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Happy Jack

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Everything posted by Happy Jack

  1. I wasn't aware that you had to pay a fee to use the Marketplace. I thought you had to pay a fee if you wanted to be a Seller. If you're a Buyer or merely a Browser, AFAIK nothing at all has changed.
  2. Surprised that no one has mentioned the string spacing. If you're used to Fenders (19mm at the bridge) then you'll find the strings uncomfortably close together, especially if you play fingerstyle, and ever more so if you like to dig in. The lack of "comfort contouring" on the upper side of the body means that there's a real tendency to dig into your side or rib-cage. In a heavy bass (frequently 5Kg) that's not a good thing.
  3. Thanks, but in truth I'd rather like to keep it in the family. 2.5 members of the band are Basschatters, our social media is run by a BCer, our website was designed and is run by a BCer. For anything band-related, I always start here ...
  4. I've had several Prosebasses, Paul's stuff is really well done. At £125 that really is a bargain. Wonder what it weighs ...
  5. Dive into the Freddie King back-catalogue ... you won't be disappointed. Also worth checking out Bobby "Blue" Bland. Both artists are usually categorised as blues (Bobby drifting well into soul territory) but they covered so much more ground than that, and both seemed to choose bass players who could bring something fresh to the music.
  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  7. The Junkyard Dogs have a quiet gig diary over the next month or two, but we're filling up nicely from mid-Jan onwards. I'd like to have a design for A6 flyers to leave on tables in pubs at those gigs. We could simply use a smaller version of the posters we currently supply to pubs in A3 and A4 format, but a proper A6 design would be better. I know there are BCers who do graphic design, print work, etc. Could be some business here ... what you got?
  8. Another absolute beauty Si. Any chance those are the original strings, do you think?
  9. Do you have the controls all up on your bass?
  10. What are you getting for JohnEaster?
  11. Have to say, I prefer yours Marcus ...
  12. I've often wondered why so much time on a bass website is wasted discussing metal. Talk about "two bald men arguing about a comb". Now, back to real music ...
  13. Sid Vicious ... slap ... does not compute ... warning! warning! danger! danger! ... tilt ...
  14. Rarest and most valuable perhaps, but how many of them are actually desirable rather than merely good investments? Given the opportunity to own any of those 25, there are maybe four that would appeal to me ... and I already have two of 'em! Aren't lists great? An easy way to fill column inches and provoke discussion on websites.
  15. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1384354110' post='2275606'] I've had 3 drummers & 4 singers so far in the current band. [/quote] Christ, that must have been noisy!
  16. Arch charge something like £12 ph and there are four rooms, three on the ground floor and one upstairs which is a nice size & shape but is roughly three feet beneath the District & Piccadilly lines. It follows that you could block-book the whole place for four hours for less than £200. There's a very large car park close at hand, and noise would obviously not be an issue.
  17. If it's any help, Adam (LowEndBee) plays with Sam & Dave ...
  18. Depends depends depends. I normally put it in a corner of the room, or at least against a sidewall, using the front-firing mic-pair. That's for a rock covers band, but that placement also works well for two different 3-piece semi-acoustic originals bands. The two things that can most easily screw you are putting the recorder either too close to your bass amp, or in front of something directional like a small guitar combo.
  19. Quirky is good. I like quirky. I don't own any, but I'm glad to know that it exists.
  20. I've just realised that I have no sense of scale here ... how big is it?
  21. [quote name='borisbrain' timestamp='1384173785' post='2273469'] Some of our venues have had more managers than Chelsea over the last five years. I'd imagine the smoking ban and cheap off-licence booze haven't been very helpful either. [/quote] True, all true, and also add in the fact that drink-driving became (with astonishing speed) social suicide about 20 years ago, that the Courts have been steadily more and more prepared to act on complaints about noise, that cable TV and the Internet have taken over many people's lives, and that we're at the tail-end (I hope) of the worst recession in living memory. There is no purpose in saying that the death of pubs is caused by X, or Y, or Z. It's caused by society doing what it does, which is constantly changing. The pubs which will survive will be those which either change with the times (e.g. gastropubs) or which find a genuine function to fulfil in the community.
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