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Everything posted by SICbass

  1. @Al Krow much as I‘m very much in agreement with your views on fair pay for work, bear in mind that Panda Audio is essentially one person and not a large, exploitative corporation. I would also like to see Quatschmacher remunerated in some form, but my impression is that Andras (who basically IS Panda Audio) is also an enthusiast with limited resources. @Quatschmacher please feel free to jump in and correct me on this.
  2. “I referred to the police as Five-O the other day and was tutted at by a youth, “Feds?” I offered, more tutting. I was informed that the current nomenclature round these parts is Po-Po.„ In German po-po is equivalent to the babyish expression botty.
  3. Excuse me for repeating myself but I extol the virtues of this documentary at every opportunity. Genghis Blues, a moving story with some fantastic music, mixing blues with traditional Tuvan throat-singing. The whole film is viewable on YouTube:
  4. @Bluewine Blue needs to hear this.
  5. Me too. I‘ve been playing for a living since I was a teenager. I’m now in my early 50s and have only managed to force myself to crack a smile when a camera is pointing at me in the last couple of years. I still can’t do it while playing.
  6. Dear Blue, we‘re bass players and maybe not the big showmakers, I get it but FFS smile! 😉
  7. Prince‘s quote about Sonny T. (I think it was on the cover of the Diamonds and Pearls album) prince on sonny t........cool quote ! "my childhood idol on the bass-sonny t.he can play a french girl's measurements on the bass and make u see' em"
  8. Lovely. Once again confirming the impression that he really is a thoroughly nice person.
  9. Did you manage to keep your cool or did you melt and go all fan boy? I suspect I might have done the latter.
  10. So essentially the whole thing is driven by the ego battle between the guitarist and the singer. Who knew? 😘
  11. @Jimothey don’t be so hard on yourself. The main defining factor is simply if the listener is familiar with the track in question.
  12. Theme from Shaft “Can you dig it?”
  13. Kissed by a Rose 🌹 by Seal?
  14. That surprises me. Johnny W. and I seem to generally know a lot of the same stuff. Here it is, if you’re interested. One of my top 5 songs. One of those ones that makes me tearful and I’ve no idea why.
  15. Wishing you a good further recovery and the patience you need (and have already demonstrated) to see it through.
  16. Glad to hear you got it back 👍
  17. The artist is featured in a recently revived thread elsewhere here.
  18. OK, here it is with verse. I reckon this should give it away...
  19. I am too and may I say what a relief it is that you didn't get it instantly 😛
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