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Everything posted by Dood

  1. "Mmmmmpfrrrfmph. Mmmrr, Fmmr Hermpf Rfffff Ommm Hrffffh!" "I can't hear you whilst I am playing with IEMs in" "Mmmmmpfrrrfmph. Mmmrr, Fmmr Hermpf Rfffff Ommm HHRRFFRF!" "Look, I can't hear you, I'm busy playing and I have these in" "MMMMMHFRRFF MFRRHHRRRMMMFFF!!!!!" "Ask me later!" "Mmmmmpfrrrfmph. Mmmrr, Fmmr Hermpf Rfffff Ommm Hrffffh!" "FFS, ask me later" and still they don't get the message!
  2. Oh mate! We did the same with a box of cymbals once! We were in Braintree and the cymbals were left in Norwich. I zoomed back towards the drummer's home and his dad jumped in his van and met us half way. When we arrived back at the gig we both walked straight on stage, no sound check and zoomed straight in to the first set. I was playing guitar at the time, so the other guitarist set up my gear for me. Can't comment on the drums but there was lots of one-handed metal drumming going on at points in the first set!
  3. Colour co-ordinated my signature and avatar.

    Guess I need to get out more often.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ead


      Please talk me through this colour co-ordination thing.  Mrs ead keeps mentioning it too.

    3. Dood


      Ok, I like purple, green and black. Everything is purple, green and black. There ya go, done. 


      Oh wait, I like Candy Apple Red too.


      It occurred to me I am only talking about basses. 

    4. andybassdoyle


      You totally need to get out more. You need to come and have a beer with me!!!

  4. Then I will endeavour to remember to add some squish to my reviews! I'll take that as a tip - Indeed, I have a pedal here now that is on my review list for Bass Gear Magazine!
  5. @frusty It looks stunning as I remember! Do remember me should you decide to part with it! Thank you, I guess that's testament to my set up and build skills eh! Although, I agree, the bass was pretty amazing completely stock and it does pain me to think that I had to sell. Yes, I've done a couple of JD style P basses. I'm actually getting ready to do another black and gold soon. I have the hardware here, just waiting for the donor vintage P to arrive. It's not a Fender, but also not surprising, it's one of Japan's finest period copies. Thank you for the pictures, fantastic.
  6. The new owner is a really good guy and I see his posts quite a lot on Facebook, but it pains me as I put so much work in to that bass. It's a Dingwall one of a kind in many ways. The half Pickguard was my idea that I discussed with Sheldon Dingwall and received his blessing. The pickups in the bass weren't even available at the time too!
  7. I know a bass player who forgot his drummer once. I had to drive all the way back to collect him.
  8. And this lovely bass. There's a few more that I don't have pictures immediately available to me. It was a very sh*t year for the Dingwall's
  9. And this one... @Frusty, you still got this one?
  10. This one. It's possibly somewhere in a studio in SUFFOLK. I'd love to know where!
  11. One of my very early home videos... Things have progressed substantially since I was recording in a tiny back bedroom!!!! OUT OF FOOOOOOOOOOOCUS!!! GAHHHH!!!
  12. Gosh, it's a while since I reviewed one (Youtube) but from memory, if you set the blend to 100% wet (as expected), it does go squishy, but maybe not as much as some that sometimes go a bit too far for useful bass sounds. I really rate this compressor and kinda wish I hung on to the one I bought.
  13. Y'all know you're posting status updates instead of forum posts and PM's, right? 👇

  14. Can't see it myself.... /I'll get my coat 😀🤣😂 (and glasses!!!)
  15. I chose yes, but at the same time, I wouldn't be so daft to tell people not to use the "60 year old technology"... or to suggest that multi scale instruments are anything new ;o)
  16. I'll see how quickly I can get one to do a full review for Bass Gear Magazine
  17. It does look pretty delicious, yeah!
  18. Thank you! Yes I do! B|Amp is absolutely superb - and It alone has managed to distill several rack U's of kit I used to drag around in to a nice neat package. I agree with Chris_b, there is definitely an authority to the sound and I don't need to tweak much to get what I need. Forte is a great amp too and I am most definitely excited about getting my hands on Forte HD, the new B|Amp Mk2 and both the NXT and NXV cabinets for a full review at some point! I really can't think of a reason to give up this amp, it's superb.
  19. PLEASE subscribe to my YouTube channel too here: https://www.YouTube.com/DanVeallBassist
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