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Everything posted by FinnDave

  1. I must lead a sheltered life, I have never seen a maple fingerboard that has not been lacquered. I've seen enough where the lacquer has worn off to know that maple gets pretty dirty if left unprotected.
  2. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1389379237' post='2333681'] They should have made a special deluxe version that came with a genuine middle class twit included. [/quote] Surely anyone deluded enough to actually buy one provided that themselves?
  3. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1389359718' post='2333255'] Some people seem to be very much undervaluing signwriting here, [/quote] A good friend of mine is a signwriter, I am sure he'd agree with you!
  4. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1389371276' post='2333518'] I don't like tattoos , either. [/quote] I find all that military marching music a bit much as well.
  5. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1389371258' post='2333517'] Surely the songs are in the same key they were last time you played them? [/quote] They are, but he hasn't managed to commit them to memory yet.
  6. We have a set list, but after 2 or 3 songs the lead singer/guitarist starts calling whatever he thinks will go down best with the audience. It works well for all of us except the harp player who always needs to be told which key the song is in. I would say that we are more tight than professional, especially in the second set if we get free drinks, then we are all pretty tight.
  7. Only other bass players look at the gear we use, no one else gives a rat's backside. And why should they?
  8. [quote name='Alfie' timestamp='1388574835' post='2323473'] Has anyone ever needed a backup bass? [/quote] Yes, but at the time I didn't have one. US P. decided to start cutting out mid-gig.
  9. I don't carry a spare in case of theft (never really considered it happening) but in case of string break or other failure. Years ago I had a decent US Precision which would cut out intermittently on stage (but never in rehearsal!).
  10. I'm in exactly the same position, have Fender Jazz and Precision basses and take whichever I fancy when I gig. I also take a Squier Precision as back-up. At ever gig, I tune it and leave it close to me, but it never gets used! I use it at rehearsals sometimes just so it doesn't feel left out. I paid £250 for the Squier, including a decent Fender gig bag, it is one of the vintage modified series.
  11. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1387997431' post='2317807'] I never knew Malcolm Cecil was British! I remember him working with Steve Hillage on his Motivation Radio album , and that TONTO machine featuring heavily. [/quote] That's it, that's where I must have come across TONTO.
  12. I remember Tonto's expanding headband well, but had no idea there was a British bassist behind it. Interesting info.
  13. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1387798154' post='2315699'] Am I the only person that likes presents to be a surprise? [/quote] No, you're not. Spoils the fun if you know in advance.
  14. I had a T&B 50 in the 70s and early 80s, used it initially with a home made 2x15, later with a 4x10. Great amps, would love another.
  15. I think I wear my bass slightly higher than I used to, but there's not much in it. [attachment=150768:1978.jpg] 1978 [attachment=150769:2013.jpg] 2013
  16. I had one of these years ago and used to carry it up (and down) three flights of narrow stairs to and from our flat everytime we had a rehearsal. We rehearsed twice a week, the damn thing nearly killed me. Sounded great, though!
  17. Lovely lady, I had a very enlightening extended email conversation with her some 15 years or so ago. Very generous with her time and knowledge.
  18. I generally cover my eyes and ears and wait for it to go away.
  19. Another vote for the ABM 500, very happy with mine.
  20. Never broken a string in 40+ years of playing, but still take a spare set AND a spare bass to every gig 'just in case'.
  21. The New Inn looks easier to find than the T&B, coming from the Oxford direction, at least. Worst to find was the Crumpled Horn, even the two guys in the band who live in Swindon had trouble with that! Have a good evening.
  22. Swindon is about 20 miles from where I live, yet I have never yet managed to find where I am going there without getting comprehensively lost. Tonight will see me searching for the Tap and Barrel, where my band is appearing, probably with a rather flustered bass payer after the enforced tour de Swindon. Good central location (I'm told) and a popular music pub. [url="https://www.facebook.com/TheWirebirds.UK/events"]https://www.facebook.com/TheWirebirds.UK/events[/url]
  23. One we always enjoy playing, and goes down well with audiences is [url="https://soundcloud.com/finndave-1/my-dog"]our version of Elvin Bishop's 'My Dog'[/url], Very little similarity to the original!
  24. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1385995434' post='2294396'] That's what a great cab will do for you. [/quote] Yup, I was using the ABM through an Ashdown 410 and the sound was never half as good as that from the Barefaced.
  25. I play in a five piece band and always use Ashdown amps, mostly my ABM500 into a Barefaced Super Twin. Never had to turn up beyond about 1/3 volume no mater where we play. Last couple of gigs I have used a MAG 300 (that our guitarist found in a skip!) with the same cab and still need only 1/3 volume. The bass is definitely clear to the rest of the band and the audience.
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