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Everything posted by birdy

  1. [quote name='6stringbassist' post='164143' date='Mar 26 2008, 10:34 PM']Yes. You can actually just plug your bass in to the back, as long as you used a jack to XLR cable. These are fantastic, I have one.[/quote] +1 fantastic bit of kit. Very neutral sounding which brings the true sound of the instrument out IMO. Steve
  2. [quote name='Toasted' post='160734' date='Mar 20 2008, 11:54 AM']There's also a brand new Celinder P at The Bass Gallery that those looking for a more vintage vibe might like, it's 3TS and setup for flats.[/quote] Not any more there isn't Have a bump for a cracking bass!! Steve
  3. [quote name='geoffbassist' post='163944' date='Mar 26 2008, 05:47 PM']any comments? [/quote] I sold Geoff an old P bass a while ago and almost sold him an old jazz :-) Top guy and great player, deal with him in confidence! Steve
  4. birdy


    Looking like I can make this now (fingers crossed as every time I have planned before apart from one it hasn't happened) If I can come I will bring my Nordy VJ5 and Sadowsky 5 if anyone is interested. Probably wont bring any amps or cabs but may bring my Summit Preamp as it would be something less for Poptart to have to take along and its an awesome bit of kit!! Looking at this thread aren't we going to have absolutely loads of amps and cabs present?!? Probably not a bad thing but I wonder if all this gear will fit in the room Steve
  5. I am keeping this. Not one PM on a bass of this quality....times must be hard! Steve
  6. SOLD TO A MAN WITH IMPECCABLE TASTE Received this in a trade at the weekend and much as I would love to hold onto it I need to move it on as I have more stuff arriving in the summer. It's pretty much mint, plays and sounds wonderful, any trial welcome in North Birmingham. Looking for £1100 and would prefer collection/meet up but may ship possibly. More pictures to follow later but heres one to be going on with. [attachment=6595:sadow.JPG] Steve
  7. [quote name='Flanker' post='159135' date='Mar 17 2008, 07:39 PM']Pics added[/quote] Have you got a new camera? Those pics are great! The bass really does look that good in the flesh!! Steve
  8. [quote name='Scoop' post='157792' date='Mar 15 2008, 01:33 AM']While I ponder it, if anyone else wants to step in then please feel free - I can vouch that this is an *astonishingly* good bass.[/quote] So can I Steve
  9. [quote name='Beedster' post='155644' date='Mar 11 2008, 11:32 PM']Hi all Gonna spend my next 6 month's salary on something very sexy sound-wise so all my current stuff is up for grabs for very low levels of cash.[/quote] What are you going to buy Chris? Have a BUMP as well! Steve
  10. Just seen this and thought I would put it here in case of interest to anyone. [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=414521"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=414521[/url] Absolutely no connection to me at all and I don't know what they usually go for but this doesn't seem to bad a price? Tempted myself but I gotta stop spending!!! Steve
  11. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='154770' date='Mar 10 2008, 06:28 PM']It seems to make a massive difference. Perhaps it could be compared to the differeence between a Precision and a Jazz. The KingBass 32" is much brighter & breathier like a jazz, but the S2-Classic 34" is much fuller and more rounded in sound terms. Some of it could be the extra wood laminates in the S2 body, of course.[/quote] Thanks, Looking forward to seeing/hearing/playing some of these if I can make it to the bash! Steve
  12. [quote name='cheddatom' post='154530' date='Mar 10 2008, 02:05 PM']"I actually think that technical ability may hinder creativity"[/quote] I have been thinking a lot about this since BBC raised the point. I have come to the conclusion (so far) that it shouldn't. Its a bit like saying that an artist who practices painting often would be less creative than one who never paints. Or a wood turner who creates interesting shapes would be less creative than one who doesnt ever turn wood really? Surely the more bass you play and the better technically you become the more creative you can be? I am willing to be persuaded otherwise but can't see an argument against my stance at the moment. EDIT: Maybe if Adam Clayton as an example had been technically better than he was at the time he would never have written the wonderful simplistic basslines that suit U2 so well? Note that for all I know Adam Clayton may be as technically proficient as Victor Wooten but lets assume just for this argument that he isn't. Would someone highly technical have had the restraint to keep it simple? I think they probably would. I think that if Adam Clayton hadn't been as creative as he would he would have been trying to add flash runs in even if he couldnt pull them off. Steve
  13. Great looking basses. Must admit to having never played a Status ever - hopefully there will be some at the bash! How is the 32" scale compared to the 34"? Soundwise do you think it makes a lot of difference? Steve
