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Everything posted by thisnameistaken

  1. I still go see my last band if they play locally, I still jam with the front man sometimes. They sound pretty good these days, the drummer has improved immensely and really carries the whole thing along now.
  2. Oh come on, how many mobile phone contracts would she sell without that affectation?
  3. #2 sounds like the sort of flaky guy you'll regret hiring.
  4. I got a 3/4 DB, a pedaltrain in a hard case, two bass guitars,a large Gator bag of cables and accessories and a Schroeder 1212L in my Focus on Monday, still had the passenger seat empty and the DB was on its back.
  5. My guitars are on one of those 5-guitar stands. I use gig bags so they're in the bags, on the stand, bags are not zipped up so I can pull them out, but it means I don't bang them together when I put one back. My double basses are sharing an alcove in the dining room, one in each corner. They can't be walked past, and the dog steers well clear.
  6. Yeah you're right. I don't feel like I'm at all relaxed when I'm playing up there, I feel like I'm playing a bass that is lodged behind a kitchen cabinet...
  7. It's not about buying a different pedal, it's about getting the band mix to work properly. Most guitarists aren't used to bass players using distortion, so you'll disappear into the thick sounds they're using. See if you can collectively fix it.
  8. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1391897206' post='2362515']So, any advantage in getting the older OC-2 or does the OC-3 do the same and more? [/quote] It may approximate the OC-2 sound but it's a digital effect, it doesn't have the same components as the OC-2, so it won't sound just like it. I'm sure you could emulate one closely enough with a digital pedal now but I doubt that was an important enough factor when they were doing R&D on the OC-3.
  9. I used to think it was my bass, but now I've got two basses I'm pretty sure it's me. I try to practise a little in thumb position whenever I practise the bass, just so I don't get totally terrified of going up there or whatever, but I've noticed playing pizz I get very little sustain much beyond the G, and it seems people I see on Youtube or whatever get more than I do. Is it me? My bass is strung with Animas which seem to rumble on quite lengthily on the lower notes. My left-hand technique is pretty crap in thumb position, I feel like I'm clinging on for dear life sometimes, I don't really get how players can look so relaxed doing it, it seems to involve quite a lot of strength when I do it?
  10. Will you all please shut up about these new BBs, I can't afford one.
  11. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1391854128' post='2361959'] Is anyone going to tell Gary Moore not to pull faces while playing - ? I think not![/quote] You'd have to shout pretty loud for him to hear you.
  12. It strikes me that bands used to get on telly when they were still pretty sh*t back in those days. You'd never get away with that now.
  13. Frantone pedals are so pretty. I'm obsessed with the Sandwich even though I have no use for one, it's just beautiful. Those red bakelite knobs are delish!
  14. At the time I really didn't like Duran Duran, it never occurred to me that they actually played their own instruments I just assumed they didn't. I was only a little kid mind. Still, props to Roger Taylor and Andy Taylor too, they were just as key to their sound as Nick Rhodes and John. The guitar sound is ace.
  15. If that's the original 24v Bass Micro Synth I'll take it.
  16. I wouldn't have gone with violin corners - mine get caught in my trouser pockets! Looking great so far though, wish I had those skills.
  17. Those little ART preamps are a proper bargain aren't they. They'll warm anything up.
  18. Hopefully I won't need to go that far! I had my first jam with this band tonight and actually it wasn't as loud as I thought it would be, and at rehearsal volume at least I only needed the Ehrlund, but I'm hoping that if I plug the f-holes and use my bassmax for monitoring I should be ok gigging. We'll see...
  19. What mic are you using to record these lessons Geoff? Your bass sounds lush! Sadly I've got out of the habit of practising daily on upright for the last six months or so because I haven't had a regular gig for it, but your videos are great for making me feel all spirited about it again. I'll have to remember to check them out earlier in the evening tomorrow, I think my neighbours would be less than impressed if I started playing this late.
  20. I like those little GK combos personally. Separating the head and the cab doesn't necessarily translate to a better sound, no. More speakers might fatten things up though, maybe get the extension cab for your GK? I think you might be better off experimenting with strings. I like Honeys a lot but they have quite a modern pizz sound, they remind me a lot of Spirocores. For that big, warm, vintage sound you might be better off with something like Silver Slaps, although they sound terrible bowed so avoid if you use the bow. Also I've never played an EUB. Is it possible that you're hankering after the sound of an acoustic bass?
  21. I guess the neck will feel long because of where the front strap point is fitted. My Thumb feels like it has a really long neck for the same reason (and it looks really long because of the 26 frets...) That is bloody lovely though. And I've never seen one like it.
  22. And as for the tone-sucking in bypass mode, it's such an easy job to re-wire it to true-bypass that even I managed to do it.
  23. I think I might've started that rumour that the XO BMS isn't as good. Importantly though, I'm right. Quite apart from the overall sound of the thing (and the older model does have a generally thicker sound), the rate slider on the XO model is more difficult to use than the old one, like it's got a different taper on the slider or something. Not only is the slider smaller but only about a third of it does most of the work. Also I found that loud low notes can cause the XO BMS to distort, whereas the 24v model copes with them just fine. The XO model is also much lighter and the sliders feel scratchy, making the whole thing feel a bit cheap. I sold my 24v BMS when the XO came out because I wanted to save a bit of pedalboard space and get rid of the 24v wall wart, but within weeks I sold the XO model and bought another old one.
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