thread is (i) not going to be helpful for BC GAS generally but (ii) is in very good time to remedy said GAS via SC** ...be right back, just off to check out Alpher 5 string basses ๐Ÿ˜
  23. Nice! So if you had to pick one as your star purchase for 2019 which would you go for? That Alpher does look pretty sweet! Guessing those Nords deliver a crunchy growl and likely enhanced by that reverse P set up. @Merton pics of your fav bass (yup just the one!) please
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