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  1. 4000


    I've been wondering the same thing and I'll admit it's been putting me off a little. OTH my mate uses a Promethean and has done at least 50 gigs with it; he absolutely swears by it. I've been using a Hartke 1x10 Kickback (currently also playing acoustic gigs with cajon) and TBH it's been great.
  2. Cheers Paul. I personally prefer much tighter spacing as I'm used to my Rics and my old Alembics; maybe one day I'll have to talk to you about a custom.
  3. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1346540185' post='1790472'] A few weeks ago I had the chance to try a Mesa 2 x 10 against my Compact. The Compact was my preferred sound by a long way. The Mesa cab sounded thin and lacking in the depth and creaminess of the Compact. [/quote] That could be part of my problem, as depth and creaminess (certainly the latter) aren't really what I'm after.
  4. Paul; what's the string spacing?
  5. Can't view as I'm at work but I'll add that Paul's work was possibly the highlight of Bass Day for me a couple of years back. I much preferred his walnut-faced set neck to the Fodera I tried. Seemed like a really nice bloke too and relatively local to me.
  6. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1346410750' post='1788866'] That was exactly what I found with the Compact, and adding a Midget provided exactly what I was looking for. I never tried just the Midget alone, except for home use, and think that it would have been the opposite - I would have had the punch, but without the bulk. That`s why Alex recommended adding the Midget, and he was right - the pair worked so well together for what I wanted. Shame I had to sell them really. [/quote] Unfortunately both would be one step too far bulk-wise, so I'd have to choose between one or the other. Or something else entirely of course.
  7. John Diggins at Jaydee (unless he's moved). 'Nuff said.
  8. Currently listening to Emily Barker and the Red Clay Halo after seeing them at Solfest. Also a bit of Seth Lakeman, KT Tunstall (no change there then)and Bow Wow Wow. Oh, and Genesis Seconds Out for the millionth time.
  9. I'm also interested in a Reidmar through a Compact, my current cab. I'm currently using an ABM500 (when I use the bigger rig, which isn't often these days). I do wonder if I'd prefer a Midget as sometimes I find the Compact a little lacking in a particular kind of midrange punch, focus and for want of a better term, "bark", something I've been unable to dial in with several different heads. Bear in mind this is with me playing through it; of course YMMV.
  10. For those mentioning Mahogany Rush, Frank Marino was one of my main influences on bass, even though he played guitar. I always loved that fluidity he had, certainly on later recordings (the opposite of the staccato bass thing many go for) and worked long and hard on it back in the day. First gig was Stan Kenton (ask Bilbo!), probably in my early teens. That's not counting my dad's big band. Followed IIRC by Buddy Rich, Woody Herman, Louis Bellson and then Buddy again, although I could be wrong with the order. No idea who was on bass at any of them and I've never got round to checking. First rock gig was Hawkwind in'79 at Preston Guild Hall with Harvey Bainbridge on bass. They blew my head off! Around the same time I declined a ticket for AC/DC with Bon Scott on vocals saying I couldn't afford it and would catch them next time. Of course there never was a next time, which is a lesson in itself. Thankfully I didn't make that mistake with the Who and John Entwistle. First saw Motorhead at Blackburn King George's Hall, also the first time I met Lemmy.
  11. How do these compare to the real thing?
  12. Beautiful bass; the Zoid is my favourite W&T shape. I'd still like one of these some day.
  13. [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1344503074' post='1765429'] This is not easy to even think, let alone do... so many variables! [/quote] Yep, this is the problem.
  14. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1344499581' post='1765350'] All this would prove is what that particular amp sounds like though a particular cab. A different amp (or different settings) may produce very different results. Where flat eq might sound great through one cab, another might need to be heavily eq-d but may give more preferable results once you've done so. +1 to the band testing. I've played loads of rigs that have sounded great until I get them in a band situation and vice versa. [/quote] Aha! Well you did say "the same amp".
  15. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1344453334' post='1764886'] That's like trying to tell the difference between a butternut squash and Ann Widdicombe's arse through the bottom of a bottle. [/quote] There's a difference?
  16. Alembic and Star bass for me in this context. The Ray is bottom, but of course Rays don't have to sound like that. In fact the Ray sound here reminds me of my old Aggie GS112s with the tweeter engaged; bottom, searing top, and nothing at all in the middle.
