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Everything posted by edstraker123

  1. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=270360936776"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=270360936776[/url]
  2. I was admiring a Bacchus Strong on ebay earlier today reportedly previously owned by Greg Lake which was at £750 with no bids -due to finish tomorrow. The listing then ended so presumably somebody had offered the owners asking price(hopefully a fellow BC'er). Was this good value ?- I couldn't find much info about this particular model. How good are the Bacchus basses- this one looked a beauty ? What is the best model and is there anything to beware of in purchasing from Japan? I currently have a friend living over there which would make getting hold of one a bit easier presumably. Ed.
  3. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Amazing-LOG-BASS_W0QQitemZ170311356694QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar?hash=item170311356694&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A1%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Amazing-LOG-BASS_W0Q...A1%7C240%3A1318[/url]
  4. [quote name='nonkel26' post='440397' date='Mar 20 2009, 04:00 PM']My bandmembers insists that I use the Fodera Emperor on gigs and rehearsels...that mean s something! Greetz, Dirk[/quote] Hi Dirk - I'd keep the basses and get a new band ! Some lovely basses there - good luck with your quest. Regards, Ed
  5. Check out this baby [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CUSTOM-BASS-GUITAR-TTR-DESIGN-Aluminium-Maple-MUST-SEE_W0QQitemZ300301060457QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar?hash=item300301060457&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A3%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1307"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CUSTOM-BASS-GUITAR-T...A1%7C240%3A1307[/url] If it was £500 I'd have to have it !
  6. Having been looking for a tutor for a while I came across Nick in this forum but wasn't sure whether the travelling from Sefton in Liverpool would prove to be a bit too much. I took my first lesson on Saturday and got to Nick's in about 30 minutes via the M58 / M6 (it probably would have taken me as long to get into Liverpool city centre). I was quite nervous having never taken lessons before and found Nick to be really friendly. Initially I felt really embarassed about every mistake I made (pretty much everything I played !) but Nick soon put me at ease. Even after a single lesson I can see that having neglected the music theory side of learning has proven detrimental to my improvement as a bass player and whilst I know I have got a lot to learn and it is not going to be easy, I'm really looking forward to taking the journey and getting my playing to the level I want.
  7. Looking for £1250 The craftsmanship is fantastic best I've seen and I've owned 3 shukers, an acg and an overwater.- checkout the Fibenare link below for details. This one has Fibenare handwound Odym pickups. Obviously comes with hard case. UK sale only. [url="http://fibenare.webzeppelin.hu/eroticdalmat2.html"]http://fibenare.webzeppelin.hu/eroticdalmat2.html[/url] That is the actual guitar in the picture on the Fibenare website. [attachment=22139:dalmat2.gif] [attachment=22138:dalmat1.gif] [attachment=22140:dalmat3.gif] [attachment=58017:SANY0001new.JPG] [attachment=58018:SANY0002new.JPG] [attachment=58019:SANY0003new.JPG] [attachment=58020:SANY0004new.JPG] [attachment=58021:SANY0005new.JPG] [attachment=58022:SANY0006new.JPG] PM if any interest [size=5][b]UK SALE ONLY[/b][/size]
  8. A true gentleman to deal with and a pleasure to meet !
  9. [quote name='spree' post='432961' date='Mar 12 2009, 10:24 PM']i opened this expecting to read about Rose Lane Music [url="http://roselanemusic.com/epages/eshop111508.sf"]http://roselanemusic.com/epages/eshop111508.sf[/url], but blow me theres another bunch in town now!![/quote] that's exactly what I said to Burno - haven't been yet - maybe tomorrow !
  10. [attachment=21799:q_parts.jpg] These knobs were listed as black with blue abalone tips but are actually more of a gun metal grey / titanium colour so were no good for my project. They are £12 each in WD music so grab yourself a bargain.
  11. Anybody tried the optima gold flatwounds? They are £33 so pretty expensive (if you can get hold of them- they seem to be out of stock everywhere ) but normal optima gold strings I've found to be excellent.
  12. Just picked up used one of these from a music shop in Liverpool for £350. It is in absolutely mint condition and is a lovely looking bass and sounds pretty good. It's only for playing at times when I don't want to damage my good basses (if you know what I mean) so I didn't really care if tonally it didn't set the world ablaze. Can't find much info on these apart from the usual 9/10 and 10/10 Harmony Central reviews. Anyone played one and has anyone got any thoughts on the price I paid ?
  13. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='427659' date='Mar 6 2009, 11:06 PM']I heard somewhere (from someone in the business) that the original Lodestone prototype basses were designed and built by Martin Sims - with no input from Status at all, even though they (Lodestone) have plagiarised the T-Bass headstock. Can't personally comment on tone or playability but they look a bit too heavy too me.[/quote] Actually much lighter then you would expect for the size. ed
  14. it's a work of art ! check out the review here - with some more pics [url="http://www.scribd.com/full/11107338?access_key=key-og7zxlu6k52w2sfvfic"]http://www.scribd.com/full/11107338?access...xlu6k52w2sfvfic[/url]
  15. [quote name='Rich' post='427164' date='Mar 6 2009, 01:27 PM']I'm with Simon. That headstock is a face only a mother could love. Quite ghastly and completely spoils the aesthetics of the instrument for me.[/quote] Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder - the headstock is it's nicest feature !
  16. [quote name='Panda' post='425503' date='Mar 4 2009, 08:22 PM']Having just looked at their website am now going for a (very) cold shower to cool down the lust!!! Post pics and comments after you get it.[/quote] Pics will be up soon !
  17. Hi Rich, I see what you mean about the similarity of the look of the tuning system with the Status T but completely disagree about the harsh sound. It's a different tone than my Shuker jazz but I certainly wouldn't say harsher . For a bass at this price I'd say it's excellent value for money and if you like the looks you are on to a winner, especially if you compare it to Fender's offerings as we did in store . Having checked out the Status website - I'll definitely have to get me one of those streamlines ! Ed. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='425567' date='Mar 4 2009, 10:03 PM']It's Ashdown's take on the Status T-Bass (with an almost exact copy of Rob Green's ergonomic tuning system). I've played a couple of these at a friend's store & I'd say don't bother... The basses themselves are made beautifully & the fittings/finish are excellent. The sound is horrendously harsh, though. Sounds like a bass relying too much on the preamp, as opposed to the woods. Try one, may sound different to your ears, but I hated it! You'd be better off spending a couple of hundred quid more and getting the real thing from Status. Their new graphite-necked T-Bass is excellent - I've played that as well. Rich.[/quote]
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