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Mr Fretbuzz

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Everything posted by Mr Fretbuzz

  1. I'm having a problem posting on my iMac at home but my iPad is fine
  2. I would as I like the drummer but the trouble is he is best mates with the guitard and although they say the rest of us have a say, we haven't at the moment. They've picked the set list and band name without any input from me. Maybe I'll shoot off with the keyboards and singer and form a blues band :-)
  3. Yep, all good learning experience but it's good to find someone on the same wavelength as ive been having stick off the guitarist since I joined. Ok I've only been playing a year but I've stuck 8 months effort in learning the songs myself at home. Had to put my foot down or let this guy walk all over me. The dynamic changed last night for the better. The keyboards player with more band experience took over and supported me. Hopefully going forward things will get easier and we are all playing the same thing. He wants to play some blues.... The other guys aren't happy but I'd like that. The singer was a bit of a nervous type but his singing was cool :-). The other singer didn't turn up anyway so both are in and way to go :-). Bit of a bombshell though.... I get handed a set list with another 19 songs on it and a band name... All news to me. Anyway good old keyboards player agreed to learn the 12 I've been doing. I had an old argument about doing Green Onions in E rather than F min. Lo and behold, keyboards says it should be in F and guitarist now agrees...... ill be transposing it back and learning it in F. Not sure about the other 11 :-D
  4. That was so funny. It was only a train crash for the guitarist. Keyboard guy says the same things as I've said..... The songs should be played as the recordings in the recording keys as a starting point. He got my vote straight away. So he has learned as per recordings ... Singer comes and he's done the same. By this time I've got my iPad plugged into the PA. Guitard says I'm playing a song incorrectly..... On goes the iPad ...... Keyboard payer points at guitarist as says...you're wrong.. Points to bassist..you're right :-) Bit later on guitarist says I'm playing the wrong notes..I know I'm playing the right note as its from original score. on goes the iPad.... Keyboard player...yeah your playing the right notes. Guitarist shuts the xxxx up :-D 8 months I've had this bullxxxx and now I've found a soul mate :-)
  5. Train driver has arrived for a 6.30pm departure ..... Do you think he might know Orange Blossom Special by Johnny Cash? Nah, me neither :-D
  6. I've not come across and tutorial books on pedal use. I have a look on utube at specific pedals etc.
  7. Going along to audition 2 singers and a keyboards guy in an hour. I suggested to the other 2 band members that perhaps the best way to audition the singers would be for them to sing along to the actual recorded music. The reason I suggested this is that I've been playing along to the set list since October on my iPad to the recorded music. The guitarist wants to play it his way and refuses to listen to the recordings. Fine but he hasn't told me what his way is and we've only had 2 garage practices in 8 months. He does practice with the drummer every Friday though 45 miles away when I'm in work. Got an email yesterday asking my to take my main amp tonight. Haven't a clue which pieces they want to play or how they want them played. I've been practising maybe 14 pieces and we've only tried out 4/5 so far. I suspect the singers will want to sing as if they were singing to a recording, I'll be attempting to do the same with the other 2 guys doing something different. Train Crash :-( Maybe the auditionees will decide to go else where once they see how crap we are :-(. Anyway that will help me with joining SpaceChicks band soon :-D
  8. Good luck with that. How are you going about learning the set list?
  9. I haven't done an audition yet but my "Band" are auditioning a keyboards and 2 singers this week. I'll make it easy for them so I get the same Karma coming round to me sometime
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1367237160' post='2062901'] That's a good get-out clause. I'm going to use that from now on. [/quote] I'm going to use it too .. they'll think I'm a real player ... until I start playing of course
  11. Not only do I need more fingers but I need more time too :-(
  12. Deb :-D Having been in my Band for over 6 months with no singer, no gigs and just 2 garage practices, I think I can fit in another :-D
  13. ...... Got you now Deb. No worries cribbing if we both pass at the end Deb :-D
  14. Oops, that might not work..Mr Ace has me starting on C on the A string :-D
  15. Hey guys, I know a guy who plays in 3 Bands. How many do you play in if more than one. Best to stick with just one Band or how many is just right and is 3 or more too many?
  16. Been doing it all week Deb... I had early issues when it shifts to single notes from the a flat .... But got it mostly now .... Just a bit out of time for the second intro riff after the b flat, a flat, bflat bit... But making it to the end now in excess of 4 minutes.... Stuck a pop in there on the C after the 3 a flat notes :-)
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  18. Wasn't too happy with my classic T Bird last week but since I've set it up properly I like it ... The neck is ok on mine. The bass I'm sorry I got is a Hofner Ignition Beatles Bass... Looks cool but really don't like it..it rattles and buzzes even with a high action and I don't like the short scale either .... For sale :-D
  19. Gas for a Star Bass :-)
  20. I'm a rightie Bert... Must be the way the photos came out taken on my iMac Just joking around :-)
  21. Cool A hagstrom viking in the window. I wanted to see one of these and I had GAS but too many reports on the net that the bridge breaks and hard to get a replacement .
  22. ...or maybe if I join a Metal Band, this Aerosmith doorag with attached hair I got in Orlando
  23. Nice hat Deb When I join a Blues Band I'm thinking of this....... real rattlesnake hat band
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