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  1. I think that’s kind of my point, that that isn’t really how I write. Because I don’t really try to write songs. For the most part, they simply come into my head at some point and I try to get them out. 😉 Obviously there is then some work to be done, but I’m never really trying to consciously set the bar higher; that would be difficult with what is an essentially unconscious phenomenon. It’s either an acceptable level or it isn’t and that’s how it’s always been for me. Then or now, crap is crap. 😂 I suspect different people write/create differently though.
  2. I do wonder too if it depends how you write. 90% of the songs I’ve written have appeared in my head pretty much fully formed in terms of melody & chords, the only real work required being to translate that onto instruments, tweak the odd part and then formalise the lyrics. It’s not often I sit down with instruments and try to write something, and when I do, it’s seldom as successful.
  3. But if by doing more you get better, then by your 40s, 50s, 60s then you would expect to be far better still. And the majority - though certainly not all - really aren’t. Although I started playing at 17 I’d probably only written a dozen songs by my early twenties, which is when I started taking writing more seriously. I wrote songs at that time that are likely as good as anything I’ve written in the 30-odd years since, certainly from a musical perspective. And the two examples I gave still stand. Not everyone is the same. In any field, some people have to work far harder than others to get to the same point, which is not of course to say that putting in the work isn’t still valid or helpful.
  4. “Who Knows Where the Time Goes”, Sandy Denny’s best-known and most-lauded song, was apparently the 4th or 5th song she ever wrote. And Kate Bush wrote “The Man With The Child In His Eyes”, which in my opinion is one of the best songs ever written/recorded, when she was 13; she was 16 when it was recorded. So whilst you would hope to get better at writing songs as you go, it certainly isn’t a hard and fast rule. Speaking personally, some of the best songs I’ve ever written were done in my twenties and I’m sure many infinitely more well-known and successful artists could say the same.
  5. The words Simply Red were involved and you had to ask? 😂 Destroyed. Forever.
  6. Simply Red and Lou Reed for me, but each to their own. 😉
  7. Always loved that quote. R.I.P. Dusty.
  8. I’ve only had one back as part of a trade, with a view to selling on anyway. It was an easy enough decision to let it go; as soon as I had it back I knew why I sold it. However there are a few that I would have liked to have had back that I think I would have kept, knowing what I know now. A couple of them I did make enquiries about but weren’t to be, although it’s fair to say I’d have changed quite a few things on one of those.
  9. Well I don’t do over 9lbs, but they were noticeably over that, I’d say probably 10lbs plus.
  10. Sorry to hear of your arm/nerve woes. I have a similar issue with almost everything these days and it’s not fun.
  11. I thought they were more than that now? I don’t know. Haven’t tried one yet…..
  12. I’ve played a few of the US Subs when they came out and didn’t like them at all. Didn’t like the finishing, particularly the necks which to me felt unpleasant, and all the ones I played were on the heavy side. The Indonesian basses are a better bet IMO.
  13. I’ve played a couple. Very nice, but pretty heavy which is a no-no for me.
  14. I imagine that’s some feeling! The first thing I’m going to have to do is pass my driving test (learning 40 years too late), then I can start thinking about it seriously. I’d have to get accommodation too, and I’m pretty sure some of the parts I want wouldn’t be included in the price. 😉
  15. In spite of everything suggesting that I would probably prefer the US Sterling to the US Stingray, I don’t. But if you liked your mate’s, that what matters. I happily defer to DrT above in matters Musicman, but of course only you can decide which you like best. FWIW, Sterling by Musicman are all Indonesian, as opposed to Musicman basses, which are built in the USA. Also FWIW, I haven’t liked the ones I’ve played any less than the majority of the full fat US MusicMan basses I’ve played. In fact I like the US Classics I’ve played quite a bit less. Of course YMMV. If you want a Jazz nut width, just make sure that’s what you get. I think most of the necessary info is actually on the individual sites, it just takes a bit of wading through. https://intl.sterlingbymusicman.com/pages/about Maybe somebody should do a potted Musicman history/primer for MM newbies.
  16. I’ve had an issue with power tools ever since using a drill press in metalwork at school. I hadn’t secured the thing being drilled as well as I should’ve and it flew out and missed my left eye by about an inch. 😳 I’m easily discouraged!😁 Im also rather attached to my fingers…..😂
  17. Well I’ve got paper templates to make plywood templates from. 😉
  18. Thanks for the info George. I definitely don’t want anything Fender-like so I’d obviously need a 1 to 1.
  19. I’ve been thinking about this all week, so thanks for the review. A couple of things (which may been addressed elsewhere): What happens if you don’t want something Fender-ish? Can you do through-necks? What about a maple body? I suspect I may need to run this all by Mr Shuker…. Im also terrified of power tools!😂
  20. Can’t argue with any of those. Love the SBS cover and is there anything more iconic and immediately identifiable than the Motorhead one? The Lionheart cover gets a lot of flack from some quarters but I feel sets the mood of the album really nicely.
  21. 😂 I first went to see them on the Sign of the Hammer tour, expecting them to be be as hilariously bad as the pictures. They completely blew my head off. It was the best gig I’d ever been to and has only been surpassed once since.
  22. I think that’s an outtake, or possibly a variant……the original looks like this:
  23. A bit more money, but what about Bravewood? http://www.bravewoodguitars.co.uk/page4.html
  24. My thoughts exactly. Our most recent cd cover is a photo a photographer friend took which reminded the other writer in the band and myself of Hipgnosis. We’re big fans of much of the same music (Prog!), have the same reference points, and we loved it. Another bandmate, a little younger and not at all interested in ‘70s Prog, hated it; he had no reference for it whatsoever. I kept telling him it reminded me of George Hardie. After about 8 weeks of this he finally admitted he didn’t know who that was. 😂 Of course we’re in charge so he was outvoted. 😉
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