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Everything posted by birdy

  1. [quote name='BassMunkee' post='343928' date='Dec 3 2008, 11:54 AM']Altruism is all very well but ultimately doomed to failure if taken in isolation. Human beings will compete for territory, resources, recognition, fame, wealth, power because by-and-large that's how we work, and all of us compete to a greater or lesser extent. In any given social heirachy the less-well-off will push for cooperation because they do not have the recsources available to them to facilitate competition. The more-well-off will advocate competition but will have the luxury of being able to suggest and target cooperation as and when they see fit. A healthy, competitive society will encourage cooperation and will grow and thrive, a wholly cooperative society will wither and die. That last sentance is as idealistically naive as the assumption that a state of competitive-less anarchy will lead to some kind of societal nirvana, however I believe to an extent that it's true. Money and resources are what power a society, regardless of the politics, without money politics would not exist because in order to run a country regardless of whether you're a dictatorship, a democracy, or a communist state, you need to pay for things, or you need to aquire wealth as a symbol of power. Unless the flow of money is distributed perfectly evenly through the system - (which would never happen) - some people will end up richer than others, they will have more power because they have money. A society where everyone is equal will never happen because people, given half a chance, will climb over each to get what they want and to get where they want. Philanthropists and those individuals who perform great works of social change are feted precisely because they are the exceptions that prove the rule. Despite our noble intentions and laudable idealism, we are still just apes, and like any other member of the animal kingdom we will cooperate and be charitable when it suits us and when we have the luxury so to do, other than that we will go for what we want, when we want it, you may not like it but it's true. If you can accept that framework and work within it, then you can facilitate change. Very simply put; it's the difference between villifying Rage Against The Machine for selling out, and acknowledging that to influence the system, they must be a part of the system, and that ironically there is an inevitability to your becoming a part of it once you reach a threshold. You can either be outside railing impotently at the injustices that you see, or you can be inside with influence, and yes, money and power - but the power to effect change. You'll still be just an ape, though. A clever one, but an ape nonetheless.[/quote] Great Post Steve
  2. You may have seen this already on Talkbass but no harm in linking to it here as its pretty interesting in my opinion. [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vSJtt41VLKo"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vSJtt41VLKo[/url] Steve
  3. Just in case there is any doubt its this one: [url="http://www.aguilaramp.com/products_amplifiers_db750.htm"]http://www.aguilaramp.com/products_amplifiers_db750.htm[/url] If anyone wants to see specific pics let me know but it looks like the one in the thread above. Thanks, Steve
  4. [quote name='BassManKev' post='339879' date='Nov 28 2008, 05:08 PM']now the bass is out of the pricks hands, now its alright for me to say exactly what i feel?? Ban him from this site, and never let the little sly c*** return. The prick was trapped by Rob and us on the forum, and thus made some pathetic sob story, which in fact didnt make any sense whatsoever, if it was tormenting him that much, why didnt he just send it?? Its not like he sold it twice....or did he?? If he was in debt, what difference would keeping the bass do if he had already been paid the money? Is there someone else without a warwick out there?? He is scum, and if it was me, much as i appreciate the vigilante work, i woulda had the book thrown at him. I have alot of respect for Reuel being so okay about it all, i know i would not have been the same. But yeah, Ban him, and recommend that warwick forums do the same.[/quote] Kev, Have you ever thought of a career in counselling? Steve
  5. [quote name='dlloyd' post='339864' date='Nov 28 2008, 05:00 PM']I can think of a number of likely scenarios to explain (not necessarily excuse) the pattern of behaviour which caused this whole mess in the first place. I think it's entirely likely Jake did not intend to deprive Reuel of his money and bass, and that he simply got into a situation he could not emotionally cope with. In which case he needs to get help... I've offered to give him some debt advice on the condition he's being genuine with us. He's sort of agreed to it, but needs to get back to me again.[/quote] Exactly Explain NOT Excuse. I wish Jake all the help and support he can get if he genuinely needs it. My experience with nasty vicious criminals (I live in Brum so have met a few :-) ) is that most of them know exactly what they are doing. I take on board what you said Bilbo and agree with some of it but I genuinely still feel that the reason society is as rude and violent as it is now is because we excuse people way too much. Maybe I am getting old and cynical :-) Steve
  6. PM Sent to Shockwave. Attempted to donate a tenner and may have messed it up..... Steve
  7. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='339789' date='Nov 28 2008, 04:10 PM']The kid's only 19 and is in a hole he can't get out of. I couldn't find my own a*** with both hands when I was 19. Leave him alone to lick his wounds. Pathologising him will make it worse not better. He has to make peace with his own conscience before he can move on and berating him in public will only slow that process down.[/quote] Disagree with this. By excusing his behaviour you are in essence validating it and saying its ok because of his age etc etc. By all means forgive him but do not excuse him. Just my opinion. I agree that berating him in public will not help anyone. Steve
  8. I have been one of the people willing to forgive Jake to some degree. He seriously needs to think about paying for the shipping if he is genuine in his apology and wants any of our respect in even a tiny manner. Having no money now does not mean he will never have money. When people get fined by the courts they pay a small amount each week or month. Even if he was absolutely skint I don't see why he can't pay this back at £10 a month or so. On the flip side I wouldn't want him to have to sell his P bass but that would be the right thing to do given he has caused all these problems. The main thing is that the bass is on its way back to its rightful owner. How Jake responds from now on in will tell us a lot about his intent and character. Steve
  9. incX is in the Phillipines not Japan so I presume thats where the bass is as well. Not sure how that affects shipping however. Steve
  10. Don't let Flanker see this!! Have a bump for an awesome bass and a great guy to deal with. Steve
  11. Don't want to eBay this really. Any offers or trades of amps plus cash. Possibly interested in Markbass/ Shuttle head plus cash? Steve
  12. [quote name='3V17C' post='335533' date='Nov 24 2008, 02:42 PM']i say again........ these internet based paid sessions sound good - any recommended sites etc to get hooked up with people? peace c[/quote] Hi Clive - I have no idea how you would go about getting hooked up but thought I would reply to your question anyway. I know that generally basschat is a very helpful community but (call me cynical) I would imagine that there isn't that much of this type of work around and that anyone who is doing it will be pretty protective of it so as to not lose their work. As you say these internet sessions sound great so I think there would be a queue for doing this. Maybe others will prove be wrong and post some links or advice! Steve
  13. [quote name='Beedster' post='335571' date='Nov 24 2008, 03:27 PM']Was previously of the Beedster herd [/quote] The kid or the bass?
  14. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='333747' date='Nov 21 2008, 12:02 PM']If I was to tell my F1, how much should it be worth in top condition? Cheapest new seems to be £712 from bass merchant etc.[/quote] I would say around £500 but thats just my opinion based on other things I have seen for sale. I guess you could get more (or less) for it but if I was selling it I would start it at £500. Steve
  15. birdy

