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Mr Fretbuzz

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Everything posted by Mr Fretbuzz

  1. I'm doing the Bristol Music Radar and the Brighton Metal Hammer in August. Anyone else going or appearing or teaching at these?
  2. Nice one Seashell .... I'm in my third band and haven't played a note yet :-D
  3. Thinking of getting a set for my P but not used them before. Done a bit of research and perhaps TI Jazz Flats or Rotosound Jazz Flats? I like a big warm fat bass note. I normally use nickel round wounds. A shop has recommended Fender 9050CL which are stainless.
  4. All the best Deb. sorry cant make it as I'm off on hols sat
  5. Cool... Any fairly simple ones that you can use an envelope pedal :-)
  6. ...... None yet..it's on my gas list but probably the fender 63 :-)
  7. My gran lived opposite the March Hare on Carlton Road :-)
  8. ooo nice P and whats the 5 string? I'll have to get some 70s Porno just for research purposes of course
  9. ooooo I like the Boss Fender 63.... wonder what it would sound like on a Bass http://youtu.be/GX5EhRCWJOs
  10. Thanks guys. I'll take a good look. Thought that I'd have to get a bass specific pedal though.... But I guess a reverb is a reverb.
  11. Hi guys, I'm thinking of getting a reverb pedal. I'm after a sort of rock n roll sound similar to the ashdown dr green verb pedal utube. I might get this pedal as its simpe to use unless there is something better around ?
  12. Cheers Gazz.. its a 34 long scale Played it on my big Amp tonight and it sounded good both pups full on with about a 7 on the tone knob. Just using the rear pub sounds a bit like an envelope pedal
  13. Blues Train crashed last night. Guitar didn't want to give lifts to the drums so drums couldn't make this thursday's second rehearsal with a singer this time; guitar couldn't practice next week. Next minute I get a notification that keyboards has deleted his Dropbox folder ... text saying its not going to work out and he's joining another Band. I'm still with the guitarist and we are looking for drums and vocal for fun rather than serious gigging. He is in a busy gigging Band as it is. So thats 2 Bands, 3 practices in almost a year and no gigs.
  14. I love the look of it as well but I like the neck pick up in the middle rather than touching the neck so I can put my thumb on it similar position to my P Bass The Warwick looks retro though
  15. Just got a Warwick Pro Star Bass yesterday from Germany which was the cheapest with a Warwick hollowbody gig bag. I tried the gretsch and didn't like it myself. Thought the Gibson Midtown sounded better. Pleased with the Warwick as you can adjust both pickups separately , although I had to adjust the intonation and strings a little.
  16. Well tonight Matthew.........I'm going to be Joe Bonamassa and Gary Moore 3 new songs today for Thursday : All your Love- Gary Moore Slow Train- Bonamassa You upset me Baby- Bonamassa ...and I went over: Walking by Myself- Gary Moore Cold Shot- SRV Hey Joe- Hendrix ....finished off with a couple of slugs of Jack Daniels out of the bottle. Theres some benefit to doing this Blues stuff
  17. Warwick Pro Star Bass in VSB on its way over from the Fatherland :-) Its got the look for my new Blues Rock Band and tone should be good :-) Oh, and I bought a new Bass stand as I was running out.. It holds 9 :-D
  18. It's ok, we discussed it..it's not cheating :-D
  19. I'm on my Bass learning bass lines from yesterday for tuesday.... Walking by Myself Gary Moore and Cold Shot by SRV. Its going ok but I need some Jack Daniels
  20. Hello..... Bass Guitar for Dummies is a good start :-)
  21. Yep, sometimes. Songsterr isn't too bad if you can find the song.... It has the notes as well... But it usually has all of the bars, so I get my paper out and work out the riffs etc.. onto a single sheet. Problem is that it doesnt break down to simpler riffs that would work usually..
  22. I do sometimes when I can find some TAB but they are always more complex.. I haven't done any transcribing yet :-0
  23. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1370550260' post='2102666'] I love Groove is in the Heart.... Simple bassline yet grooves like nobodys business Today, I haven't picked up my bass, but have been working in composition. This weekend I have to put some SERIOUS practice in..... Only three weeks tomorrow until my festival gig, and Ultimate Floyds first gig!! [/quote] Good luck with the gig Deb :-) I've been learning Hey Joe by Hendrix and Dancing in the Moonlight by Thin Lizzy but I've got a couple of SRV and a couple of Gary Moore songs to jam next Tuesday and I won't be getting a bassline or two from Mr Ace until Saturday :-0
  24. Bought myself a tiny orange practice amp for about £30 plus a separate charger which works ok. Now bought ampkit app and looking to get an ashdown mibass interface when I can.
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