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Everything posted by birdy

  1. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='371917' date='Jan 6 2009, 12:46 PM']Can I have your address and times you're not home [/quote] 10 Rillington Place - Would you like a nice cup of tea (in a soft Yorkshire accent)
  2. [quote name='alexclaber' post='371882' date='Jan 6 2009, 12:21 PM']Regarding all these kind of threads and much more, everyone would be well served to read "This is your brain on music". Very enlightening indeed. Alex[/quote] Give us a clue then.....
  3. [quote name='Faithless' post='371868' date='Jan 6 2009, 12:12 PM']What's the point? Never got heard about basses sounding better/worse just because of number of strings issue...[/quote] Some people think there is a difference as you will see by the poll results.
  4. I read an article somewhere where a session player said that he thought the E on a 4 string sounded better than the E on a 5 string but I could never get my head around why there would be any difference. Obviously the E on the B string could/would sound different than the open E. I think its a myth that 4 strings sound better and are easier to play. I have persevered with 5 strings despite being useless and am now equally as incompetent on a 5 as a 4. I dont really slap but that could be perceived as being easier on a 4 but again I think its just down to practice. Sound wise its all the same?!? Steve
  5. [quote name='barks' post='371794' date='Jan 6 2009, 11:44 AM']The first Sadowsky I played was one of Birdy's white ones and it led to me buying my RV4. This is my main bass and I'd love to get a 5'er to go along side it. Neil.[/quote] Nice Set up you have there Neil with the Berg cabs and Aggie head! I am suprised that the Sadowsky has not been replaced by your Skjold as your main bass. Is that because you prefer 4 strings or down to tone or other reasons? Steve
  6. [quote name='NJE' post='371483' date='Jan 5 2009, 10:27 PM']About time I think, and for me the worst possible thread that could come along when I am a) GAS-ing like mad for a Sadowsky and b.) Poor Anyway I will really enjoy watching this thread progress has to be the best one so far with the possible exception of the Wal thread. I really really want a Sadowsky. Just before I leave, does anyone have both the Metro and NYC bass? I would really like to read an honest comparison/review/opinion of the two. I know everyone says they are the sadowsky if you just want the basic options but cant help wonder if the NYC made by Rogers crew are slightly better. All stunning basses though, love the red one.[/quote] Pretty Sure that CHRISDABASS has a NYC Sadowsky and a Metro so he will be able to comment on this. Of the 6 I have owned one was a NYC from 1994 so we can discount that but the red one was a 2003 NYC model. The other 4 have all been metro's. I found that there wasn't really any difference BUT there was a tiny part of me that thought the red one was slightly more playable and sweeter sounding. We weren't talking of more than 1% better than the others and it could all have been in my mind as I knew it was an NYC model but it seemed to have something very subtle more than the metros. The end result for me is that I wouldn't pay the extra for the NYC model unless I wanted something that wasn't offered in the metro range because they are all superb. Hope this helps! Steve
  7. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='371446' date='Jan 5 2009, 09:42 PM']Sh#t why do I sell all my best basses, this one paid for last years holiday, and did she thank me, i'll let you figure that out, one of the best basses ive had, and a bit of PJ hybrid inbreeding![/quote] Now that is nice! I tried a fantastic trans white at the Gallery last August and loved it and asked Alex how much and when he checked it was actually sold and they hadn't taken it off display. The rumour is that theres a P/J 5 string metro in the pipeline so that should something worth waiting for! Steve
  8. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='371304' date='Jan 5 2009, 07:46 PM']I didn't fully appreciate the Sadowsky at the time Steve. I'd love to try one again now [/quote] Don't worry Peter I have been round the loop 5 times. If you are ever passing Brum you are welcome to try mine. Steve
  9. ^^ Very Good Here is Sadowsky Number 4. I believe that our very own Mr.Cougar now has this bass after a short spell of ownership by Richardd..... [attachment=18167:3948_body.jpg] [attachment=18168:3948_body1.jpg] [attachment=18169:3948_full.jpg]
  10. Here's one of my personal favourites. Sadowsky number 2 was a metro the same spec as this. Last I heard WaveyDavy had this bass and was gigging it. Bassaussie also had it for a while and it was great. [attachment=18165:rv4_owh_body.jpeg] [attachment=18166:rv4_owh_full.jpeg]
  11. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='371201' date='Jan 5 2009, 06:09 PM']Jeez - I remember that rig. That was the Eden/Mesa combination right? Think that was quite possibly around the first time I saw your band in El Royale.[/quote] Yes Eden/Mesa. The picture was from August 2006 if I remember correctly. Definately prefer EBS with both the Sadowsky and the GB.
