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Everything posted by ambient

  1. They’re using the name Pink Floyd simply because it’ll sell more copies and make more money for a very good cause. It’s simple marketing.
  2. Thanks for sharing this, I’ll listen to it later. I love hearing bass played outside of its regular setting. John Patitucci composed a beautiful piece for 6 string bass and strings a few years ago.
  3. You mean it’s hidden behind the sofa until she goes to bed?
  4. You could have your favourite bass hollowed out and filled with helium?
  5. I just sold a gig bag to Steve. It must have been one of the quickest and easiest transactions I’ve done on here. Highly recommended.
  6. I used to say I was a music teacher, which was actually true.
  7. I’ve never referred to myself as a musician for my car insurance, it bumps the price up too much.
  8. I just spotted this on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb5x_N7sQ-z/?utm_medium=copy_link
  9. That’s the main reason I didn’t go.
  10. You’re not doing a lot to help my Dingwall GAS 😁.
  11. The photo towards the top of this page suggests that too.
  12. The best one I’ve been to was in Manchester about 15 years ago. It was held in a music venue, and was more performance orientated with just a few stands from manufacturers and distributors. I remember Jonas Hellborg being there, along with Janek Gwizdala and Yolanda Charles.
  13. I am quite shocked by that photo. I’ve been to a few of these in the past, they’ve always been crowded - one of the reasons why I stopped going.
  14. Covid is - as I suggested on another thread that seems to have vanished - probably one of the reasons why the show was poorly attended. It’s certainly the main reason why I didn’t go.
  15. That’s going to be very nice. A Fodera 6 string is my dream instrument.
  16. I’d like to have gone, I couldn’t make it though. Steve is always good to see. I read a while ago that it was going to be headphone only there, to keep the noise levels down. I don't know how that worked out. Maybe the turnout was due to Covid? That’s one of the reasons I didn’t go.
  17. You get PLI through MU membership. It doesn’t cost a lot though to buy it yourself. I know the one jazz band I used to play with had to get it a few years ago, it cost about £30. It’s in case someone trips over a lead, or a speaker falls over onto someone’s foot. Sadly accidents do happen.
  18. Thanks for all the replies. I managed to sort it out eventually. I’m using a MacBook Pro, there was another record button that I couldn’t see because of the small size of the screen. I had to extend the transport control pad out to see it. I joined an Avid Pro Tools Facebook group to ask for advice. I don't think I’ve ever encountered a nastier, more up themselves group of people in my life. All the sarcastic comments I received. Anyway, thanks again to all those who offered advice.
  19. Thank you. I had selected an instrument track, for obvious reasons. I don't find it particularly easy or logical to use.
  20. Thank you. I haven’t been able to work out how to do that, so that is very useful.
  21. Thanks. It’s using my Darkglass Element. There’s a signal going in, at least according to the meter. It’s just not recording the signal - it’s the same with virtual instruments. It doesn’t seem to be switching from ‘armed’ to ‘record’.
  22. There’s an ‘arm’ button on each track and in the ‘mix’ window. Every video and ‘how to’ I’ve come across just says to ‘arm’ and press the space bar. Logic Pro you’d just press the R button, nice and simple.
  23. There’s a TV programme that airs on a Thursday morning that covers this kind of thing. It might be worth contacting them. There’s also ‘Rip off Britain’ with Gloria Huniford. I really think this needs a wider audience, the police might then actually do something about it.
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