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Everything posted by 4000

  1. Because of my neck/shoulder/arm/back problems I have a very small window of strap height in which I can play comfortably. If it's at the best height for my playing, it's unfortunately quite painful, so I have to have the bass somewhat lower than would be ideal. Even sitting down I have issues because much of my problem is aggravated by shoulder/arm position.
  2. Old photo - '91 4001CS, '73 4000 (set-neck), '72 4001. And my current ones, both '72s (the Fireglo is the same as in the above pic):
  3. [quote name='bassmachine2112' timestamp='1348302464' post='1811995'] hi,just get a 4003,flick the selector to bridge pup and engage vintage push /pull switch-bingo,as close as you,ll get to a 4000. [/quote] My 4000 sounded quite different to any of my 4001s (or 3s) in bridge pickup mode. I don't know if it was the set neck (as opposed to through-neck on the others) or just that particular bass (quite possible) but it really was far more annoyed-sounding. FWIW my old 4001s don't sound much like any of the 4003s I've played, vintage selector or not. I think with Ricks, like most basses, you've got to keep playing them until you find one that suits. I rather like that process; of course some don't.
  4. Thanks for the offer. I've considered getting both but I'm just not sure if I'd use the Compact, depending of course on whether the Midget works for me. Where is your way, just out of interest?
  5. I had a '73 4000. Absolute beast of a thing. The first time I used it at rehearsal I came in part way through a song and the band all stopped & turned round to see what the racket was. It was much more aggressive than any of my 4001s. Very versatile too. Shouldn't have sold it, but I had a bad gig with it and I guess it took the blame. It made my old Statii sound like banjos. I happily gig both my '72 4001s and they're pretty near bullet proof. The only times I don't use them is when they don't suit what I'm doing.
  6. [quote name='Phil-osopher10' timestamp='1348238054' post='1811271'] I much prefered the midget over the compact, don't know why though. [/quote] I can't help wondering if I should be looking to swap my Compact for a Midget.....
  7. I love these. Unfortunately my back doesn't. Best of luck with the sale though!
  8. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1348253376' post='1811559'] Goodness, Ed, thank you so much, I think that clears up virtually everything with some interesting additions! Thanks for spending the time to get that all down, a succinct history of the 4000 series. Interesting the most famous Ricks are the cheaper Rick-Lite versions sent over for us 3rd World Limeys. So, if I see a horseshoe/toaster I'm looking at a vintage Rick, if I see dots and no binding I'm looking at one the 1999s and, for the most part, if I see a gigging Rick it'll be a 4003, if I see an upward curl its a Macca copy. Did I pass? [/quote] If you see a horseshoe/toaster you're looking at either a vintage Rick, a CS / V63 or C-Series (all reissues, more or less), or a bass with retrofitted pickups. You can still buy toasters so far as I'm aware. Intermittently they sell the reissue 'shoes too, or you can occasionally pick them up for an enormous sum on ebay. The originals are even harder to come by. Although all the RM1999s were unbound, not all unbound basses are RMs. The 4000 and 4001s (both unbound) were regular models that were made through the '60s and '70s. The RMs were the '60s UK import version, but that doesn't mean all the unbound '60s basses you'll find are RMs. If you see a gigging Rick it's just as likely to be a 4001 as a 4003 and if you see an upside down head it's a C-Series (4001C64 IIRC). The Macca copy is the 4001C64s (which also has an upside down head), the "s" denoting "sanded" to reflect Macca's sanding of the body horns. Clear?
  9. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1348222520' post='1810997'] Right, here's something I can answer! The horseshoe is definitely the magnet on those pups and is not removable. [/quote] Unless it's a reissue horseshoe (as on V63/C-Series/CS) in which case they're [i]not[/i] the magnet and [i]are[/i] removable. FWIW, toasters are single coil, as are horseshoes, as are hi-gains. The 4004 comes with humbuckers. Ricks from mid-'72 onwards up to around the time of the first 4003s had the "skunk stripe", which was shedua. I have 2 x '72 4001s, one with, one without. If you want to get all the (myriad) details, go to the Rick Resource Forum. Despite its reputation there are some great people on there who really, really know their stuff.
  10. [quote name='mep' timestamp='1348172214' post='1810492'] I recently bought a Vintage V4TBM on-line as I wanted a cheap passive bass in addition to my 2 main active bass (Charvel & Stingray). I read some reviews and this was the one to go for, especially as DJM Music were selling them for £209 and the TBM is black with a maple neck. It is a really great bass for the price and plays exceptionally well. My main issue is the weight of the body. The bass only weighs 3Kg or 8 Ibs. I really does feel light, espcecially when I pick up 2 basses, one in each hand. 2 reviews in BGM for the V4 both mention that this is a heavy bass with one review saying it weighs 10 Ibs, the same as a P Bass. Amazon list is as weighing 5Kg, or 11 Ibs. Not only does the neck dive but I feel it also affects the sound somewhat, especially in a live band situation. It just doesn;t have that full sound. Ok I usually use active basses, although my Aria is passive, but maybe I should not exepect this to sound and feel too similar. My other basses all weigh around 5Kg. I have raised this with DJM and they have weighed the other basses they have in stock and have check with the supplier and this is what the bass weighs. They say I can have a replacement but it will weigh the same. This is their response. [i][font=Verdana][size=2]The weight of the item on Amazon is the boxed weight and this is also the weight we are given by our suppliers. Having been down to our warehouse and weighed one I can confirm that 8 lbs. is around the correct weight for this item. I also spoke to our supplier directly and they also informed me that this is the weight of the Bass. We would be more than happy to offer you a replacement but to be honest with you, they all weigh the same as the one you already have. [/size][/font][/i][i][font=Verdana][size=2]With this information provided I will be happy to hear your thoughts on the matter and if I can be of any further assistance then please do not hesitate to contact me[/size][/font][/i] Does anyone have a Vintage V4 and can confirm what it weighs? Also what is it like for you gigging? In the meantime I have changed the strings to some Roto RB45's (as my Ray) and that seems to be better, but I will not be too sure untill I can gig it on Saturday. But the issue of neck dive will always be there, especially when standing up. My main use for this bass will be home practicing and band rehersals, and using it for the odd set now and again. [/quote] I'd much sooner have a light one but I have back problems. The heavier the worse for me! As for neck dive, I'd change the tuners....
