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Everything posted by ambient

  1. I was lucky enough to get a lesson off Michael last year, he's a visiting tutor at my college, they recorded a track in our studio too.
  2. There's a guy called Matthew keys on here wants one of these too. I'm guessing it's actually older than 1989, with the single truss rod. Mine has twin truss rods, and has the same type of serial number, so it's made in the same period, but will be later than yours. Fantastic basses !
  3. I'd love a real double bass, it's kinda sad looking at that bass.
  4. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1385381835' post='2287488'] Can't of bugged you that much, the 3.0 hasn't got one [/quote] Used to have when they first came out, this is maybe 3 or 4 years ago .
  5. I had a Shuttle 3 and traded it for a Shuttle 6, both reminded me of wasps trapped inside a bottle. I had an EA micro 550 that I sold recently, that was really nice. People sometimes comment on EA's lack of volume, but they use a different kind of volume control to other manufacturers, the control acts all the way through its turn so it'll keep getting louder, most other manufacturers use controls that act for the first half turn or something, then nothing much happens after that. The cooling fans on the Shuttles bugged me too, way too loud for at home practicing.
  6. I had the same problem with schaller strap locks, I couldn't work out what it was to start with My dunlops don't squeak, they do rattle though, or more accurately they vibrate, only one my one bass and only when I play an A
  7. I had one like this, and compared it to a friends US 62 reissue, there really was no difference, these are brilliant basses.
  8. Lots of cool prog here https://www.burningshed.com
  9. There's also a subtle difference between being a bass player or guitarist, and being a musician. I can paint a room but I'm not a decorator, I once put a plug on an amp, but I'm certainly not an electrician. Being a musician encompasses so much more than being able to play a given bass line or guitar part.
  10. [quote name='Chooglin stu' timestamp='1385320443' post='2286901'] Wel am 28 and av been playing from the age of 15 ... I can't read any music and if you asked me to play a scale I wouldn't know where the hell to start lol but there's nothing I can't play ! I just need to hear a song and I pick it out and I always play the songs properly and miss nothing , my brothers the same , he plays guitar and together we play in a David bowie tribute band , so in my opinion you just need to have a good ear to be a good musician [/quote] But you may have a problem if you don't get to hear the song before hand, or if the band says "nah, that didn't work let's try it in Bb instead of C" I don't remember the last time I had a rehearsal before a gig. Most of mine are either reading scores or playing from a real book or other chart. I don't get to hear the song beforehand, I doubt the audience would be too pleased if the band announced "we're just gonna run through this song so's the bass player can hear his part".
  11. There is actually 2 Paul McCartneys someone I know was recording in a studio where he was also recording. McCartney was stood talking to someone when McCartney arrived - he uses a body double as security. The double tends to arrive publicly and the real one arrives privately. I believe he's done this since Lennon was murdered.
  12. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1385311847' post='2286726'] Stop eating grain and processed vegetable fats. [/quote] You know I used to, not necessarily think these things were a waste of time, but I was certainly sceptical about them. I've been vegetarian for years. I stopped eating all processed foods about 3 months ago, I only eat wholemeal grains and rice, pasta etc. I buy ingredients (cheaper anyway), and cook my own stuff. I feel healthier than I have for ages.
  13. [quote name='endorka' timestamp='1385292487' post='2286413'] Audrey Riley? It is indeed a beautiful arrangement. I wrote a couple of string arrangements for the new album, and several more for our recent show at the Glasgow Barrowlands with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra. The magnificent work she other noted arrangers such as Sally Herbert & Paul Leonard Morgan had done for Horse was both inspiring and a little terrifying at the same time :-) Jennifer [/quote] Yeah, Audrey . I'll have to check out the new album.
  14. [quote name='Jellyfish' timestamp='1385294432' post='2286437'] Unlike most people I know (who say that 'Images & Words' can't be beaten) I discovered them quite late and still think 'Black Clouds and Silver Linings' is one of their best albums. I thought 'A Dramatic Turn of Events' was a brilliant album considering Mike Portnoy had nothing to do with the drums although I have to admit, I feel like their newest album would have been better with Portnoy on it. 'Illumination Theory' and 'Behind the Veil' are two awesome tracks off the new album. My new custom bass is also a bit John Myung inspiried... [/quote] Would be interested to see your Myung inspired bass !
  15. [quote name='Wimpy' timestamp='1385304676' post='2286600'] absolutely love mine [/quote] Yeah, they're great basses, I just don't use it and really could do with a fretless
  16. [quote name='lazybones' timestamp='1385244774' post='2286146'] what is the point of buying a jazz or precision if it aint a fender.if a manufacture aint got the ability to redesign the guitar they aint worth the money,,,,its like buying a rollls Royce that looks exactly like a rolls Royce but is supposed to be better,if you want to buy a guitar if that looks like a jazz its got to be a fender jazz [/quote] Why has it got to be Fender ? The idea of a super jazz, is that it's well, a super jazz : ) Usually with the buyers choice of pickups and electronics, and almost always better made And it's not that the builder hasn't got the ability to build something different, it's that the buyer wants a jazz or P bass, but with their choice of pickups etc, and the better build quality, and maybe just slightly different neck profile or fingerboard radius. Maybe they intend to use it without the pickguard, something you can't do on a new fender because of the routing holes all over the front.
  17. You've gotta love Jordan Rudess's beard
  18. Gonna be withdrawing this on Monday if it doesn't sell before then. I've got too much on over the next few weeks to be doing anything other than my college work. Anyone interested, let me know before Monday night or you'll have to wait until after Christmas.
  19. I've only recently discovered them, and I've set about buying up their back catalogue, you can get boxed sets with 4 or 5 albums pretty cheaply on amazon. I prefer the newer stuff, I certainly prefer the new drummer to Portnoy. My favourite albums so far are black clouds, octavarium, systematic chaos and dream theater. The new live at luna park DVD is really good. I'm guessing that I'll maybe get into the older stuff as I listen to it more.
  20. Might be in touch later if my marcus 5 sells today
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  22. I wonder why she said that about the major 3rd ? If you want to show that something you're playing over is major then play the major 3rd, or more importantly if what you're playing over is from mixolydian or dominant 7th, then it's the major 3rd that you would play to emphasise what it is.
  23. I'd never heard of Horse until a couple of months ago. My one tutor did the string arrangement for her song 'Careful'. She has an amazing voice, and what a cool name too.
  24. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1385130747' post='2284800'] I agree with what you're saying, but I also believe that these sort of websites also have a place. After all what's the difference between learning from this type of website and learning something from Tabs? When you're just starting out you want to play a tune, not spend weeks learning scales, and if your told you have to learn scales first then the chances are you'll get demoralised and not get beyond those first few weeks. PS: Sounds a bit like Paul Wolf's "How to play Bass" website [/quote] Kind of disagree, you can be learning scales, fingerboard notes, chords, triads etc, at the same time as learning songs, you don't have to do the things as separate parts. Personally I'd prefer to learn to paint, than just be told that this colour goes there and this one here etc, painting by numbers analogy again, sorry .
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