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Phil Adams

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Everything posted by Phil Adams

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  2. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1421774982' post='2664872'] Roy Wood was an excellent pinball player however. [/quote] Apparently he was Wizzard at it.
  3. I bought the little Vox AC for practicing, as per my avatar. Works well enough with phones, but through it's tiny speaker is pretty dire. Battery or with 9V adaptor, line in for CD or Mp3. Works for me.
  4. Thanks chaps. Sorry if I sound guilty. I just needed to "come out" and admit to preferring fretless. Of course, 60 years ago the boot would have been on the other foot, with electric bass players feeling guilty about their Precisions.
  5. I love playing fretless. Whilst I'm sure my intonation isn't spot on for the most part, my band mates say they can't hear any difference between me playing with or without frets (just as bad both ways I suspect). Are there any BC members who only play fretless through choice? (Obviously DB players need not apply). ie, is there any reason I can't live out the rest of my days playing fretless, or will the fret police be waiting to ambush me? Apart from slap and pop styles which I don't subscribe to anyway, is there any other situation where I'm gonna regret not having frets? Thanks in advance.
  6. Ann Murray made a mint from her song SnowBird. (Sorry, scraping barrel)
  7. Always loved the title track Goucho. All the albums are superb in different ways. If I had to choose one, well, I couldn't decide between Pretzel Logic and Katy Lied. Took me a long time to get used to the smoother way the band was heading.
  8. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1421091007' post='2657082'] Quicksilver Messenger Service were ahead of their time and saw the requirement for home parcel deliveries back in the 60's. Unfortunately by the time the internet had created the demand, they all had Mercury poisoning. [/quote] Yes, but they always knew what the temperature was!
  9. Loved them at the time, bought the first two CDs but haven't listened to them since they murdered Harvest for the World.
  10. Captain Beefheart and Meatloaf once joined forces and recorded the album "Meaty, Beaty, Big & Bouncy"
  11. Ive never used them, but having seen nothing but praise on this forum until today I wouldn't have hesitated. Shame if they get let down by their couriers. Not a lot you can do.
  12. Well this thread certainly is cr@p. You wouldn't catch me reading it, let alone posting on it.
  13. That's a bit of a surprise, and a real shame.
  14. House bands cater for all tastes and levels, they have to. Go for it, have fun, learn something, and pat yourself on the back.
  15. Country music star Dolly Parton has accepted an invitation to join the Cleethorpes branch of the Rotary Club. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-humber-30409800
  16. Elton John always denies that his hair is dyed, and claims it was that colour when he bought it.
  17. Slayer were originally got together to be The Leo Sayer Band. Unfortunately for Leo, the members were all thrash metal fans and soon tired of playing mindless drivel pop songs and met with their management to discuss breaking away. Small print in their contracts prevented them from any proper, self respecting metal band name, so they stuck with Sayer, only adding the "L" when their garden leave period expired.
  18. After suffering a broken nose while in the ring, former heavyweight all in wrestler, Jimmy Somerville threw in the towel and tried his hand, and lungs, at singing.
  19. Despite giving up the Womble suit some years ago, Mike Batt still lives in a cave on Wimbledon Common and can be seen daily collecting discarded litter. He has developed a lucrative recycling business and it's reckoned that his earning from bottles and tins outstrip his earnings from record sales by some 30.000 to 1.
  20. Ironically, Alvin Stardust was knocked down whilst attempting to cross the road.
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