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  1. 4000


    That may be because you’re in the minority of not having a completely shot back. 😉 If you have no idea of the pain that you can suffer, never mind the effect on other bodily functions, you’re very, very, very lucky.
  2. 4000


    Not when you’ve got several prolapsed intervertebral discs it can’t. 😉 Once upon a time I had basses that weighed 12, 13 lbs and never even noticed. Post prolapses, if I put my 10lb Wal or Alembic on both my legs went completely numb, which is why I sold them. I could have had a strap 4 feet wide and made of helium and it wouldn’t have helped.
  3. 4000


    That’s wood for you!
  4. 4000


    Over 9lbs for me!
  5. 4000

    ACG newborn

    I really like the logo on facing wood at the back of the neck, that’s a really lovely touch.
  6. As has been said, if you like the Barts it’s all good. Can’t speak for the Ibbys, but I’ve had Barts in several (very expensive) basses and the only one they worked in was my Pedulla, possibly because it was all maple, so bright in the first place. I just find Barts generally too dark. I like a big, twangy, full range tone and IME they just aren’t great for that.
  7. This is something I’ve always tried to do. But then people start turning up gradually throughout the evening. 🤦‍♂️
  8. Cymbals are the worst for me, they cause me physical pain. We’re an acoustic band and the “drummer” plays a cajon, which is lovely. However a couple of years ago he decided he’d add a cymbal and hi-hat for a bit of colour. We’ve just started rehearsing again and I’m going to have to get earplugs, because it’s painful every time he hits one of them. If only he’d stuck with just the bloody cajon. I told him last week and he said whilst he’s deaf as a post (he is) he’d never heard of hearing damage causing physical pain. 🙄
  9. I’m unfortunately aware of the fact that given Kevin first enquired a couple of months ago and had got his order in already, whereas I looked sometime in the last week and I’ve now got to wait until March next year to even consider putting in an order, God doesn’t want me to have another Jaydee.☹️😂 A shame as I’ve had a used S1 (dodgy neck, a bit cumbersome for me), used S2 (great but too heavy), and was going to go for a new S3 next time…
  10. Looks like you got in at just the right time! Congrats again!🙂
  11. Congrats on the order, I’m jealous. 😁 I’m a bit baffled though; the website says that the next booking slot is March next year and that it’s then a 16 month wait, so how were you able to put in an order now? Was it because you’d previously enquired?
  12. Love the bass on Knowing Me Knowing Me, but I love all of Rutger’s stuff. For me, Sexy Eiffel Towers by Bow Wow Wow. Monster line.
  13. She said it’s a result of bad stage monitors earlier in her career, plus a lot of clubbing. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-57996035 I love KT, she’s an absolute diamond.
  14. Judging by the wear I’d expect it probably is…..
  15. I sold my first because it had a dodgy neck. My second went because it was too heavy. I’d love a light one with a stable neck though. 😉
  16. If he’s as tall as his dad it could easily be 34”.😉
  17. Must admit I was looking at the current ordering situation, but the website says the next order spot is March ‘22 and then it’s a 16 (?) month wait…
  18. He obviously knows I was watching old Level 42 live footage - all featuring the Jaydee - the day before! It’s not helping my GAS for one…. His sound with the Jaydee was so different, it was so aggressive, relatively speaking.
  19. Since when did that stop anyone?😂 Buy a capo and you’re good to go. 😉
  20. Les Pauls. Love ‘em. If I had the money I’d have dozens of them. Luckily (?) I haven’t, on both counts. Rickenbacker 381s. And pretty much any nice acoustic. Don’t get me started on twin-necks……or citterns. 😁 The only thing that worries me about retiring is that I may then have the time to learn keyboards. And that’s a rabbit hole I don’t even want to consider.😂
  21. This. Always this. Once I’ve decided something is going, it stays in its case until it’s sold.
  22. This is why, ever since I was a child, I’ve fallen apart at the last verse of After the Goldrush.
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