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Everything posted by ChunkyMunky

  1. I usually break the track down into manageable chunks and then put said chunks together. For example, let's take a pop song. Some tracks I can pick up after a first listen whereas something like a Latin track? Could be two weeks. It's a bit of a subjective question, I guess. Could you throw in a song that we could gauge up against for others here, maybe? Something like 'Limelight' would probably take me a solid 30 minutes or so I reckon.
  2. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1454605253' post='2971296'] If you really need a new neck on this, you got a duff one! [/quote] Nah! I love the body on it but just fancy upgrading it.
  3. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1453706905' post='2961885'] This but with a black pickguard... [/quote] If only there was a 5'er version of this.
  4. Hey, y'all! I imported a Squier VM P5 5'er and love it to bits. I fancy popping a far better neck on, however. What can you recommended me, please?
  5. I've sent off a few bits before. I'd be happy to circulate some books around that I'm not using at the moment. I've got; [list] [*]Latin Bass Book - Oscar Stagnaro [*]The Jazz Bass Book - Bruce Goldsby [*]The Evolving Bassist - Rufus Reid [*]Loads more. [/list] I'd love to do a temporary trade for anyone who has another book in that sort of realm. Feel free to drop me a message!
  6. You're all making me feel really rather young.
  7. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1453325279' post='2958543'] The TV show didn't examine it in depth. Women are genetically pre-disposed to not like low bass effects. In the wild low frequency vibrations tended to be harbingers of nastiness, like earthquakes and stampedes. Men are the opposite, as said stampedes were a sign of lunch approaching on the hoof. This to a great extent explains male fascination with big subwoofers, explosive effects and loud cars and motorcycles, whereas women could care less. What explains the female infatuation with shoes is anyone's guess. [/quote] This is signature worthy content right here.
  8. Personal vouch for Petey here. Great guy and undoubtedly good to deal with. Best of luck!
  9. Would you sell the Barefaced on it's own? I literally just got hold of a ShuttleMax 12.0!
  10. [font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif]I've just recently started a new job in which the hours are a bit hectic. I'm working from 8am to about 6-7pm and don't get back until about 8pm, to which I'm usually too knackered to even eat dinner let alone get some practice in. I'm doing this 6 days a week at the moment but it should look to settle down a tad when the new financial year pops round. How do you lot with busy schedules practice these days?[/font] [font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif]I went from having all of the free time in the world to being nearly too tired to even eat dinner. Little lulls in playing from external stimuli, perhaps? Love to hear your thoughts, chaps and chapettes.[/font]
  11. I think that might be to do with the notion that the grass is always greener on the other side. We look for faults in our own playing and those said faults can be manifested from the better parts of the playing of other people. I think it may be an unconscious sign that you might want to up your playing a bit?
  12. I spent about 6 months on this one. It's tricky but my goodness, it's worth it when you get to the end of it. First up, I'd recommend limbering up properly for this if you're going to do it fingerstyle. There's a few videos I can recommend you for it. In terms of playing it cleanly? Separate the whole riff into different sections. Speed said sections down and play them to perfection at a slower tempo. Why? Speed is born from precision, not the other way round. Feel free to drop me a line and I'd be happy to help.
  13. [quote name='Dropzone' timestamp='1452513142' post='2950575'] Littlehampton has more wierdos than anywhere else, and I've played Bognor Regis!!!! [/quote] He's right, ya'know!
  14. Rockbass Corvette. The frets were so sharp on it, I actually bled a bit on stage. I'm glad it got stolen!
  15. Take some time away from your instrument and find a different angle. Find things that inspire you, doesn't have to be musically related.
  16. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ampeg-SVT410HLF-Made-in-USA-4x10-500-Watts-Bass-Guitar-Speaker-Cab-Rare-Red-Logo-/272085656047?hash=item3f5991a1ef:g:DGcAAOSwYaFWexZL Yeah.
  17. Feel free to drop me a message, Alex. I'd be happy to help. Same goes for anyone else too for that matter!
  18. Takes about 3 shows for me to ruin a pack of strings but practice seems to be fine for a while. I use a variety of DRs.
  19. I love this place so much, thank you everyone. I can rest easy now!
  20. Who's ready for a horrifically novice question? I've just acquired a lovely Genz Benz ShuttleMax 12.0 and I watched a review from Ed Friedland's channel about it. I was a bit concerned after he mentioned about the wattage and ohmage overpowering the cabinet and thusly frying it. Am I overreacting a bit by worrying about frying a Barefaced or similar cabinet in the future? Thanks, y'all.
  21. The Facebook groups for deps, perhaps?
  22. Has to be the lack of space between the neck pickup and the neck itself. Makes it a bit of a tight for fit a lot of slap stuff. Probably the only thing I don't like on it.
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