  11. [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1348164949' post='1810327'] Why is he using a plec though? [/quote] Because he wants to?
  12. I used one of those 2.5XLs once, in the Bass Centre. '91 Dolphin Pro 1 into some Hartke head that had a LOT of eq - rotaries that is - and it sounded fantastic. One of my favourite ever playing experiences. To be honest though I do rather like the sound of the old Hartkes, unlike many these days.
  13. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1347965038' post='1807164'] Totally - give me a free copy today and I'd throw it away... Good times, these are the good times Leave your cares behind, these are the good times Good times, these are the good times Our new state of mind, these are the good times Happy days are here again The time is right for makin' friends Let's get together, how 'bout a quarter to ten Come tomorrow, let's all do it again Boys will be boys, better let them have their toys Girls will be girls, cute pony tails and curls Must put an end to this stress and strife I think I want to live the sporting life A rumor has it that it's getting late Time marches on, just can't wait The clock keeps turning, why hesitate You silly fool, you can't change your fate Let's cut the rug, a little jive and jitterbug We want the best, we won't settle for less Don't be a drag, participate Clams on the half shell and roller-skates, roller-skates It ain't 'Paradise Lost', is it? [/quote] No, and it's probably all the better for it. Dancing Queen is hardly the Bard either, but I'll take it over 99.999% of the music out there. Why? Because IMO it's a glorious tune. Which to me is all that matters. I'll add that I do love a bit of Chic BTW. Bernard is sublime.
  14. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1347901732' post='1806416'] I was chatting to a friend recently who's also a Bass player but isn't registered on this site..got to talking about the type of basslines he likes to listen to - I was a bit shocked when he said he wasn't really into Reggae or the Funky stuff though he did occassionally have a listen to both... Since the "Funk and Groove" thread is one of the most contributed to and both are bass led, I thought that most bassists would be into Reggae and Funk..apparently not... Any thoughts?? [/quote] I like both, mainly dependent on artist/track, but they're probably both somewhat down my pecking order. If I had to choose I'm more of a prog/fusion/jazz/pop/rock guy. If there is such a thing, of course. Seriously, I'm generally far more into melodic bass (and music) than groove bass (and music). Unless there's a drone involved. I do love a good drone.
  15. I can't not have one. I have to have two.
  16. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1348143126' post='1809903'] Interesting. I've never heard parts in my head - ever. Writing, for me, seems to be about emptying my head, strangely enough, then shuffling things around. Absolutely ZERO inspiration: it's the only way to go, kidz. [/quote] Strange! Almost everything comes from my head. I hear whole songs, sections of songs, pieces of music from the sublime to the ridiculous, etc etc and then try and translate those into actual sound. My head is actually full of music (and seldom other people's music) pretty much 24/7, which is why I write. I have to, to get it out! Occasionally I play something on the instrument first and it works, but generally I imagine first and play later.
  17. I always preferred the slash hole anyway TBH.....
  18. I can't find anything either. I'll be interested to see what Stevie's reply is.
  19. As with everything, it depends how you play, what sound you're after, and what sounds YOU can create through whatever rig your using. The bottom line is it has to work for YOU.
  20. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1347032537' post='1796275'] some people struggle when borrowing my amp but it does tend to be people who EQ by eye, rather than by ear (not saying that's you) [/quote] It certainly isn't; if there was ever anyone who eqs by ear it's me. Just never, ever liked the gear. If I was on a desert island and the only bass rig left was Peavey I'd take up ukelele.
  21. He's certainly said in an interview that I've read that he ditched flats before Zeppelin.
  22. They do indeed run forever but if there's one make out there I have never got along with it's Peavey. I've never been able to get a sound I'm happy with out of a Peavey amp and I've used lots of them. Of course YMMV as always.
  23. Oh my goodness. Now THAT's what a Fender should look like!
  24. [quote name='lozbass' timestamp='1345538092' post='1778494'] Picked this Brown Bass up recently, just a couple of quick shots (iphone) from the polish and set-up until I can get something better. I'm exceptionally pleased - another testament to the craft and vision of the Alembic people [/quote] Another one Loz? I tried a Brown Bass once and it was incredibly light compared to my SC Deluxe. It also had THE most fabulous neck (but of course you already know about the Stanley taper )
  25. Love these. Too heavy for me though nowadays.
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