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Mr Fretbuzz

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Everything posted by Mr Fretbuzz

  1. I don't know them but I'm really happy with my new Ashdown Mag 410T
  2. [quote name='simon1964' timestamp='1349617077' post='1828305'] Which is why the Rockinbetters are somewhat dubious from the point of view of passing off and trade mark law. In reality, are they any different from the knock-off Chelsea shirts and Rolex watches you see being sold on Oxford Street? [/quote] The same..fake is fake. A Turkish Gold Rolex looks good from a distance but [b]you[/b] know its a fake. I was at this shop last year and a guy was playing one...he had GAS but when he saw the disgust on my face, he put it down, decided to save for a real one and left the shop :-D It did sound ok though on an Ashdown combo. I've not heard a real Ricky yet but I seen one in a shop and I've got GAS
  3. I've had great advice and help from guy with my newbie questions. He's been great and always answered my emails , even when I felt a bit guilty and just filled out their Internet question page trying not to bother him. .... So much so I've bought myself a Lorenzo pedal and my mag rig ... Well happy :-)
  4. Nice...not sure whether to get a JC though :-0
  5. How would you compare the Jack Casady to the Gretsch Andy ... I fancied the JC but ive seen the Gretsch now. How would you compare the Gibson to the Gretsch for about £250 extra? [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1349206060' post='1823356'] I've just had one of the new gretsch short scale basses delivered to the shop I work at, and It's impressed me. I miss my Jack Casdady (long scale - Not your thing) and have always fancied another hollow/semi hollow bass. But now I've seen the Gibson Midtown, i'm hanging fire. The Gretsch is £800 ish, which is a bit rich for MIK, but it's bloody lovely. The Verythin looks lovely, had a do on one at the Frankfurt MusikMesse, and it felt great. Never tried the Hagstrom, but I really like the 'Pawn Shop' vibe of it, I liked the guitars when we stocked them, but that was about 5 years ago when they did a big relaunch - And were maybe trying to impress with the initial models. Shame to hear the standard has maybe slipped as I liked the look of the Viking Baritone. [/quote]
  6. I'm interested to know as well. I was on my way to an Epiphone Jack Casady but I've seen this now. Its more cash but I love the look of Gretsch. White Falcon you will be mine in a Wayne's World sort of way Would you recommend the short scale or long scale for tone etc... I imagine the long scale would sound deeper but I love the double cut away on the short scale... hmmmm red short scale or orange long scale GAS http://www.gretschguitars.com/products/index.php?section=basses&series=Electromatic+Collection
  7. Great idea..I'll be there on the Saturday probably depending on the cheapest train ticket and night at waterloo travelodge
  8. No, the little toad can plug into my practice amp :-D
  9. Bought a new junior size P Bass for £50 for my kid from Thomann. Can't beat that :-)
  10. Sunday 4th November Cardiff :-( Played Ole Bones Blues with a drummer yesterday who pointed out I'd cocked up 4 bars... The book shows a tied note with a slide in 3 places but they are separate notes
  11. Thanks to Scott's Bass Lessons I found the sweet spot for palm muting on my P Bass right brfore the Bridge and it sounded great coming out of the Ashdown Rig :-) Might use that technique on my improvisation test on my forthcoming grade exam
  12. I'll get the MAG 115 at some stage.Gazz.... I know that I'll be able to get full power then..... How do you switch the tweeter on the cab.... It's supposed to be switchable to high, low and off according to an ashdown brochure but I can't find any switch on the 410 T. Have you got a triumph or a dyna fat bob by the looks of it in your photo? I've got a couple of Harleys but I like the Bonnie and the Thuxton. How do you set up your Amp generally... What settings do you use.... See my other posting earlier today :-)
  13. I wear my Bass quite high..so its in the same position when I sit down..
  14. It would be good if there was an option to embroider our BC names so we can avoid each other at the Bass Show in London next March
  15. The Cows in the field loved it Here's our Bedroom Rhythm Section..... we've got the kit, just need to be able to play it.... [IMG]http://i617.photobucket.com/albums/tt260/ukflamesey/DSCN2460_zps5b737c90.jpg[/IMG]
  16. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1347481805' post='1801540'] In which case I'm really looking forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions about it, when you've had a chance to get used to it and give it some exercise. Cheers Geoff [/quote] It arrived yesterday Geoff. I'm a novice but I'm running it full input, half EQ all 5 knobs, half compression, almost half overdrive and quarter output and most of my notes aren't going into the red on the level meter. I didn't like the sub-harmonics much but it seemed ok on about a quarter. The deep button seemed a little too much for my P Bass. I used a LoMenzo distortion pedal too on these settings and it was good, not too much.My MAG 410T cab is supposed to have a switchable tweeter but for the life of me I can't find a switch I don't know how to get the best from the Amp so I'd be interested in any advice. The valve/tube emulator is linked to the overdrive and there isn't a separate button for this, its just the overdrive button. There's a funny looking plastic polo mint type hole on the back of the cab next to the cable in hole and I'm not sure what thats about I had to take the clock off the wall and the old lady said that the kitchen lights below are flickering. [IMG]http://i617.photobucket.com/albums/tt260/ukflamesey/DSCN2455_zpsc5ccaced.jpg[/IMG]
  17. My first rig arrived today, an Ashdown Mag 300 Evo iii and Mag 410T cab I don't know how to upload a photo though so I stuck it on photobucket http://[url="http://s617.photobucket.com/albums/tt260/ukflamesey/?action=view&current=DSCN2455_zpsc5ccaced.jpg"][/url]
  18. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1348074147' post='1808947'] Even if you just play sitting down at home, better than giving up altogether, bass playing becomes part of us. Lovely Rick mate. [/quote] +1 :-) What's the difference between 4001 and a 4003?
  19. Thomann have the Silverburst in stock but sold out of the gold :-( I'm going to get one for Christmas . The trapeze breaks on the Viking :-(
  20. Sounds good .. think I prefer the 50 setting but still undecided about the Jack Casady v Hagstrom Viking
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