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Everything posted by uk_lefty

  1. Thanks, that's far better than the info I got from a different retailer!
  2. If he will do me a left handed hollow or semi hollow for less than £800 I'll pay my money down right now.
  3. Me too, almost! I started another thread this morning specifically on this issue. (long story shortened the retailer I spoke to basically said Gibson/ Epiphone deliveries are pot luck what gets sent and when they'd arrive). Trying to find another semi hollow solution now...
  4. Yes absolutely agree there, hence why I didn't name the retailer. It was just the way they talked about Gibson/ Epiphone was that it seemed to be a general lucky dip, open the delivery (it's a surprise what day or month it arrives) to see what we've got an try to sell it, rather than place an order for stock you want to sell. I am sure that the Fender estimated dates will slip out too, but at least there's a target.
  5. I'm hankering for a new bass and haven't fully decided yet. Some of the Fender models I want need to be pre ordered and the wait if I order now is to early June. Its a long wait but at least there's a date on it. If I can't raise the cash for a US Fender I may go Epi Jack Cassidy. And apparently I can pay a deposit now to be "first in the queue" BUT, this is what I don't understand, Gibson / Epiphone might deliver at some point in future, might not and nobody knows what will be in the crate. Knowing their poor record on lefties this doesn't fill me with confidence that I will actually ever get the bass, nevermind when. Has anyone got "better" info on this from a retailer perspective? Is it really a lucky dip with Gibson/ Epi deliveries for what they will send you and when?
  6. It's like an ESP stream without the contouring on the body. I like it.
  7. Never the bass line but I've had an audience go off drunkenly singing my backing vocal part all round a hotel for an hour after the gig finished. It was the woooooaaah-wo-woooh-oh-oh but at the end of You Give Love a Bad Name. That was fun. Singer claimed he never heard it.
  8. I'm finding all of this discussion interesting and I'm learning a lot. But for me simplicity is key: If my band is running a vocal only PA in a pub my amp does all the work If my band is running a huge PA for a function or playing outdoors where we run the PA I trust the guitarist who is also our soundman to do whatever he wants or needs to get a decent bass sound. Usually he DI's from the back of my amp and good quality bass tone comes out the PA. I've heard recordings, he's very good, it used to be his full time job in the past so he is 100% trusted. If I'm at a festival where you've got to rush on, plug in and play your allocated time, I just make sure I can hear myself in the monitor. Now I have a Helix I might ask to DI out of that so I know what's coming out, but even then the Sound-person can and will do what he or she wishes with that signal, life's too short to worry about it.
  9. uk_lefty

    EHX synth9

    Likewise! Off the original topic but I find a lot of the free to download patches really hit and miss. I found a site called Dr Tone and downloaded a handful but the best ones are really just starting points to adapt from and the others were rubbish. I've not got my head around paying for patches yet...
  10. uk_lefty

    EHX synth9

    I've tried the cheap route to synth sounds... Boss SYB something. Awful. No use-able sounds, bad tracking, sold it pdq. Digitech Autosynthwah thing, similar experience to the boss. EHX Bass Mono Synth, had some good sounds but tracking was way off, you needed the cleanest string pluck and to let each note ring, if you needed to play any kind of fast passage you were doomed, missing some of your notes or tracking way behind. The best synth like sounds I have had I made myself on a Boss GT10B by combining fuzz, octave, chorus. I've now got a Helix Stomp and at some point will need to try to create my own synth patches, or hope that someone has posted good use able ones out there for free. In short, the cheap options aren't worth it.
  11. I like the approach here! I would like to have a "here's my tone, this is what I play, this is ME" but I tend to just do this: ramp up the mids if I'm playing fretless (currently with flats) or a song like Crazy Little Thing Called Love, otherwise I go a little mid scooped and like a bit of string clank and some grit in the sound. Then the sound man makes me sound like "whatever it's just bass, you done yet I've got a flipin hour mic'ing these cymbals?"
  12. Any idea who is selling these in lefty? I can't find it online
  13. Relies on the American pronunciation of "mirror" being "meeyurh" which they all do, weirdly.
  14. Depends on how strict they were! For my A Level English literature the exam board begrudgingly allowed me to analyse two American books, since they were not English-English, but like most things they decided to make rules after the course had started. You definitely weren't allowed Russian or any other fiction originally written in another language. Probably fair, a lot of translation is not literal so different versions of the same foreign classics may be translated differently. Anyhow... Nobody mentioned Des Ree.. "I'm not afraid of a ghost, I'd rather have a piece of toast" utter tripe. Or U2 "like a mole, living in a hole" on Elevation. One of those songs that comes across a bit like Nik Kershaws the Riddle where he just sang nonsense to fit a tune he liked intending to write proper lyrics later. Or Bono is just an derrière.
  15. Where's the "vomit" emoji when you need it? I can't stand Madonna. I have no idea why she exists in public consciousness beyond the early 90s.
  16. This is the thing... Because I already have the RM500 with its "tube emulated drive" and a Helix Stomp with all its own trickery I'm not sure an actual amp is required. I think it's just boredom and the connected facts: I've sold some gear so want to buy some, I haven't sold enough gear to buy what I want, what I want isn't likely to be in stock for months, I want to buy some gear.
  17. My garage is in such a state I can't get to the drill and drill bits easily. Nevermind, just brought forward the oil finishing. Three coats on now using the method Crimson Guitars show on their YouTube video for the oil. Pretty happy with how it looks, not sure if I need more coats of oil to properly seal it or if it's now done? Either way, the bass is nowhere near what I set out for, but I'm very happy with things so far. Staining and oiling is incredibly therapeutic.
  18. THAT is how to do a bass demo video.
  19. I think there was an electric similar on ebay a while back being sold out of China. It would be a nice challenge for a luthier, "can you make this?" in a kind of Scrapheap challenge sort of way, but of absolutely zero use to man or beast. If you have time to flip the instrument over, you have time to pick up a dedicated single instrument, surely?
  20. When i was 15 I used to fire up a 100 watt amp feeding a 150 watt 80s Peavey amp and thrash through every song I knew over and over. It was fun!
  21. Yes, ambitious but I'm not looking for top end kit right away...
  22. Hmmm all valve or hybrid, maybe that's the question?
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