  12. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='371189' date='Jan 5 2009, 06:02 PM']The bass isn't bad either.[/quote] Had to look quite hard to find the bass
  13. Here's a couple of pics of my first ever Sadowsky bought in Jan 2005. I think it was a 1994 model. [attachment=18162:0f_12_sb.jpg] [attachment=18163:82_12_sb.jpg] And Here's another of me playing the third one that I owned which I got in a trade with our very own GreeneKing. This one was a real beauty but like many other things is long gone. [attachment=18164:stevebass3.JPG] More to follow..... Lovely basses you have Chris. Can't make up my mind which I prefer. Steve
  14. [quote name='Flanker' post='371152' date='Jan 5 2009, 05:30 PM']Brace yerself Sheila!!![/quote] Don't worry Sheila it will be over before you can say 'Bought another Amp'
  15. Had a look and couldn't see a thread dedicated to SAD's and I have just got my 6th one (cheers Trev) and so thought I would start it with details of my new delivery. Sonic Blue MV5 with VTC soon to be fitted. Sounds and plays great, I think the quality of the metro range is improving over time although the ones I have had before were damn good. Here are a few pics, will post more of the old ones I have had later. In the meantime show us yours!!! [attachment=18156:IMG_0109.JPG] [attachment=18157:IMG_0113.JPG] [attachment=18158:IMG_0110.JPG]
  16. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='371093' date='Jan 5 2009, 04:38 PM']...but for how long...? [/quote] Until the GB 1200 GAS ramps up a notch I reckon Nice Rig though. All you need is a Berg 4x10 instead of that silly Epifani thing and you are sorted
  17. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='371105' date='Jan 5 2009, 04:46 PM']Sort it out then! I thought I was going to stay GAS free this year. 5 days in. 2k down already. Pah.[/quote] Wait until you order your white GB I am not saying anything about GAS. My problem is I am always '<--->' this close to having everything I want - my aim is to finally get there and stop buying and selling stuff. Who am I kidding Why feel guilty as long as its not impacting other areas of your life. I don't smoke, drink or do drugs anymore so shoot me! Steve
  18. The Sadowsky has landed! It's now mine and is happy in its new home in Birmingham. Thanks Trev, Nice to meet you and do a deal. Next time bring some babes with you though Steve
  19. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='369068' date='Jan 3 2009, 01:33 AM']So have you a new addition confirmed yet Steve?[/quote] Looking highly positive at the moment. Just hope Trev can get a day away from all his babes
  20. [quote name='barneyg42' post='369049' date='Jan 3 2009, 01:11 AM']Replied Oh you dark temptress of the night!![/quote] I reckon the good Doctor has been called some things in his time but I reckon thats a first?!?
  21. No Worries mate, never a dull moment on here. Will let you know if it falls through.....
  22. I have offered the £1100 he is asking for so it is sold in theory although I haven't heard back yet. Trev you are shaggin too much mate. Your D1ck wil fall off.
  23. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='368622' date='Jan 2 2009, 05:05 PM']Gonna be having a proper chat with the man soon. Gonna fret the black one and get a new fretless with snakewood FB. Not sure about colour yet but I dont think the snakewood will look right with black.[/quote] The black one will be awesome fretted. I am thinking of moving mine on and placing an order later in the year for one to my spec depending on the job situation etc etc!! Bernie will be busy next year I reckon. Steve
  24. Nice design apart from the Colour I bet all of you who bought one and have partners don't get to choose the curtains Steve
  25. Trev, I will take this and have sent you a text. Cheers Steve
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