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Everything posted by tony_m

  1. Well, FWIW it certainly doesn't look a whole lot like my 1977/78 Musicmaster s/n S839xxx... [attachment=83198:musicmas...ceelliot.jpg] I'd also take exception to the description "[i]They're lightweight[/i]" - mine weighs a ton!!!
  2. Very nice, love the green! I'd prefer it with the bridge cover the *right* way round, but hey, that's just me...
  3. Not black strings admittedly, but (Aged?) White/Black/White here (via a nice chap on eBay, originally off a Squier Standard Series Jazz apparently), with a rosewood tugbar from Guy Lewis... [attachment=81945:cvj.jpg]
  4. Much as I love Fenders (especially Jazzes)... [attachment=81697:eye_bleach.jpg]
  5. A spot of late-night / early-morning Google-Fu indicates that MN4 + 5 or 6 digits could well be acceptable for a 2004 MIM, but it's your money!!!
  6. And just so we know where we all stand... [url="http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/worlds-best-guitarist-seeks-rockin-awesome-band11-t213418.html"]WORLDS BEST GUITARIST SEEKS ROCKIN AWESOME BAND!!!!!!!11 [/url] [i]I play guitar. lead guitar only. rhythm and bass are for pussies wid no talent. i like slash so will only play gunns n roses or metallica. or bands that sound just like them. will not play a song i do not like (which is anything that is not BR00T@L M3T@L!!!!11 ROCK ON!!!11) [/i] And that's just for starters! I don't know, kids + computers = never a good idea...
  7. Still red for me - looks like a velvet cushion, while the blue/green looks like a cushion that's been left out in the sun too long!!!
  8. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1229704' date='May 13 2011, 10:03 AM']So it's early 90s, a MIJ and seafoam green/surf green. My guess would be a 62reissue. The strip towards the bridge and bridge pickup along with the screw hole above the neck pickup gives it away plus the pickups definatly look 60s spacing.[/quote] I'd agree it's probably a JB62 reissue, presumably non-export given the colour? Whatever, it's very nice, [i]very [/i]nice indeed!
  9. Not normally a fan of red, but that red [i]is [/i]stunning, so in this instance red it is!
  10. Hmm, this anniversary seems to have slipped by unnoticed by all but Julian Cope! [url="http://www.onthisdeity.com/21st-march-1991-%e2%80%93-the-death-of-leo-fender/"]21st March 1991 - the Death of Leo Fender[/url]
  11. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='1157399' date='Mar 10 2011, 11:08 PM']So much for my big fact hunt. [/quote] Somebody should make a tellybox show out of that...
  12. Normally play fingerstyle, so been messing about with this, trying to get into playing it properly with my thumb! Decent amount of face / bass / hat time for Will Carruthers too...
  13. [quote name='farmer61' post='1153987' date='Mar 8 2011, 04:03 PM']1961 Fender Jazz Bass, Sunburst, One owner, Rosewood Slab Board! Clay dots, All original electronics, Bridge & pickup covers, VG, OHSC, $21,900 [/quote] One year older, $13095 more... 1960 Fender Jazz Bass, Two Tone Sunburst, Slab Board, Stack Knob, Rare early bass! VG+, OHSC, $34,995 [attachment=74277:1960_jazz.jpg] [url="http://www.garysguitars.net/catalog/1960-fender-jazz-bass-feb0007"]http://www.garysguitars.net/catalog/1960-f...zz-bass-feb0007[/url]
  14. Anybody care to add anything to this discussion? [url="http://www.singletrackworld.com/forum/topic/bass-guitar-amps"]http://www.singletrackworld.com/forum/topic/bass-guitar-amps[/url] [i][color="#0000FF"]Any body got any recommendations for a separate bass amp and cab system for a band where the lead and rhythm guitarists are using 100 watts each? Playing mostly rock towards the metal end of the spectrum and using a 4 string Ibanez SDGR that cost about £350 when new. [/color][/i] I'll assume you won't want to join the middle-aged-IT-bod-mountain-biking world of STW, so post any responses here, and I'll link it across!
