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Everything posted by edstraker123

  1. The Hyperpak is awesome - (and tiny to boot ) ! Good luck with the sale.
  2. [quote name='edstraker123' post='482895' date='May 8 2009, 01:18 PM']Hi Nugget, Could you have a guess at a value for it - might encourage people to make some offers.[/quote] Did you buy this one off BassBunny last year ? Ed.
  3. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='482954' date='May 8 2009, 02:21 PM']It's funny that Ritter was referenced. I specifically went to see them in Frankfurt... and whilst Jen's finishes look amazing on the web, I was a little underwhelmed when I saw them in the flesh. Each to their own though I guess. I am still no entirely sold on the Fodera thing... they are good, granted... but I don't see why they have the mystique that they have come to have... If Jon can get his stuff up there with Fodera, good on him! The top of the top is a very hard market to break into![/quote] I'm with you on this one -Ritters are a little too "Prince" for me if you know what I mean , they do look fantastic but wouldn't really fit the bill playing in a working man's club in Barnsley ! Looking at my "Fodera's are they worth it ?" post the jury seems to be out on these too. I think the thing with Jon's high enders are that you know you are going to get the value in the instrument -quality components with exquisite craftsmanship, rather than paying for gimmicky finishes or a premium for the brand name. I also hope these really succeed it would be nice for a british luthier to have a world class reputation.
  4. [quote name='Bassmonster' post='482976' date='May 8 2009, 02:41 PM']OOOOOOOOO, I wonder what the wait time on these ones are[/quote] I asked Jon the same question and he did say it would be ages before they would be ready. The fretboard has got an S inlaid in it made up of 2 seperate curves - it's hard to describe but looked really classy. One of them had an olive wood facing and was as nice as anything I've seen at any price.
  5. I was down at Jon's last weekend and he showed me the beginnings of a couple of high end basses which he said were going to be aimed at the Ritter / Fodera end of the market. Even at this early stage they looked absolutely amazing, so can't wait to see the finished products. As Jon is synonomous with producing basses which are good value for money I can't even begin to imagine what the spec of these is going to be if they carry a £4k price tag. Suffice to say I will be buying loads more lottery tickets between now and completion !
  6. [quote name='nugget' post='482693' date='May 8 2009, 08:49 AM']Hi - could add some cash to the bass for the right trade...anyone interested??[/quote] Hi Nugget, Could you have a guess at a value for it - might encourage people to make some offers.
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  8. Highlights the benefits of our basses for sale forum for both buyers and sellers ! On a personal level I'd much rather drive 150 miles to deal with a fellow BC'er as I'd definitely have more faith in the fact that the bass I was buying was genuine and as described and as a seller, I would want the buyer to be completely happy with their purchase before handing over their hard earned cash.
  9. I hate it when ebay sellers do this ! Surely it must be in contravention of Ebay rules. (At least it wasn't previously owned by Mr. Z !) [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TRABEN-CHAOS-LIMITED-BASS-GUITAR-PLUS-FLIGHTCASE_W0QQitemZ200336555365QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item200336555365&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A3%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TRABEN-CHAOS-LIMITED...A1%7C240%3A1318[/url]
  10. [quote name='maxrossell' post='471441' date='Apr 24 2009, 12:49 PM']That's a little bit country.[/quote] He has a guitar one up with a skull on it - so I guess you could ask him to do something to suit.
  11. Saw this on Ebay and thought it was pretty good value for money if you like that kind of thing ( I obviously do !) [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/fender-jazz-bass-hand-engraved-metal-scratch-plate_W0QQitemZ160328323763QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item160328323763&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1683|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/fender-jazz-bass-han...%3A1|240%3A1318[/url]
  12. I'd buy the Shuker - in fact I already have ! Sorry Kurt, Jon hasn't updated his site and I actually bought this bass about 6 weeks ago. I know it's no consolation but it's the best jazz I've ever played - blows any new Fender out of the water IMHO. The blue and white Jazz's were still in stock last time I was down there so if you can't wait I wouldn't hesitate to invest ! Ed.
  13. That looks lovely - good luck if you decide to sell it.
  14. Bought book from Andy - hassle free transaction.
  15. Geoff bought a bass from me yesterday and was very accomodating in meeting me at a mutually convenient place to avoid me having to use dreaded couriers to post the guitar. Lovely guy and it was a pleasure to do business with him. Certainly would not hesitate to deal with Geoff again. Ed.
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' post='455348' date='Apr 6 2009, 12:52 PM']Well the obvious suggestion is [url="http://www.simscustom.com"]Sims Custom[/url]. However if you like the graphic style then [url="http://www.inkyhollow.co.uk/"]Inky Hollow[/url] would be worth a look too.[/quote] Cheers both of them seem to offer what I'm looking for. Ed.
  17. Just wondering if anybody knows anywhere that does custom paint jobs - I'm talking elaborate artwork rather than just changing colours. Obviously need somebody who knows what they are doing basswise not just an artist (if you see what I mean). Regards, Ed.
  18. Due to the impending arrival of an ACG Harlot (hopefully this week) I need cash to pay off my credit card bill so will have to move this beauty to Ebay if I've got no firm interest by tomorrow night. Regards, Ed.
  19. [quote name='tubush' post='455190' date='Apr 6 2009, 10:05 AM']Whoa mate It's a Hungarian Masterpiece!!! They're unique, handmade instrument and It was awarded to the "best design" price If I remember right... Anyway they really worth the price, they're goes 500-600.000 HUF which is around 1700-2000 quids used/new and they don't really drop off their price 'cause they're made for order as I learned not long ago Good luck with the sale BUMP! [/quote] Thanks for the kind comments
  20. Here's a pic of one of my Shukers - it's pretty much the smallest, thinnest bass I've seen (not to mention a work of art) without losing anything on tone. [attachment=23385:shuker.jpg]
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