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Everything posted by FinnDave

  1. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1426957425' post='2724052'] Cool, sounds like good people and a good cause. Enjoy the evening and have some fun. Blue [/quote] Thanks, Blue, we're looking forward to it, especially as it will be the last gig for a while as one of the band is going into hospital next week and may be out of action for a few weeks.
  2. We rehearse in one of the band member's house, where he leaves the gear set up, only breaking down what is needed for any gigs. Spare drum kit used for gigs, and we have three PAs between us. I've started DIing the bass at rehearsals (and will do the same at smaller gigs), the guitarist brings a bigger amp than his rehearsal one if the gig needs it. As for paying, we all pay exactly the same, absolutely nothing.
  3. We're playing at a charity event at a local biker pub where we have previously played several paid gigs. I am a regular there so we were happy to be asked, and it's a cause we all have a personal interest in (Macmillan cancer support) and there are some benefits as there is a very good team on the PA and everything is being recorded and videoed with copies to be made available to us afterwards. Anyway, must get on as we are in in 2 1/2 hours and I am still sat here and not made my dinner yet!
  4. Oh yes,definitely a fan of my sansamp, and anything that allows me to cut down on the amount of gear I need to store and carry is a real plus. Food for thought.
  5. Looked on thomann, standard tech 21 bass driver DI.
  6. Not sure what flavour of sans amp I have, will need to check when I get home.
  7. I'm looking at it as a light and powerful replacement for my current back line. I don't use much of the 'drive' on the sansamp, but like the sound it produces through the PA better than the ABM and Super Twin, plus a lot less to carry and store. Just considering the options available, as we always do when something new hits the market.
  8. We ran through a 45 min set we're playing on Saturday a couple of times, mainly to check timings and transitions between songs. Good fun, as always with this band, and standing two feet from Jenny while she sings her heart out is never going to get boring!
  9. For tonal control? I don't know, fairly new to using anything other than traditional amps & cabs, bought a sansamp last week and have used it through the PA at a couple of rehearsals with impressive results. I was assuming that the unit would work in the same way as all other powered PA speakers I've come across and require a greater input than a bass alone can provide and also have no means of EQing the sound.
  10. Would it work as a bass amp using a sansamp DI? If so, I am starting to look at my Super Twin & Ashdown ABMs in a new and less favourable light.
  11. My reply was eaten by the system! Two whole basses and one half bass (just a neck)
  12. Still a bit shocked, I expect. He was an important figure in my life as he was in many others, I treasure the memories, the music, the letters I have from him, the times I met him...a wonderful man indeed.
  13. I played through a Sansamp (into our PA) for the first time yesterday. Hard to convince myself I wasn't playing through a high end amp & cab.
  14. I've had a MiM 60s classic Jazz (the cellulose finished one) for a couple of years and love it, I was plying it at rehearsal this evening. I also have a MiM standard Jazz which sounds much better than the US Standard I used to have (and also much better than the other MiM jazzes in the shop).
  15. When I say 'just paid', I mean as in this morning! I also bought 2 1/2 basses and a sansamp DI last month. I also think my very tolerant wife doesn't really deserve a fourth amp in our rather small lounge! But the Selmer is a lovely amp, I used mine for quite a few years through a variety of cabs. I'll mention it to the band at rehearsal tonight, our guitarist and drummer both live in Swindon.
  16. [quote name='MOSCOWBASS' timestamp='1426153187' post='2714894'] I had one of these at the time.....great amp, used to link the channels. Nostalgia [/quote] So did I, I'd have this like a shot but just had to pay out nearly a grand to have the engine fixed on my bike.
  17. [quote name='steantval' timestamp='1425935269' post='2712569'] Easy - find a band with a quality vocalist that can sing the songs in the original keys [/quote] Dangerous ground, our Jenny often asks us to try going up half a semitone....
  18. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1425859043' post='2711645'] Individual socks. [/quote] That would work for me if I had either a couple of pairs of socks less or a couple of basses more (and one odd sock).
  19. The idea is not to win the bloody thing, if we win we have to host it the following year and it costs a fortune!
  20. You're in for a surprise when you plug it in, mine is much more aggressive and snarly than I had expected, really cuts through well.
  21. Is this still available?
  22. I had one of these a few years ago, bloody lovely bit of bass. I'd rip your arm for it if i hadn't bought 2 1/2 basses in the last few weeks and trashed the engine in my bike last week.
  23. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1425471323' post='2707621'] Now you're doing it! It's a "t". Some people [/quote] Just shows how little you know about knitting a shirt!
  24. These anti-seismic comments will have the moderators quaking in their boots.
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