  14. [quote name='bigd1' post='154239' date='Mar 9 2008, 10:25 PM']My original post was in no way a "slagging off" of anybody, it was and still is a request for an explanation of an article in a magazine that I found hard to believe. I didn't make any comments about anybodies playing, style, musical taste, ability or any other personal comments. I thought posting a observation I had made would make an interesting topic. Maybe a discussion of this type is to much to ask, although I didn't think it to be that hard. BIGd[/quote] I hope you can see that the original few pages of this thread were perceived by myself and others as 'slagging off' for want of a better phrase. The trouble with the written word is that we have to form opinions based on purely what we read without knowing the full intentions which you have now clarified. It's good to know that you didn't intend the post to be malicious and I apologise for getting the wrong end of the stick. Getting back on topic and maybe drawing this to a closure you state that 'it was and still is' a request for an explanation of the article and your questions relating to it. I may be wrong but I see it that 1) You questioned Janeks practice regime of 10 hours on a particular thing. He has been on here and told us that it it true so that should be that one done and dusted 2) You queried why anyone would want to play at 200 or 400BPM. Again, I think this has been explained as more a means to an end. By learning to play to the absolute top of your game it would allow you to play whatever you wanted without limitation. This maybe not enough explanation for you as its just my view. Have I got the wrong end of the stick with my interpretation above? EDIT: another good example of how we can get things wrong. Where I have 1) and 2) above I started with a) and b ) and the b ) without the space turned into which could be deemed condescending. Steve
  15. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='154165' date='Mar 9 2008, 08:30 PM']Firstly, I think he's being overly sensitive. But thats his choice. Secondly, as I've pointed out several times - Its part and parcel of being a performer. If you don't want criticism (constructive or otherwise), get off the stage.[/quote] Thats a fair enough viewpoint but I just dont see whats achieved by NON constructive critiscism. The whole forum would maybe be better if we all tried to be a little more constructive and nicer. I give in on this now because I am bored of my own voice.
  16. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='154152' date='Mar 9 2008, 08:14 PM']We'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Perhaps I have thicker skin than most. I've been called a tosser in this very thread. I haven't stormed off in a huff. Although I'm sure that would be pretty popular with most.[/quote] So you don't mind being called a tosser. Neither do I but surely the golden rule really should be to treat people the way that you would like to be treated. Maybe I am oversensitive but if I was Janek I would have been upset by this thread at the point before he joined in, especially if music was so important to me that I made it my whole life as he does. Its not hard to respect people really is it. Steve
  17. [quote name='synaesthesia' post='152479' date='Mar 6 2008, 04:29 PM']I'd say the boy is a talented player but has some mouth, sort of like a young Jeff Berlin. Some things he says or brags you find yourself thinking if all that woodshedding has meant that he has less developed people skills. Watch bassplayer tv and if you watch his 'clinic' you'll see him sway one moment from NYC kicks my ass to I know best gorilla chest beating. He 'll grow out of it eventually.[/quote] This to my mind is also mildly aggressive towards Janek. Note at this point he still hasn't responded. Steve
  18. [quote name='bigd1' post='152231' date='Mar 6 2008, 10:30 AM']What I find wrong with this kind of thing is. New players read this kind of rubbish and believe it. Janek & the editor should have more respect for the people who are going to read what they write & publish.[/quote] This is also slagging him off. Reading this king of rubbish....should have more respect etc... Steve
  19. [quote name='bigd1' post='152209' date='Mar 6 2008, 10:03 AM']Just been re reading Janek's "Modern Bass Improvisations" in issue 35 of Bass Guitar Magazine. I say re read as I find what he has to say rather hard to accept. Firstly he claims to practice his exercises up to 10 hours a day ! Now we all know players who may play their given instrument all day or night, but to just be playing exercises for 10 hours, hmmmmmm yeah right. Second, he says start slowly about 50bpm, and then increase by 10bpm to improve speed. (no problem with that great advice) He then claims to go up to 400bpm playing through the first 3 Fragments. Now that means as the [b]1st & 2nd Fag[/b] is in quavers (eighth notes) at 400bpm he is saying he can play 1600 notes per minuet ! but then[b] Fag 3[/b] is semi quavers (sixteenth notes) making 3200npm. I'm would say this is not possible and even if it was, what would be the point. At that king of speed it would just sound like one long note or glissando. Some might say the point is the challenge of playing at 400bpm. I can sort of see that although, you may think I'm a bit old fashioned but, music is about just that making music, not how fast can I play it.[/quote] This to me is slagging the guy off. hmmmmmmm yeah right is stating that his claims are not believed. The whole tone of this post is mildly aggressive in my opinion.
