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Marc S

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Everything posted by Marc S

  1. Down in the tubestation at midnight - the Jam
  2. I can confirm the necks on these basses are lovely to play. I'd heard the shape described as being a "modern C" shape / profile, and it certainly felt a lot like a Fender US Pbass I once had, which was the description given to the neck on that bass. It's quite slim, front-to-back, very easy on the left hand. There are times when I really wish I could have justified keeping mine, and I often ponder buying another... but I really mustn't! lol Really surprised this is still here.
  3. Telephone girl - Eddie & The Hot Rods
  4. Definitely worth the wait and the effort. Stunning result, and like @pedI'm surprised the paint has checked so soon. Love that dark wood board, Oly White and red Tort place combo! Definitely a keeper
  5. I don't use mine much anymore - since getting myself a Bose S1 battery powered mini PA. I considered selling the Micro Cube, but I also like the sound. It's got quite a range of input sounds & effects too, plus the built in drum machine. I've also used it to amplify CD's / MP3 files at a garden party, and it sounded great and much louder than expected. I hope they replace it with something similar. EDIT: I did some busking, where a guitarist plugged into the Micro Cube too - it did a damn good guitar sound.
  6. Which compressor is it @JimmyN2? Always interested in improving the sound from my Upswing.
  7. Dunlop MXR m80 D.I. preamp + distortion for sale. Mint condition, boxed and no velcro on the back. Great sounding unit, with excellent levels of control. The distortion on this is great too. Power supply not inc - can also be powered by 9v battery. These are £170 new now, and don't come up 2nd hand too often. Price not inc P&P, or you can collect from North Cardiff Only selling as I now have a combined ABY preamp (EBS)
  8. Wow! That really IS an amazing colour. Oh no.... that pic has induced GAS lol
  9. Lovely looking bass. I'm sure this will sell quickly. Moreover, sorry to hear of your health issues. I hope you don't give up entirely. Perhaps you could think about playing a Short scale, or even shorter? like some of the 26" scale basses around. Maybe even a Uke Bass? I suggest this, because I once gave up for almost 25 years! And on returning to the world of bass playing.... I regretted giving it up before. Plus, I am so so glad I took it up again. These days, there are a great many small, compact, and lightweight amps, cabs & heads out there too. Whatever you decide - best of luck with it
  10. Glad to hear the surgery went well. It really is a tricky operation, as there's so much "in the way" as it were - not least of all some large main vessels! But that went well - so that's the worst part over. Sorry to hear about the DVT - but at least that's treatable with drugs. Fingers crossed that everything goes well from now on. Keep us posted, and all the best for a speedy recovery. Take care. Marc
  11. Yes, these are great cabs - and so compact & lightweight too. Glad I got mine GLWTS
  12. If this is one of the earlier Made In Indonesia "VM" series - then it's a great bass for the money. I had one, and it was well made, and the original pickups sounded pretty good too (although this one should sound better, obviously). I seem to recall the neck was slightly narrower than typical P basses, yet slightly wider than a Jazz? Also, I seem to recall the neck feeling nice & silky smooth, and the bass being fairly lightweight.... Not sure whether that is Shorline Gold - but looks nice anyway. Great bass for this sort of cash - great backup too. GLWTS
  13. I haven't got a photo, or the Bouzouki to hand - but it's one of these... https://www.musicroom.com/ozark-bouzouki-flat-back-oza2222?glid=gb&CAWELAID=120075890000279149&gclid=CjwKCAiAleOeBhBdEiwAfgmXf_D1k-0AlN0iRyZ37d4QVK2CJSpokHSf2ZVgf4KpbHZkw5GvvrwJqhoCXJEQAvD_BwE EDIT: The shop where I bought it weren't aware of whether it's a Greek Bouzouki, but I do recall the description as being "Flat Back" I only just remembered it's an Ozark branded instrument.
  14. I really must play my Bouzouki more. One of the acoustic bands I'm in would really suit the Bouzouki on a couple of songs. My Bouzouki was fairly cheap, and didn't come with one fitted - however, although it was inexpensive, I really like it. I've played on some more expensive ones with pickup fitted... but didn't like them as much as my own. What I really want is at least a volume control on the pickup, and I'd rather not go cutting holes in the body at this stage. I spotted a Shadow pickup that might just fit the bill https://www.bax-shop.co.uk/guitar-pickups/shadow-sh-nfx-ac-nanoflex-acoustic-pickup-preamp-for-guitar?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=surfaces&gclid=Cj0KCQiA8t2eBhDeARIsAAVEga3-IvCfbFg42fNTPGnlPDSl26We9_TdLpBWR5ihnSahr0wHSuNGxv0aAllzEALw_wcB has anyone on here used these on a Bouzouki or other acoustic instrument? Or if you play Bouzouki or Octave Madolin - what pickup do you use? Cheers all
  15. I fancied playing mandolin for ages, and as soon as I got one, I also found space to be very tight for my left hand - I just couldn't stop my bass players fingers from straying into areas they shouldn't... there just simply wasn't enough space to form some chord shapes. So I did exactly the same thing, and bought a Bouzouki (though I don't think it's an Irish Bouzouki - it seems longer scale length) anyhow, that is also tuned to GDAE. I did that so I could play the same chords as I was learning on the mandolin. Now what I really need, is time to persist with it, and a decent pickup.
  16. I had one of these, and only let it go because I had too many basses, and tended to use my Classic series Fiesta Red P bass for gigs.... But oh how I wish I could have justified keeping my Sonic Blue Squier CV precision! I have owned & played quite a few P basses over the years, and these are absolutely amazing. If I didn't have my current fave P bass.... I'd still have my CV P. This colour is just soooo cool too. I don't know the seller personally, but if you're looking for a top quality Precision- look no further.
  17. Bought a bass neck from Dave. Great comms throughout. All went smoothly, and he packaged & posted it really well, and in super quick time. Don't hesitate to deal with this trusted BC member. Thanks Dave
  18. Oh I'd be very interested, if I wasn't so fond of my Fiesta Red P bass. I mean, it's a Japan Fender, it's a lovely ageing white, and a slightly narrower neck. What's not to like? If only I could justify another Precision! I'm sure this will sell - its partly due to it being "that time of year" I think.
  19. Cut Me Down - Lloyd Cole & The Commotions
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