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Everything posted by hamfist

  1. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1357154425' post='1918343'] No , i think they are humbucking testacles . [/quote] Sir, you really need to cut back on the chemicals.
  2. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1357154140' post='1918334'] are they single coils? [/quote] Yes, yes.
  3. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1357140998' post='1917998'] Nice sounding Jazz Bass . There are so many great Jazz pickups on the market nowadays , and the Fralins are amongst the best , and to my ears sound very authentic to the classic Fender sound . Its all very well telling us about the pickup settings , but were these latest demos done with or without the dressing gown ? [/quote] I'm afraid these were performed "sans vetements", hence only the still image of the bass on the video. The general public is not prepared for me in the altogether.
  4. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1357139687' post='1917972'] I think the most versatile bass I've used is the G&L L2000. And it doesn't really have any downright useless sounds in there either, so it manages to be versatile and easy to use at the same time, quite a nifty feat. I wish they weren't so plain looking though. [/quote] Now for me, a BIG negative for the G & L system is the lack of a blending facility. The choice of pickups soloed or a 50:50 mix is too limiting for many.
  5. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1357121534' post='1917604'] I have a Celinder Jazz bass. Both pickups on full is the classic jazz bass sound that is heard on countless records. If someone isn't going for that then I don't see the point of staying with a jazz bass. Many other instruments out there are more versatile and look nicer. The Fender Roscoe Beck signature for example is definitely more versatile. Those coil split humbuckers really come into their own. But if someone is playing mostly fingerstyle and doesn't need lots of attack, then p-bass with flats for sure. [/quote] Yes I was rather over-generalising, I thought my comment would stir the pot a little. However,I don't agree that the "both pickups on full" is THE classic jazz sound. It is one of the sounds, for sure, and yes, many folks do very successfully use it in situations where they are given ample space in a mix. But surely the J bridge pickup soloed is also another "classic" J tone. The great thing about the J is that it does so many, all with subtle variations of those two little volume pots. Luv 'em. For me, if I want a tone similar to the "both pickups on full" sound but also want to be heard in a band context, all it takes is a tiny smidgeon of one pickup's volume reduced and voila, there are those mids again.
  6. Just noodling around on a day off. I'm so impressed by my new CIJ Jazz with Fralins in, I thought I'd do a couple of soundclips for people who might be interested. These pickups are not boomy, and are not bright, but seem to put out a superb range of frequencies for the bass guitar. The midrange is just so perfect. I haven't got to play this with the band yet, but my suspicion is that it will fit in amazingly. The first clip is the bridge pup with a hint of neck mixed in, and the 2nd is of the neck pup with a hint of bridge mixed in. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAWClzYm9Vg[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6R_UpNey2RI&feature=youtu.be[/media]
  7. Sold a pedal to Chris. Completely straightforward guy to deal with. Easy transaction. Thanks !
  8. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1357109477' post='1917508'] I couldn't get a sound I liked with the Streamliner. Too big down low, to unfocusedd in the mids. [/quote] Me too, after several months of trying. It defo has a certain tonal, pillowy, mid-scooped, signature that no amount of EQ fiddling will remove. If you boost one mid frequency area, another will be lacking. Clearly some folks love the tones it gives, and it is a fine product. However, it is what it is, and you cannot escape it's characteristic tone without a shedload of external EQ. If anyone is struggling at all to get the tones they want with the amp I would personally suggest trying elsewhere.
  9. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1357079030' post='1917343'] Just wait til Behringer get their mitts on one [/quote] Lol ! It's true about the B3K/B7K. I have been through a horde of pedals and only the Darkglasses really did that tone. If you are trying to emulate it with other pedals it would have to involve a signal splitter/mixer, a dist pedal plus, probably, an EQ ..... so that would work out more pricy than a B3K.
  10. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1357117083' post='1917560'] I can't hear a jazz bass on stage very well with both pickups on. [/quote] That is why experienced Jazz players rarely use them like that. There are a load of other settings which work beautifully. Just like you wouldn't use your amp with the bass on full and mids and treble on zero, you wouldn't use a bass on a setting which doesn't work either. Actually, in honesty, I was very, very slow catching on too. It took me several ownings of J basses and many others to realise this fundamental fact about J's. I am now a confirmed J bass user but NEVER use that "both pickups full on" tone. Oh, and going back to the P bass suggestion, to me a J can get 90% of a P bass tone as well as the other J tones, but a P can only do ...... a P. I suspect you're all getting the point that my vote is for a J bass.
  11. SOLD Pair of standard Wizard 64 jazz pickups. Literally just fitted once to try in my Jazz, lets say ....... 10 minutes use. Made on 27/12/12. These are great pickups but my Fralins are just slightly more to my tastes. These Wizards still have the protective plastic on. The only things not in the box from Wizard are the new screws and foam, which I used. I will include my "old" screws and foam. £55 posted to your door within mainland UK. [url="http://www.ephotobay.com/share/wizards.html"][/url]
  12. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1357003686' post='1916352'] but I'd be surprised if the gk was even close, I know they have some build quality issues too but then again a neox is £800. [/quote] I suspect you are mixing up what you have heard about the much cheaper MBE series cabs (which are clearly made down to a price) with the much higher quality neo cabs. You will struggle to find much bad written about these GK neo cabs, as most owners simply seem very happy, and I can attest to this. it' a little unfair to put down something you have no experience of, and have not tried to find out a balanced online experience of.
