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Everything posted by Galilee

  1. [quote name='OldGit' post='232086' date='Jul 3 2008, 03:59 PM']Oh in that case I'd encore with Lady in Red[/quote] Ahahahahaha.
  2. Saw Lou Reed at the Royal Albert Hall on Monday night and was sat about 15 feet away from Rob Wasserman on EUB. What a fabulous player he is. EUB is not really my thing and I'd never heard of him before, but he made the bass guitar player (Fernando Saunders, and he's no slouch) completely redundant at the low end.
  3. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='227890' date='Jun 27 2008, 11:30 AM']do us a quick snap shot...[/quote] +1, can't beat a nice nut picture (my wife tells me).
  4. Sorry for being thick, but does that mean that there are 5 screws going into the neck?
  5. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='227791' date='Jun 27 2008, 09:12 AM']I just think, “how small can your nob actually be if you feel you have to parade your entire bass collection?”[/quote]
  6. Fabulous. I notice you have a brass nut on that. I am in the process of thinking about taking the broken (of course) JANII out of my Thumb and fitting a JANIII, but maybe I should go for a brass nut (JANI?). Is it adjustable for height at all?
  7. [quote name='budget bassist' post='227717' date='Jun 27 2008, 12:25 AM']in case you drop and break it, you step on the lead and break the output jack, you knock it on something and break the headstock, somebody spills beer on it, the electrics short out[/quote] I think that, if any of those things happened, I'd be in the corner crying, and sod the rest of the gig.
  8. My daughter's studying the drums.
  9. Ho hum, can you solder the strings to a nail (or somesuch) and clamp them between a couple of bits of wood and call that the bridge?
  10. [quote name='BassManKev' post='227128' date='Jun 26 2008, 09:35 AM']theres a guy in the bass classifieds selling a peavey grind 6 for £200, buy that [/quote] +1 to that. I played one at the Music Show and it was very nice indeed.
  11. If you want a cheapy, I can recommend Shines. I had one of their 5s for years and it was excellent, and at the London Music Show a couple of weeks ago I tried a 6 on their stand and it was fab. Something like £160 it was. [b]Ridiculously[/b] good value for money.
  12. Yeah, it's not the Celebrations pattern, it's more the size of the tin. To me it looks like the world's longest-scale banjo, which is cool and funny when it was just a lash up for a giggle, but now you've clearly made an effort.... On the other hand, you now have this long, detachable neck, so you'll get years of good value entertainment, bolting it onto all sorts of weird stuff just to see how it resonates.
  13. What are those EMP strings like? Worth the extra (or will only time tell)?
  14. Lovely job on that headstock and neck. It seems a bit sad and incongruous now that it's all attached to a Celebrations tin (although I guess that is kind of the whole point). How theoretically feasible would it be to attach the neck to (say) the body of an acoustic guitar or similar?
  15. Ah, I can't watch streaming video at work, it's Blocked by Websense. I should get on with some work really.....
  16. Well that's just a lash up surely? Someone's bolted a keyboard onto the bottom of a bass, and they haven't even used subtle bracketry. I've got an old Aria lying around here somewhere, so if I just get a trombone and a couple of bits of angle iron...
  17. Hmmm, probably just me not being a jazz fan then, eh? I can (just about) understand the point of the bass-solo stuff on Show of Hands, but the clips I listened to from this new album just leave me cold. On top of that, I watched a video for I Saw God, and it made me cringe.
  18. Listened to the clips of this new album on Victor's site last night. Am I the only person who doesn't get it? Great, great bass player, absolutely awful bloody music.
  19. I think that if I was 'pushing the envelope' and 'making it mine' on a Rammstein track, I'd just look like an idiot who was completely missing the point.
  20. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='222964' date='Jun 20 2008, 02:43 PM']Don't forget the open low D in all the gaps! Take deep breaths during the keyboard solo. Listen to the vocals to remind yourself where exactly you are in the song. That should keep you sufficiently distracted and it's what works for me when playing Engel. [/quote] Actually, we have a sequencer playing throughout as well, so when I pedalled the D, I got complaints that the line was 'too busy' (yes, I am surrounded by w***ers!).
  21. Last night we recorded a version of Rammstein's Engel. The bassline has about 4 notes in it and is repetitive throughout the song: A: --3h5--65--3h5--3h5--65-- and then, on the fourth bar: D: ----------------------------3333-- A: --3h5--65--3h5--3h5------------ That F moves about a bit (into different bars) during the song, so you have to concentrate somewhat. I don't find it a problem playing the line, it's just that after a while (say 20 takes to get the drum track down!) it begins to affect my brain, in the same way that repeating the same word over and over until it no longer makes sense does. At which point, my left hand gets a dose of the stupids. Any idea what's the best way to maintain focus when playing repetitive stuff like this?
  22. Ha ha, your wife will work it out when she starts to type something beginning with 'T' into Google and Windows suggests auto-completing with 'T*ts c*mshot' (edited because I thought that the filter would catch that, ha ha ha)
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