    Dangee Feedback

    [quote name='dangee' post='303937' date='Oct 10 2008, 02:22 PM']My own feedback section...I've never bothered with this before! Now it's here, if any fellow BC'ers who I've dealt with over the years would like to contribute, I'd be flattered... Dan[/quote] Just bought Dan's EBS classic pre in one of the quickest deals I have been involved in. Said I wanted it on wednesday evening and its here now! Would certainly recommend Dan and deal with him again, Steve PS I think I bought a Sadowsky off him a few years ago but I have had so many basses I get confused as to where they came from!
  16. [quote name='kiiight' post='333189' date='Nov 20 2008, 03:31 PM']PM'd you[/quote] Replied
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  19. Actually as I am gassing for an EBS TD650 would consider a trade for the 650 or the 350 plus cash my way. Thanks Steve
  20. [quote name='richardd' post='331548' date='Nov 18 2008, 03:41 PM'] You know you want it Steve![/quote] Flanker or me :-) I would love it but the band wouldn't let me have it as we are limited on space! Have a bump anyway, its a great cab. Steve
  21. Selling this as I have my eyes on something else which I think may suit me better. Bought this off Richardd about 6 weeks ago and paid £900 for it and thats what I am after. Its a ballwrecker of an amp. I am not interested in any trades and its collection only from Birmingham. Its the US version that has been modded as far as I am aware but works perfectly and its loud :-) Thanks Steve
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