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Everything posted by ambient

  1. [quote name='Jigster' timestamp='1391377916' post='2356568'] gulp [/quote] It has dots on 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12 etc. It's really not as intimidating as you'd think to be honest.
  2. [quote name='Jigster' timestamp='1391377640' post='2356559'] sure, that's the next step. what did you buy out of interest? [/quote] This beauty .
  3. Something to maybe consider is a clip on tuner, and practice with one of them to start with, until you 'know' where to hit the right note.
  4. Use your ears. I just got an unlined fretless yesterday, surprisingly it's easier than I expected it to be. Also surprisingly I can hear if a note is out even slightly.
  5. One section at a time. I import the track into Logic. You can loop a section then and just work on it that way.
  6. [quote name='Hector' timestamp='1391336778' post='2355813'] I know right? Love his enthusiastic/encouraging writing style as well. My only gripe is that anyone playing more than 4 strings is kind of left to their own devices, but the patterns given for the 4 strings are easily extendable. I suppose including 5 and 6 string patterns would make the book far too long. [/quote] Tony Grey plays 6 mostly.
  7. Do a search on Talkbass for this subject, you'll see hundreds of threads and hundreds of answers all saying no, it can't possibly cause any damage to your bass. Guitars and basses are hung on walls all over the world in shops and luthiers workshops, I've never read anyone saying categorically that they've discovered that hanging a bass or guitar will cause any neck problems.
  8. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1391298443' post='2355611'] Ooh wotcha got there? Is it a Mayonnes? [/quote] Clement [url="http://www.clementbass.com/web/"]http://www.clementbass.com/web/[/url]
  9. The Tony Grey bass academy looks good. [url="http://tonygrey.com"]http://tonygrey.com[/url]
  10. Ibanez BTB 765 ? Check out Robin Zielhorst's playing with Exivious, he uses a fretless. He used to play Carvin basses, don't know what he uses now though. [url="http://www.exivious.net/index.php?sub=band"]http://www.exivious.net/index.php?sub=band[/url]
  11. [quote name='Prosebass' timestamp='1391250968' post='2354928'] It is really difficult to get the proportions right on a singlecut and then opinions are always subjective. I think this one has it about 'right' but then what would I know? [attachment=153811:Sonorous06.jpg] [/quote] That looks OK apart from the rather square shape and the funny little plate with the controls on .
  12. Getting a bass to record via any sort of built in mic is probably gonna be pretty hard to do. Bass sound waves are pretty big things.
  13. Is this the really tight string spacing model ? How does it feel compared with more regular spacing (if it is) ?
  14. The serial number is 549374, don't know if you can date it from that.
  15. Very good playing, but reminds me of Marcus Miller, who I'm not a particularly big fan of. I don't really like slap playing to be honest.
  16. I'm most definitely not a Fender bass expert, but if that's 40 years old then I'm a duck. The thing with Fender basses, is they're workhorse instruments, and relatively cheap. Meaning they pick up dents and marks from playing, even if they're well looked after. To me that looks too new. I had an olympic white 5 string jazz that was only about 5 years old, that had started to dull and yellow ever so slightly, you could really notice it if you took the scratch plate off.
  17. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1391174597' post='2354109'] I don't know why, but I keep liking the look of single cuts recently, I've always disliked them in the past. [/quote] I'm the same .
  18. There's a pretty cool photo of one here - By the way this guy's music is well worth checking out, great bassist too .
  19. I've not read anywhere else that the BTB's are weedy, I was seriously considering buying one, and spent ages looking at reviews on Talkbass.
  20. It'd be useful if you do chord melody, and other chordal type playing.
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