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Everything posted by ubit

  1. Does the new iRig app have bass amps on it?
  2. I am forced to practise through headphones due to four people being in the house. Stepson and his girlfriend who NEVER go out. It's driving me mad. I have this amazing set up that I can't play through, so am forced to go through the mixing desk into my powered near field speakers and using Bose noise cancelling headphones. At lease I can play now instead of practising unplugged, although the sound is nothing like the real thing.
  3. Personally, I am convinced that even once this lockdown is over, pubs and gigs will be the last thing to get back to normal. Shops will open again under stricter social distancing rules but lets face it, pubs and gigs cannot by their very nature, allow social distancing. I think we will have to wait until a vaccine is readily available before they will allow pubs and gigs to go ahead. Even restaurants will be able to open before pubs unless there is a limit to the number of people allowed in, which will make for a poor atmosphere anyway.Very soon we will be pining for the pub gigs.
  4. There was one pub we used to play where you could guarantee a fight every weekend. We devised a plan to immediately slip into Survivors eye of the Tiger if we seen a fight kick off.
  5. We haven't played for a couple of years due to my job but pretty much all of our gigs were in pubs so we had no choice. I do realise it can be hazardous to your expensive equipment. I once had a drunk girl fall right onto my very expensive Status bass which was on a stand. Another time a punter tried to put his pint on our mixer.
  6. Some questionable 80's styling going on there. I heard that sadly Falco was trying to make a comeback and was killed in a car crash 😢
  7. I have an Ibanez K5 and I struggle with the tight string spacing. I think Ibanez guitars in general have a slim neck. My sausage fingers find it hard to get used to it.
  8. I almost never listen to the radio. I have my music all on my Mac (25,124 songs) and I listen to it on random pretty much every day and all night on a Friday. I get all the satisfaction from that.
  9. We always get back to taste. This thread is just about who you like or don't like. I love Rush. They are my all time favourite band. Hardly over rated when they had to struggle for 4 albums before gaining any success, then hard work and graft for over 40 years gave them the success that they deserved. They only recently got inducted into the Rock n Roll hall of fame!
  10. Couldn't agree more Stub, many "simple" bass lines are what makes a song so good.
  11. Mate, there are so many but a "strip the willow" is great fun. Dead easy to play but the reaction from the audience/dancers is well worth it.
  12. We were an eclectic cover band. We played just about every style going apart from jazz. We even delved into Scottish traditional which is harder than it sounds if you don't know the songs back to front. I think my most enjoyable would indeed be reggae as the bass is the forefront.
  13. This IS simply because you don't like them because millions of people, including me like both of these bands and enjoy their music immensely!
  14. That mullet puts Joe Dirt to shame!
  15. Dave De Harris on bass and vocals!
  16. Me too. I find I can sing and play quite complicated pieces as long as it follows the beat. Once you get half notes and anything offbeat, I get out of my depth.
  17. Thats obviously good for for Ska!
  18. Prince wasn't a classical composer but I would challenge anyone who said he wasn't a genius!
  19. No, your idea of a genius is someone who has been talked about for a couple of hundred years and covered by many other artists. Who knows what people will think of artists now in a couple of hundred years
  20. You could describe anyone who was really good at jamming to be included in this.
  21. genius Person who has exceptional intellectual ability, creativity, or originality This is subjective. You clearly don't consider anyone musical who is not a classical composer to be such but others will offer this description to someone who excells in their particular field.
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