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Mr Fretbuzz

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Everything posted by Mr Fretbuzz

  1. It's not in the new syllabus, not sure about the old book
  2. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1347712786' post='1804248'] Me too, I'm going to do grade 3 at some point during this academic year! Lovely teecha has given me a test paper to work on. It's doing my head in a bit, but I'm hoping all will become clear at the next lesson. [/quote] Make sure you take your own amp and stand seashell :-0
  3. Not me Bert..should have taken my fender 15w bass amp ....anyway, they'll be changing it to a bass amp from now on. Amaisingly no one had complained before and someone did their grade 6 on it after me :-0
  4. Ace, won my appeal and got awarded a merit for grade 3. got criticised for tone on my 3 pieces. The tone of playing a fender P through a 10w guitar amp wasn't going to sound good.... Nothing wrong with the tone of the bass ... Even if I played a wrong note the tone of that would be good
  5. Found a reference to a 12v bulb on a forum, ordered 2 off eBay, took the head and bulbs to a local music shop lunchtime, went back by 5pm.... Guy says they were the wrong bulbs, showed me a far bigger bulb like a small tube with wire each side, says he had to slot the amp out of case, take all the knobs, fixings etc off the front of the head to get at the VU ...... Then says that he soldered on the 2 bulbs instead and here it is back for £20. Meanwhile still awaiting a response from the ashdown techs :-(
  6. Hate to say it but as a newbie I remember songs by the tab numbers..maybe I should have been an accountant :-)
  7. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1353690988' post='1877581'] Can it manage when the guitarist/singer want to change the key??? [/quote] I'm saying nothing LOL Cool machine though ..
  8. Caught the tail end of it but was busy watching the stones on another channel and the HA riot :-(
  9. Noticed a guy on Jools this week playing one :-)
  10. Bummer my bulb has gone after 2 months...... if its a conventional bulb and its just a matter of unscrewing the 4 philips screws, slotting out the amp from its surround and popping in a new bulb, I can do that..... but if its soldering something, I'll have to take it to an electricians or tv repair shop or something
  11. Strange but true Its sounding great with just the front pick-up, playing over it... Well worth two hundred quid even if you do have to think like a German off is on and all that
  12. Welcome Joe from another Paul down the M4 :-)
  13. Arrived yesterday..I'm using solo with bass and trebble off which seems to mean both pick ups working. Didn't like the sound fingering off the bridge pick up so I'm fingering off the neck pick up and it sounded ok. ... Some fret noise and I guess more mid range sounding than my P Bass ... Sounded good playing I can't explain by the who but not good playing Honkey Tonk women by the stones. Played it on my ashdown mag head with mids turned up a little, half over drive, and half sub-harmonics, half compression.... 4x10 cab with tweeter
  14. As an experiment I put my first set of strings on my squire P yesterday...ernie ball slinkies, all went well but haven't heard them yet...... So I'll be able to take a good look at this thread and pick some strings for my fender....not sure about flats yet though :-0
  15. Whats O Level German for "Come to Daddy".... something like Comm zu Vater
  16. Ah, now it's becoming clearer why they are mostly in E.
  17. Thanks guys..I'm learning to transpose by looking at key charts so that's good :-)
  18. Only met the guys once and they seem ok and the good thing is that they are willing to give a newbie a chance... Unless they're desperate :-). Yep, had some experience tonight of working out how to change the notes so all is good so far :-) I'm sure I'll learn a lot ..it will all be experience, good and bad
  19. Funny you should say that :-) I'm just putting it down to gaining band experience and maybe at some stage I'll pinch the drummer and find another guitarist :-) Hopefully I'll get to play a note before it all goes tits up :-0
  20. Well I'm in my first Band and haven't played a note yet. The guitarist gives me his set list of 11 songs, says something like he doesn't want to be a tribute band and wants to play them his way. So he scribbles the Keys against each. I go away and try and find some tab for them. Most of them are in the wrong key. I find a great tab for Green Onions on Songsterr and it's in Fm . He's got E on my sheet so I suggest to the drummer it would be good if we change to F. I'm a bit concerned about open Es ringing out forever on my P Bass. The reply from the guitarist is no, it's in E because the next song on the list is in E too!! WTF Anyhow I've transposed it to Em and added some fretted notes to stop the open E ringing. He can play in E maj if he wants lol . I guess I don't mind changing within a min or maj scale but changing outside that I dunno... I doubt he'll hear the difference anyway as he'll only be able to hear his guitar :-0
  21. Thanks guys and to gelfin for sorting it out and for letting me have a go on his Rickie :-) Great to meet you all and to hear 15 inch cabs as I'm just about to get one as a second cab :-)
  22. I'm really looking forward to being in my Band. So far I've just met the two guys for a coffee, seemed to be good guys, good chat , enthusiastic , looking for a bit of fun, and happy to give a newbie bass player a go with no pressure. :-)
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