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Everything posted by d-basser

  1. Wish I had any moneys, I am even in Paisley tomorrow
  2. I find my 6 string really useful. I can rest my thumb on the B and hang a spare t-shirt to dry on the C. Still get a driving rock tone from those 4 real strings too
  3. Haha fantastic. Quite like that actually but not £400+ like.
  4. quick get some camo netting.
  5. I'd have this off you in a heart beat if I could easily get it to Glasgow and had any kind of transport to move it around. REALLY WANT IT!
  6. Great review, does this beast justice without getting too carried away or biased. I have played this lovely instrument and can vouch for the fantastic quality, feel, sound and most of all surprising playability. Truly a work of art, ACG are very high on my wish list at the moment
  7. [quote name='7string' post='492676' date='May 19 2009, 08:51 PM']If you're looking at a custom bass, don't even dream about resale values. Who wants a Sei 7 with LED's and my signature on it. Thought not [/quote] Sure I could get Martin to take you signature off and replace it with mine
  8. Can't believe you are letting this go. I would love it if I could afford it. If it wasn't for the fact I just bought a cheaper four string then blasted the rest of my overdraft on crap I don't need I would be biting your hand off.
  9. I had problems with my Fafner after playing around putting things in and out of effects send and return, like it thought there was still a send but no return and that resulted in no out put, I put a cable back in and out of each of these sockets and the problem was solved. Weird I know.
  10. I'd say a Sei (see what I did there).
  11. Looking good. My only input would be do not under any circumstance put auto playing music in, nothing pisses me off more than listening to my favourite albums when browsing and suddenly something else blares through and I have to find out where it is coming from and how to stop it. Not saying I thought you were going that way with your site but just my 2p.
  12. d-basser


    [quote name='7string' post='485069' date='May 11 2009, 01:58 PM']I just bought a piece of ebony off of eBay for a ramp for my Tyler. A local bass-player got it cut down to the right size and put some foamy double-sided tape to it.[/quote] Who could that have been
  13. Just strung up my P/J with these, have to say yummy. First go a flats and they are full of thumpity goodness. Could maybe do with them being a tad brighter but overall feel and tension is great. Quick delivery too.
  14. dear god things happen in Kinbuck....things happen near Dunblane!
  15. thanking you muchly, gonna give them a try. edit: ordered, I will tell you all what I think (in my hugely expert opinion )
  16. well longs offer the most options co gotta guess they are standard.
  17. hi-jack this slightly, when status talk long medium and short for their strings what we talking? Kinda like the idea of putting some flats on my new P.
  18. Nice The wooden scratchplate on the classic model on your site looks better, think it is the paler body wood. good stuff though.
  19. Haha there is a career forming if Ricky don't catch you
  20. d-basser

    New DHA pedal

    I want one just cause of all the controls
  21. think luthiers employ wolverine freelance for such trimmings. seriously though this is looking great, gonna be a beast!
  22. d-basser

    I'm off to NZ.

    Good luck with the move, all the best. This does finally mean someone else might be on at stupid oclock when I am procrastinating uni work.
  23. I was never a huge ricky fan but for some reason I am really craving one of your copies. Maybe white with black binding ala Bruce Foxton. Not that I have any pennies but what kinda cash are you looking for for these beauties? (PM me if you dint want to announce it to all)
  24. thats the answers I needed, unless I get paid really badly bassman's fenderalike looks best bet.
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