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Everything posted by d-basser

  1. I am the all about all gear no idea. Dingwall, Sei and EBS and I aint exactly a virtuoso. Anyone wanting this? I know you are out there.
  2. BUMP nobody got a boutique 5 string or somewhere in the region of £1500 burning a hole in there pocket?
  3. Kabump Contemplating a sale so if anyone has any offers fire them my way.
  4. Hey Mark. Thats a thought, not sure I want rid of it and not really sure I can be bothered with the hassle of a sale to be honest. Will consider it.
  5. Hmmm intriguing, can you pm me some pics of the Dolphin and the kinda cash you are offering. thanks man
  6. Dont tempt me, I dont need more strings Plus I cant stand gold hardware. Thanks for the offer though
  7. Thinking that maybe I dont need two boutique 6 strings and my Dingwall is getting most of the attention so wondering if anyone wants to trade their lovely bass for this beaut. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=34261&st=0"]see post #20[/url] Sei Flamboyant no.69, lovely burl top and birdseye maple neck. I have fitted this bass with an ACG02 pre which is awesome and gives this bass a fantastic range of sounds, dub to slap and everything in between. If anyone wants pictures or more information on the bass just say. I am preferably looking to trade for a fretted 5 string. Got a hankering for something jazzish but will consider any offers. Like the idea of a lakland or maybe an overwater. Idealy looking for something of similar quality and value but will consider something something decent and a little cash coming my way cause I am skint at the moment. so folks, whatcha got? Looking for £1400 o.n.o. if anyone is interested in buying, got a hardcase and happy to post it. [b]scroll down for more pics[/b][u][b] NOW ON EBAY[/b][/u], though feel free to give me a shout on here if you are interested.
  8. Go on pick you best/worst [attachment=28194:sleazysbassface.jpg] [attachment=28195:sleazysbassface2.jpg] [attachment=28196:sleazysbassface3.jpg]
  9. For those who have asked: no unfortunately don't have the manual or disc. Otherwise the pedal is in very very good nick though.
  10. Need to shift gear due to being skint so: Boss RC20XL looper, I am sure you guys all know the blurb bout these so I ain't going to try and describe it. It is in very good condition with original box and no problems with it at all. I'd be looking for £110 incl p&p any questions fire me a PM, I'll try get pics if anyone wants. thanks guys
  11. The only time I really notice the extra scale length on my Dingwall (in a bad way) is if I do ALOT of hammering 1-3 fret on the B or E. And I have midget hands. I would love this bass more than you know but I have neither the funds nor the ability to justify it... dont want a 6 string Sei with ACG pre do you?
  12. Went well all in all. There are recordings from last nights effort on my singers [url="http://www.davehughesmusic.co.uk/blog/"]blog[/url]. Have a listen. Can you hear how drunk our female backing singer is, especially on No Surrender. Bass sounds good though
  13. If you had a car you could use my rig for the price of a few pints and entry to the gig a-side do rental and it is pretty good gear in there (ampeg and peavey in the room I practiced it)
  14. [quote name='jonthebass' post='519318' date='Jun 20 2009, 02:31 PM']Wanna know a secret? For a minute, way back when, I [i]nearly[/i] ordered 2 x Big Ones to put under the Boogie Can you even imagine? The only thing that stopped me was lack of storage space! JTB[/quote] I keep looking at the fact that my Fafner is capable 2ohm...so that is 3 big ones or 4 compacts Then I realise one would be more than enough and I am being ridiculous.
  15. [quote name='jonthebass' post='516516' date='Jun 17 2009, 03:34 PM']You would not be disappointed [/quote] Might when the sound gives the rest of my band internal bleeding and we can't gig any more Planning to get at least one by the end of the summer.
  16. oooohhh, Two vintaged compacts would sit so nicely under my Fafner.
  17. [quote]Looks like you're soiling your keks there, mate.[/quote] I have nae clue why I look so out of it other than I think it was 1000000 degrees in the venue and us poor Scots don't like it too hot
  18. gig last night: Whilst remembering the next note the ceiling became very interesting: [attachment=26918:DSCF1454.JPG] Then I was possessed by satan (but don't look to excited by it): [attachment=26920:DSCF1458.JPG] And then my true contender for Bassface of the year: [attachment=26921:DSCF1464.JPG]
  19. My main bass at the moment is my Dingwall and that was made in Canada which isn't an option!
  20. I don't really get nervous, even Tuesday when I was doing my first gig in 3yrs with minimal practice and prep I was just excited. Like many others on here a Guinness does no harm.
  21. Not bad considering lack of practice, notice and preparation.
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