  17. [quote name='nobody's prefect' timestamp='1344106866' post='1759968'] Yup, defo love KB. I just wish there was something I could use to strong-arm my favourite songbirds to do 'Wuthering Heights', 'Babooshka', 'Running Up That Hill', 'Sat in Your Lap' combined with 'Rhiannon' 'I Don't Want to Know' 'You Make Loving Fun' 'Second Hand News' 'Go Your Own Way' 'Blue Letter' / 'Crucified' 'Cornflake Girl' 'Little Earthquakes' 'Silent All These Years' ... I'd play that set for free, goddamnit. I'd be crying or have shivers running up and down my spine through the set - well worth the trouble of driving/load-in/play/load-out/drive... [/quote] Wow; nice set!!!!!
  18. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1342308775' post='1733194'] The first album (KIck Inside) is very inventive and 'The Man WIth The Child In his Eyes' is always a goose-pimple inducing song for me. [/quote] A big +1 here. Love Kate to bits. My fave albums are probably the first 2, but she's just done so much great, unique stuff.
  19. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1344497643' post='1765319'] - The same amp should be used through a multitude of cabs (where the cab is able to handle the amp of course). On the same settings. [/quote] All this would prove is what that particular amp sounds like though a particular cab. A different amp (or different settings) may produce very different results. Where flat eq might sound great through one cab, another might need to be heavily eq-d but may give more preferable results once you've done so. +1 to the band testing. I've played loads of rigs that have sounded great until I get them in a band situation and vice versa.
  20. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1344436625' post='1764465'] Sorry but I have to disagree for the very reasons that you think that they are great! I agree with all of the statements that a Wal can sound great BUT having owned one many years ago (and having one in the house now on loan), I have to say that they infuriate me with their ability to allow 'me' to screw the tone up! I found that when I owned mine that if I gave it just a bit of a tweak mid song/gig it had the potential to start to sound pants and I'd then spend the rest of the gig trying to get back what I wanted... not my idea of fun. Not saying that they aren't great basses, I have liked the neck of everyone that I have tried but I find them generally a bit too heavy and those tone circuits are just not for me. [/quote] Have to say I didn't really get on with the Wal Custom I had. Loved playing it at home but in a band found it nigh on useless; it was just too nasal using most settings. Still after a (preferably passive) Wal Pro though. Saw Leigh Gorman again on Friday; what a tone.
  21. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1344443859' post='1764641'] I doubt I could get down just to witness the cabinet differences, but what I will say is that nothing 'special' should be set up...at all. When you get to a gig, you put your cab down and get on with it. As long as the same amp, cables and bass are used, by the same person demoing it, then that's enough. [/quote] There are so many factors when doing this. When a friend tried my Compact, he thought it sucked big time. He prefers more of a full range rig and runs his amp pretty much flat. I always eq heavily, so get very different results. Plus, some basses work with some amps/cabs and not others. And then there's the sonics of the band you play in, etc etc.....
  22. My original Trace 4x10 (Mk1? - painted, not covered, & with 4 x 50W Celestions- sealed not ported) was my favourite of all the cabs I've ever played through when using my Rickenbackers, in terms of both tone and response. Unfortunately once the discs in my back went carrying it went out of the window; it weighed approx 100lb (originally I could carry it one-handed). I've never used anything else that has sounded remotely as good to my ears using those basses. I've used other cabs that have sounded better with different basses however.
  23. My Flamboyant has KAs with a Schack pre and IMO it could be the best sounding Sei I've owned; I think it's really down to the KAs, but it seems a very nice match.
  24. [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1344020365' post='1758906'] Yup, that's pretty much my opinion too, you can check it as the last (I think) post in my "small and lightweight" topic... The compressor only goes to 3:1 so it will always be subtle. Coming from 10 years using a warm SWR amp with a valve preamp I've been finding it hard to get used to the Reidmar's sharpness, especially because the EQ has a completely different philosophy (knobs have effect on frequencies they don't relate to) so I'm having to learn how to work with this EQ, but I can see I'm getting better at finding sounds I like as time goes by. I actually find the Mid Freq knob a bit too wide. It pretty much goes from lows to highs not just sticking to mids, I prefer a knob with a narrower scope. As it is, the slightest touch of the knob makes you go from one frequency to another that's farther than you wanted. Hard to be precise. [/quote] Interesting. Warm is the last word I'd have used to describe all the SWR gear I've used. Makes me wonder about the Reidmar.
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