  15. Listening to music or watching a band, I always latched on to the bassline. The thought then struck me "I could do that!", so I acquired a Tanglewood [i]Lone Wolf [/i]P-copy, and promptly found that I couldn't. Umpteen years and several basses later, I'm still trying...
  16. I've also got mine recorded on [url="http://www.immobilise.com/index.php"]Immobilise[/url], along with my bikes and other portable items.
  17. [quote name='StevieD_FenderP2009' post='1140522' date='Feb 24 2011, 09:52 PM']Thanks to the pair of you for sending over that picture. it's a real help and i'm so grateful. what is that book you're both using and do either of you know anywhere selling that logo? cheers[/quote] The book in question is [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fender-Bass-Illustrated-History/dp/0634026402"]The Fender Bass An Illustrated History[/url], sorry can't help with the second question! Doh, must type quicker!!!
  18. White for me, it just seems to sit better with the binding. And yes, I probably am over-thinking this just a tad...
  19. [b]First Bass Owned:[/b] Tanglewood Lone Wolf P-copy [b]'Go To' Bass:[/b] Squier CV '60s Jazz [b]'Your' Bass:[/b] Depending on what mood I'm in, Squier CV '60s Jazz with TI Jazz Flats [u]or[/u] Squier VM '70s Jazz with Chromes.
  20. Not in a band, and never have been (although that could change if my mate the ex-drummer I was nattering to on Friday gets his act together!). As for basses, I've got the three I acquired back in the mid-to-late 1990s when I was jamming regularly with a mate from work (Musicmaster, '51 P reissue and '60s Jazz reissue), and the two Squiers I've acquired since finishing work in 2008 (a VMJ and a CVJ).
  21. I've got TI JF324s (.43 - .106) on my old Musicmaster. No problems with the neck, although being TI's they're pretty low tension anyway. As you can see, they also aren't quite a perfect fit - both the E and A strings are a wee bit too long, and the windings wrap round the posts (the E by a whole turn, the A by about three-quarters)... [attachment=71934:musicmasterhead.jpg]
  22. Parchment Cream. Plain and simple, there's enough else going on as it is!!!
  23. [quote name='bumnote' post='1113048' date='Feb 2 2011, 09:38 PM']If Skank is John Major was TBBC Edwina Curry?[/quote] Aaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhh......... [attachment=70964:brain_bleach.jpg]
  24. [quote name='molan' post='1108825' date='Jan 30 2011, 10:33 PM']The sound he has at the beginning of the clip is pretty much exactly how I think of LowEnds sounding based on review stuff I've read I did wonder about the T-Bird as a gospel bass, lol. [b]I've got a bit of a 'blues corridor' trip coming up, could be dangerous - Nashville, Memphis, Clarksdale, Vicksburg, New Orleans. Will probably add some more stops in the delta before we hit NO [/b] The Gibson factory tour is on the list, luckily I don't like their basses very much![/quote] Did a similar trip with a couple of mates about 15 years ago now. We all loved Nashville and Memphis, Clarksdale and Vicksburg were *interesting*, while N'awlins was sadly just like Blackpool, but with better food. We still chuckle about a few things that happened, like the lass serving in the Wendy's (IIRC) in Clarksdale who asked whether we were a band, bless 'er - unfortunately my mate told her it would be a very sad band if it had us in it, so we didn't get to sign any autographs (or get free burgers ). In the parking lot outside, we then got accosted by a couple of folks who, after checking the plates on the hire car, proudly declared "Ah, North Carolina, we thought we recognised the accent!". So, North Carolinians obviously speak broad Lankyshire... Finally in Vicksburg, can't remember the name of the bar, but they served the biggest, hottest, most awesomest Buffalo Wings I have ever eaten. Oh, and when a spot of trouble broke out in the parking lot, the barmaid reached under the bar and brought out what definitely appeared to us to be a genuine Luger pistol. Things quietened down pretty quickly... Have a great time!!!
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