  20. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='154136' date='Mar 9 2008, 07:55 PM']Also, if you read through the thread, no one had slagged him off until he showed up and threw his toys out of the pram. He writes in a magazine. He's therefore open to criticism.[/quote] Just when I was falling in love with you you go and blow it with this statement. The very first post of the thread was slagging him off unless I am on a completely different planet to you and my perception of slagging someone off is wildly different. Steve
  21. I have read some absolute bullshit on forums but this thread takes the biscuit.
  22. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='153948' date='Mar 9 2008, 03:43 PM']I've just re-read every post I've made on this thread to see if I've been being a tw*t (through a combination of irresponsible parents and booze, I often am), and I think I've actually been at the less confrontational end of my usual behaviour. My posts are often exagerated to make a point and the tone sometimes doesn't come across in text, but I've shyed away from personal insults. Janek doesn't play the music I like. Thats all. Simple. I'm sure he can live with it. I openly admit he is phenomenaly talented, more so than I'll ever be, I'm just not a big fan of how he uses that ability. Its not personal. Its nothing I wouldn't say to his face. I get the impression that you feel Janek's decision to leave has something to do with my posts. If you re-read them, their actually pretty tame. I don't dislike the guy. He's talented. Just not my cup of tea. Seems a strange reason to leave a forum.[/quote] You didn't upset or offend me at all and you made me think about certain elements of playing as I stated in a previous post. This thread has done nothing for the credibility of this forum however. Steve
  23. [quote name='7string' post='153791' date='Mar 9 2008, 12:53 AM']I've nothing against him answering this thread. However, he just decided to attack all those who had voiced a negative opinion. To me this drives a wedge between audience and author rather than enabling us to see his point of view. Personally, I thought he could have handled this better and sometimes fighting fire with fire isn't the way. I have just "googled" Janek, found his website, looked at his MySpace page and YouTube video, [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHZCTz9E4mo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHZCTz9E4mo[/url] To me it was just 2 1/2 minutes of noodling with no real direction. There are some really great comments regarding the performance, but it just didn't do anything for me.[/quote] I can see your point but in all honesty it was a little more than negative opinions on the first page, There was something about 'Janek should have more respect than posting this rubbish'. I havent checked the exact words but it was along those lines. To be honest the video you pointed out did nothing for me either. I would recommend listening to his new album and also some of the bassplayer tv sessions but ultimately theres absolutely nothing wrong with not liking Janeks music or anyone elses for that manner. It would be a pretty boring world if we all liked the same stuff. Given the amount of time that Janek spends on his music and imparting his knowledge I just think he deserves some respect. I know that people can say he got paid for certain articles but I know for a fact that he goes out of his way to answer eMails and help people and is a genuine guy. I guess we all have different reasons for playing music and where we want to go with it. I thought that BBC raised some interesting points and in particular the question of whether too much theory could perhaps get in the way of raw passion and energy (if I understood him correctly). Maybe you wouldn't write a certain line or song because you knew it wasn't 'right' perhaps but after thinking about this for a while my belief is that you can never learn enough. I think someone who plays as much as Janek and gets to that level is in a much better position for ideas to flow without thought interrupting the process as in thinking 'now which finger do I put where next?' as he has found his voice. I guess he can still pump out root notes with the best of 'em as well when the situation demands it. Anyway, probably less discussion and more playing is the answer! Certainly I need it. Steve
  24. [quote name='7string' post='153779' date='Mar 9 2008, 12:00 AM']I will say that I have never heard Janek play and I have never met him. If I hear his name in the future though, I know that I'll think of his post here first... What a shame....[/quote] Maybe you should listen to him and find more out about him before you form an opinion. I dont see what you think was wrong in his post here anyway? Seemed to me he was merely defending himself and showing a genuine interest as to why people didn't get his lesson. I didn't think he came across as not being calm or eloquent personally. Once this thread stooped to the level of taking the p*ss out of him because he says 'cats' now and again I knew it was going nowhere. Thats the shame.
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