  13. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1356981411' post='1916107'] If the sale does not go through please let me know :-) [/quote] Yup will do. I'm expecting payment on weds.
  14. Many folks here will recommend Barefaced - a super 12 T would sound like the flagship model for your needs. If you don't have almost a grand to spare, take a look at the GK 2x12 neo II. Just a few kg heavier but half the cost of a S12T. A very, very competent cab also.
  15. [quote name='teaser360' timestamp='1356898037' post='1914950'] my band plays stuff like, the who, weller, jam , kaiser chiefs, pistols, but me and the keyboard player normally have a run of 80s electro music, OMD, new order, depeche mode, for about 15 to mins so our set list is varied, we dont use a lead guitarist but have a pretty loud rhythm, and the drummer is a diamond cos he balances the sound out, [/quote] Never played a Barefaced, but I want to be in your band !
  16. Bought a pedal from Sean. Easy straightforward transaction. Pedal packed well, and sent quickly. Thanks very much !
  17. SOLD EBS Multidrive pedal. New true bypass version. Immaculate, with box & paperwork etc. £70 posted to your door in mainland UK [url="http://www.ephotobay.com/share/ebs-a.html"][/url] [url="http://www.ephotobay.com/share/ebs-b.html"][/url]
  18. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1356862125' post='1914310'] Awesome Christmas money spending speed sale type thing! [/quote] Yup. Everyones a winner !
  19. SOLD PENDING PAYMENT Now finally for sale again, as I have settled on keeping my CIJ Fender Jazz as my number one bass. Anyway, this Indonesian-made Lakland Skyline 44-01 is in lovely condition. No dings, buckle rash or dents. Just some of that very fine scratching (from clothing and plectrums etc) on the poly surface if you look carefully in the right light and at the right angle. Plays an absolute treat. lovely med-low action. A lovely straight, stable neck. Personally I love the Bart pickups and pre-amp (bass, mids and treble) on this bass. THe neck pickup is very special in particular, and soloed is everything I would want a P bass to sound like. I will sling on a brand new set of 100-40 roundwound nickels also. Comes with well used but very protective hard shell case. Will courier to your door within mainland UK for £369. A lot of bass for not a lot of dosh ! [url="http://www.ephotobay.com/share/44-01-body.html"][/url] [url="http://www.ephotobay.com/share/44-01-full.html"][/url] [url="http://www.ephotobay.com/share/44-01-rear.html"][/url] [url="http://www.ephotobay.com/share/44-01-head.html"][/url] [url="http://www.ephotobay.com/share/lak-in-case-a.html"][/url]
  20. SOLD 2 month old Ashdown Lomenzo Hyperdrive pedal. I love these pedals. Only for sale as I have two. Thought I could use both but only really need one. Works absolutely perfect. One small scratch round the back near the input socket (see pic). Obviously comes with original box & paperwork etc. £55 posted within the UK. [url="http://www.ephotobay.com/share/ash-pedal-a.html"][/url] [url="http://www.ephotobay.com/share/ash-pedal-b.html"][/url]
  21. [sup]Also able to post to the EU for £75 all in.[/sup] [sup]I will be away for a few days and may not be able to access the web. I will answer any PMs on my return if unable to whilst away.[/sup]
  22. THanks Markus. I have a had a couple of recent nibbles about this bass, but it's still available, and really is as MINT as it is described. Also, I will be away for a few days and may have problems getting online access. I will answer any PMs as soon as I return if unable to whilst away.
  23. To the OP - a key point is whether you are looking for a totally clean amp, or one that gives you some OD options. Also "warm" is one of those words that, like "growl" and "punch" can mean different things to different people. But anyway, I'd say the Streamliner is one of the "warmest" amps out there. However, it IS mid-scooped, and it does have this enormously pillowy huge bottom end. It is nigh on impossible to completely remove this quality. If you like it then great. If not, then it is not the right amp for you. I battled with it for months. Loving a lot about it but being simply unable to remove this incredible bottom end, that was just too much for me. Also I wanted more mids (you can boost mids in one area, but then it will leave a hole in another). ABM's are definitely "warm" amps to many. Woolly to others (I'm in the 2nd camp, I'm afraid). Markbass LM II/III are often described as warm by many, and I can see where they are coming from. Won't find much "sparkle" with an LM though. A totally clean amp also. Another totally clean amp that can be very warm, but also has modern and sparkly sounds available also is the Ashdown Spyder 550. Personally, I love this one. Don't believe the online official Ashdown demo vid though. The later versions of this amp do NOT overdrive, whatever you do ! The Ampeg pf's and pro7 can also do there own version of "warm". For me, they lack some "clarity" to their sound. But these are all such personal descriptive terms, and we are all looking for different things. Good luck with your search. A lot of us know what it's like to be utterly obsessed with finding the right amp !
  24. PLEase, please somebody youtube it ! Well done Lozz.
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